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主要看你想怎么玩?想到处看看,点到为止建议跟团;如想relax,家有老人,小孩,我会建议7天呆在San Francisco, San Jose, Monterey深度游,非常漂亮,休闲的假期。

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 10天Vegas -〉LA -〉San Francisco跟团+自驾 行程分享
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Western US Fall’2011 Trip Plan (total ~$4800 for 4 persons not including shopping for 4 persons)
    Day 1: Monday Sep 26, YYZ  LAS 20:40 AC593 Terminal 1~22:15 Terminal 2 4Hr35min $246.42/per person x4=$985.68 Air Canada: 1-888-247-2262
    Hotel: Platinum Hotel 2 nights $283.3 (2 Queen beds suite with pull out queen size sofa, family size kitchen & Jacuzzi bath, Non-smoking whole build, good for family with kids), 211 E Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89169 (address a little bit far from strip, but convenient by Vegas transit system $7 for 24 hours per person, kids 7 years old below free or recommend by rental car as all hotels have free parking)

    Day 2: Tuesday Sep 27 Las Vegas自由行 走路 Fremont Street, down town Las Vegas, M&M (free 3D movies at 10:20am till 12am, store open at 9am) Coca Cola Store (open at 10am) next to MGM.

    Day 3: Wednesday Sep 28 Join the tourist group booked online through Trippleasant, then pass us to whole sales tourist company called 海鸥假期 四人房 $242x4=$916团费 + $6x4x6=$$144 小费
    第一天 :家园-拉斯维加斯
    行程描述:抵达拉斯维加斯后,请于下午3PM前往Tropicana hotel 导游回合。可自费参加Vegas夜游,6:15pm酒店集合。我们没去,$不详,听说是去看Ballegio的音乐喷泉,Mirage的火山喷发,Treasure Island的海盗船表演和Downtown Fremont Street的天幕。
    入住酒店:Stratosphere Casino & Hotel,酒店住客上高塔俯看Vegas全景免费。$15value.

    Day 4: Thursday Sep 29第二天 :胡佛水坝-南大峡谷国家公园 或西大峡谷-拉斯维加斯5:00am出发~5pm回酒店
    行程描述:选择南峡 (来回车程~10小时,1~2个小时看风景):清晨,驱车前往美洲最高的胡佛水坝,眺望-密德湖,随后前往世界七大奇景之一的大峡谷国家公园。大峡谷景色壮观,纵横千里,深不可测,是世界上最为生动的侵蚀范本,是地质学家和古生物学家的教科书。当日在大峡谷逗留约3小时左右。傍晚时分回到拉斯维加斯
    选择西峡 $69:上午驱车前往美洲最高的胡佛水坝,参观密德湖。随后前往西大峡谷。团友可于大峡谷边缘享受由印弟安人泡制的风味午餐。您更可自费参观位于大峡谷西缘的一大新建筑物“玻璃桥” $32。它悬空于海拔 4000尺之上。这座耗资六千万美元打造而成的玻璃桥能同时承受71台747波音客机(约七千一百万磅)的重量。玻璃桥是全世界最高的建筑物。在桥上,你可以欣赏到720°度的大峡谷景观。你还可以从这块用玻璃制成的平台上,俯瞰大峡谷壮丽的景色及感受大自然的神奇伟大。桥下美景尽收眼帘,使人心情激动、叹为观止。您更可以自费乘坐直升机 $187及观光船观赏大峡谷的美景。傍晚时分回到拉斯维加斯

    Day 5: Friday Sep 30第三天 :巧克力工厂-仙人掌庭院-洛杉矶8:15am出发~6:00pm回酒店,参加夜游LA的11pm回酒店
    行程描述:上午参观位于拉斯维加斯的巧克力工厂和仙人掌庭院,您可以了解它的由来及制造过程,体验一下沉醉在那香浓甜美滋味。之后自助餐$11/人,离开拉斯维加斯前往洛杉矶,中途停留名牌工厂直销购物中心(1:00pm~2:30pm shopping),任您采购各种名牌商品,傍晚时~5:30pm分抵达洛杉矶回酒店。
    可自费参加Vegas夜游,$25每人,到LA唐人街吃晚餐并照相,6:30出发到LA 音乐中心,然后到山顶天文台俯看LA夜景,途经BeaverlyHill到名店街留影,最后到Staples Center, 11点回酒店。入住酒店:酒店HolidayInn

    Day 6: Saturday Oct 1第四天 :洛杉矶-丹麦村-赫氏古堡-旧金山7:15am出发~8:30pm回酒店
    行程描述:清晨搭乘豪华大型巴士自洛城出发,中午时分到达丹麦城。游客可在这充满北欧风格的小镇上品尝一杯香醇的欧洲咖啡,再吃一块闻名于世的丹麦糕饼。离开小城后,抵达美国报业钜子斥资千万美元所修建的西班牙是建筑赫氏古堡Hearst Castle参观,赫氏古堡内珍藏着价值连城的古董和艺术品,古堡内富丽堂皇的大厅令您叹为观止。傍晚时分抵达旧金山吃海鲜自助餐$13/人。
    入住酒店:Crowne Plaza 或同级, 我们好运气住了Sheraton San Jose 的Suite套房。

    Day 7: Sunday Oct 2第五天 :旧金山市区观光6:30am出发到唐人街饮早茶~8:30pm回酒店
    行程描述:早餐后游览旧金山。 “雾锁金门”是“小雾都”的特有景观。金门大桥飞跨金门湾,连接三藩市北边的马林郡与红木森林;坐游船($29/人,5岁以下小孩不要钱)环游魔鬼岛、天使岛、金银岛擦身而过。市区内景点包括伦巴街独特的九曲十八弯 Lombard Street to Russian Hill。、联合广场、财经中心渔人码头、金门公园、市政中心、市场大道、中国城、艺术宫、傍晚时分离开旧金山.下午的景点属于深度游,$25/人。晚饭在唐人Mall(428 Barber Ln, Milpitas, CA 95035, 中国超市,各种地方风味食店集中,推荐!),自己找食。
    入住酒店:Days Inn 或同级,继续住了Sheraton San Jose 的Suite套房。

    Day 8: Monday Oct 3rd San Francisco Rent Car($144 2 days rental Hyundai SUV Santafee at SFO airport)自由行 to Monterey
    San Francisco -> San Cruz -> Monterey -> Carmel -> Big Sur Coastline (163miles, 4hr9min)
    Hotel: Best Western Plus De Anza Inn, Monterey: 2141 North Fremont Street, Monterey, CA 93940 $121.69 免费早餐,不错
    我们没有参加这天的行程,离团自己留在旧金山玩。第六天 :优胜美地国家公园-洛杉矶4:55am出发~7:30pm回LA酒店及机场 (一天大部分时间在车上,带老人小孩的建议离团)
    Day 9: Tuesday Oct 4th San Francisco rent car自由行 to Silicon Valley
    Visit Company headquarters in Silicon Valley
    Hotel: Country Inn & Suites By Carlson, Sunnyvale: 1300 Chesapeake Ter, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 $155.16 以商务客为主,有免费Shuttle Bus到方圆5Miles内的各大公司,丰富的免费早餐选择,推荐!
    Day 10: Wednesday Oct 5th San Francisco to Toronto AC756 13:15 Terminal 1 ~ 21:05 Terminal 1 $210.5 x 4 = $842

    自驾游路线-Day 8:
    San Francisco -> San Cruz -> Monterey -> Carmel -> Big Sur Coastline (163miles, 4hr9min) Very …… very beautiful, must see places, will go back….
    A. Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco
    B. (77.2 miles 1hr50min) Natural Bridges State Beach, San Cruz (2531 W Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz, CA 95060-6257) 推荐!
    C. (2.2 miles 6min) Steamer Lane Santa Cruz (Lighthouse Field State Beach) – Surfing
    D. (1.1 miles 3min) Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk (Beach Street, Santa Cruz, CA, USA) & Santa Cruz Wharf
    E. (42.9 miles 55min) Fisherman's Wharf, Monterey
    F. (1.6 miles 4min) Monterey Bay Aquarium, 886 Cannery Row, Monterey, CA 93940
    G. (1.9 miles 7min) 17 Mile Drive (Must see, $9.5 per car) 强烈推荐!
    H. (5.9 miles 17min) Pebble Beach – resort, golf courses, trails, marine life强烈推荐!
    I. (2.4 miles 9 min) Carmel-by-the-Sea (Must see, free) 强烈推荐!
    J. (28.1 miles 42min) Big Sur Coastline (optional) ~42mins drive 28.1mils from Carmel (时间不够,没去,但听说也很漂亮)

    自驾游路线-Day 9:
    Companies in Silicon Valley:
    A: Circle of Palms Plaza, San Jose, CA
    B: Cisco: 170 West Tasman Dr.San Jose, CA 95134 USA
    C: Intel: 2200 Mission College Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95054-1549
    D: Nvidia: 2701 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95050
    E: AMD: 1 Amd Pl, Sunnyvale, California 94085, United States
    F: Yahoo: 701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089
    G: Apple: 1 Infinite loop, Cupertino, CA 95014
    H: HP: 3000 Hanover Street, Palo Alto, CA, 94304-1185
    I: Facebook: 1601 S California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
    J: Google: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043
    K: Oracle: 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065
    L: Youtube: 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066
    M: San Francisco Airport: San Francisco, California, United States (San Francisco International Airport)

    China grocery mall at 428 Barber Ln,Milpitas, CA 95035, right next to one of Cisco campus各种不同的中国食品及餐馆选择,超市里的中国酒和烟都很便宜值得推荐。

    San Francisco highlights: It is also easy to spend weeks in San Francisco and still not experience everything the city has to offer. Here is a suggested list of the top 10 things not to miss in San Francisco, according to the San Francisco Travel Association:

    1. The Golden Gate Bridge, the most famous bridge in the world, manages to impress even the most experienced travelers with its stunning 1.7-mile span. Approximately 120,000 automobiles drive across it every day. A pedestrian walkway also allows the crossing on foot, and bikes are allowed on the western side. The Golden Gate Bridge is said to be one of the most photographed things on Earth. (best overlooking spot, Marin Headlands )

    2. Cable cars have been transporting people around San Francisco since the late 19th century. The cars run on tracks and are moved by an underground cable on three routes. Their familiar bells can be heard ringing from blocks away. Tickets ($5) may be purchased at the cable car turnarounds at the ends of each route. Each one-way ride will provide spectacular views of the city’s celebrated hills as well as exhilarating transportation. (www.sfcablecar.com)

    3. Alcatraz, the notorious former prison, is located on an island of the same name in the middle of San Francisco Bay. Some of the United States’ most notorious criminals were incarcerated there. Though several tried, no inmate ever made a successful escape from “The Rock.” The prison was closed in the 1960’s and stories about Alcatraz are legendary. A visit to Alcatraz today is fascinating. Recorded cell-house tours are available, allowing visitors to learn about the prison as they explore the buildings and grounds. To reach the island, take an Alcatraz Cruises ferry from Pier 43. Advance reservations are recommended, 415-981-ROCK (7625). (www.alcatrazcruises.com)

    4. Fisherman’s Wharf is also home to Pier 39, a festive waterfront marketplace that is one of the city’s most popular attractions. A community of California sea lions has taken up residence on the floats to the west of the pier and visitors line the nearby railing to watch their antics. From there it’s a short walk to the Wax Museum, Ripley’s Believe It or Not! and the famous crab vendors selling walk-away crab and shrimp cocktails.

    5. Union Square is the place for serious shoppers. Major department stores and the most exclusive designer boutiques line streets like Post, Sutter, Geary, Grant, Stockton and Powell. The Westfield San Francisco Shopping Centre houses the largest Bloomingdale's outside of New York and the second largest Nordstrom in the U.S.

    6. North Beach, the city’s Italian quarter, isn’t a beach at all. It’s a neighborhood of romantic European-style sidewalk cafes, restaurants and shops centered near Washington Square along Columbus and Grant avenues. The beautiful Church of Saints Peter and Paul is a beloved landmark. Coit Tower atop Telegraph Hill offers a splendid vantage point for photos of the bridges and the Bay. Inside the tower, floor-to-ceiling murals painted in the 1930s depict scenes of early San Francisco. (www.coittower.org).

    7. The entrance to Chinatown at Grant Avenue and Bush Street is called the "Dragon's Gate." Inside are 24 blocks of hustle and bustle, most of it taking place along Grant Avenue, the oldest street in San Francisco. This city within a city is best explored on foot; exotic shops, renowned restaurants, food markets, temples and small museums comprise its boundaries. Visitors can buy ancient potions from herb shops, relax and enjoy a "dim sum" lunch or witness the making of fortune cookies.

    8. Dining in San Francisco is an attraction in itself. Known as America’s best restaurant city, San Francisco chefs excel at combining the freshest local ingredients, authentic international flavors and a touch of creative genius. Choose your cuisine – Chinese, Japanese, French, Italian, Spanish, Moroccan, Indian, Malaysian, Mexican, Greek, Russian or “fusion,” a combination of any or all of these influences. Visit TasteSF at www.sanfrancisco.travel/taste for a list of San Francisco's hottest restaurants, a calendar listing of food-related news and events, the history of San Francisco's many food firsts, chef profiles, and Foodie 411, a weekly insider's blog by Marcia "the tablehopper" Gagliardi.

    9. Nightlife in San Francisco is a constantly changing scene. The “hottest” clubs currently are in the South of Market and Mission districts, with live and recorded rock and Latin music. Jazz, blues, swing and “oldies” music can be found all over town. For a complete list of nightlife options, visit www.sanfrancisco.travel.

    10. A visit to San Francisco would not be complete without a cultural experience. The city is home to internationally recognized symphony, opera and ballet companies. Playwrights such as Sam Shepherd and Tom Stoppard introduce their works in San Francisco and avant-garde theatre and dance companies dot the city. The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Asian Art Museum, the de Young Museum, the Palace of the Legion of Honor and other museums and galleries are devoted to the finest of classical and contemporary arts. For a complete museum guide, visit www.sanfrancisco.travel. For general information on hotel packages and reservations; events; activities and transportation in San Francisco, visit www.sanfrancisco.travel. For lodging reservations, call 800-637-5196 within North America or 415-391-2000 or 415-392-0328 (TTY/TTD) elsewhere.

    The San Francisco Visitors Planning Guide is available at the Visitor Information Center, 900 Market St., at the corner of Powell and Market streets, lower level, Hallidie Plaza.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 要是有照片就好了
      • 照片还在处理中,先看看一小部分整理出来的精华吧。照片链接里的图片会陆续有上新的。要上班,下班还要带两娃,实在是没有精力再整理照片了。
    • 也在计划此行,但Christmas假期不可能都在玩。如果7天时间,是不是应该去掉Vegas?
    • 谢谢分享,不过我不是太清楚在las vegas住了几晚?你是全程跟团旅游吗?
      • 每一天的行程都很详细地交待了,你自己看仔细些吧.
    • 选择留在旧金山而不去Camel一线旅游是个错误的决定,Camel那一带环太平洋的海滩比旧金山的湾区漂亮多了
      • 完全同意,Monterey 和 Carmel 的HWY 1 线路才更美,同时有很多Golf场,沙滩,是一家大小一起能玩的好去处。
        • 以后有时间,我会去Camel那一带住上一段时间的,每天对着太平洋的落日喝酒听音乐,其乐无穷。。