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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!
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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

Required Documentation

Each applicant for a visitor visa must submit these forms and documentation as explained below:

Online Nonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application, Form DS-160. Visit our DS-160 webpage to learn more about the DS-160 online process.
A passport valid for travel to the United States and with a validity date at least six months beyond the applicant's intended period of stay in the United States (unless country-specific agreements provide exemptions). If more than one person is included in the passport, each person desiring a visa must make an application;
One (1) 2x2 photograph. See the required photo format explained in Photograph Requirements.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 护照签证 / 我父母是移民,过两天要去面试美国签证.请问大家面试时他们需要提供什么材料?他们在这儿没工作也没收入.一般签证官会问什么问题?
    • 上次我老公陪他爸妈去,问的都是我老公的情况,例如工作情况,没问他爸妈的。把你自己的工资单或者雇主信带上?还有就是他要求一定要带的那些就够了。
      • 请问你父母申请的时候是每人都要在线填一份 D160 表吗?
        • 是的,每人一份
          • 两岁的小孩子也要填一份?
      • 工资单雇主信这些都不需要,只要带他们要求的那些就够了,我当时也带了雇主信什么的,结果在门口负责整理材料的人还没到签证官呢,就给剔除出来了,只留下基本的。
        • 他们都要求什么材料
          • 同问?
      • 请问那些文件是: "一定要带的那些就够了"? xiexie
        • Required Documentation
          Each applicant for a visitor visa must submit these forms and documentation as explained below:

          Online Nonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application, Form DS-160. Visit our DS-160 webpage to learn more about the DS-160 online process.
          A passport valid for travel to the United States and with a validity date at least six months beyond the applicant's intended period of stay in the United States (unless country-specific agreements provide exemptions). If more than one person is included in the passport, each person desiring a visa must make an application;
          One (1) 2x2 photograph. See the required photo format explained in Photograph Requirements.
          • 看来只需要护照和照片?
    • 现在美签面试是多久前约的?
      • 一周以前约的,很好约
        • 请问除了D160 表还有其他东西要准备的吗? 美签面试是打电话约还是网上约, 能否高速告诉一下是什么网站, 谢谢
          • 打电话约, 网上约都可以的。需要先网上填好DS-160(每人一份),用它的confirmation number 才可以预约。现在都到了6月中旬了。网站如链接。
            • xiexie
            • 请问照片自己可以派吗?谢谢
              • 可以自己拍。但是要求挺高的, 我觉得没时间去折腾,就去Black。 不是所有的照签证照片的地方都提供digital copy 的, 要问清楚了。Costco 就不提供。
                • 美签的照片一定要在网上上传么?能不能在约好的那天带着照片到使馆?
                  • I tried to submit DS160 without the picture, but it gave me "ERROR" message. So I had to upload the picture first.
              • 找个浅色背景的照片,上传到这个网站就可以了。照片要求不是很高,我家的·就是自己照的。