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别发了,我只发了一个邮件就被臭骂了,回信附在下面了. ,惹不起啊. 我父母等了七周,才拿到.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Tony:

Please be advised that this application is in queue for review. It is impossible for us to set an exact time when results will be available.

To allow us to process all cases in a timely manner, could you please keep your status requests to a minimum.

Please note that all applications are considered on their own merits - if further documentation or information are required, processing times may take longer - and even several weeks - depending on the circumstances.

To ensure the privacy and security of applicant’s personal information please do not request your file number. Our office will communicate with you by mail or using the email address you provided on your application form. We do not provide express service. We will not reply to emails asking for faster service.

Yours sincerely,
Visa and Immigration Section

Canadian Embassy, Beijing
19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District
Beijing, 100600, People's Republic of China

Web site: www.beijing.gc.ca
Email : beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca

Consent & Disclaimer: By supplying your email address (in your enquiry or previously in your application), you are initiating an email communication with CIC, and CIC is thereby authorized to use the email address provided by you for communication with you including the transmission of personal information on your file/case. When you supply your email address to CIC, it is also understood that you are aware that this channel may not be a secure channel. CIC is not liable for the disclosure of personal information to a third party where CIC has taken reasonable means to ensure the identity of the party. CIC is also not liable for the misuse of this information by a third party.

From: TONY [mailto:tonyXXX@yahoo.com]
Sent: April 14, 2011 11:03 AM
Subject: Would please inform me the status of the TRV application?

Dear Visa Officer,

My parents submitted the application for TRV on March 14th, and my father did the medical examination on the March 15th at a designated Medical Practitioners as per your request. May I ask you to take a moment to find out what is the status of their application? Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.

My father's name:XXX; DOB:XXXX ; Passport number: XX
My mother's name:XXX; DOB: XXX; Passport number: XX
Thank you so much,

You have a wonderful day

Tony更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 护照签证 / 最近邮寄北京使馆的父母探亲签证,大概多长时间收到结果?
    • 同问。
    • 同问!
    • 40 days
      • 请问北京加拿大大使馆是以平信的方式还是特快专递给邮结果? 谢谢!
        • DHL or EMS
      • thx
    • 我都六十几天了 还没下来
      • 这么长时间?太熬人了。
        • 被体检了, 但体检至今也三十几天了, 我怀疑会不会寄丢了,发了邮件去问 也没有人理。郁闷 不知道还能做什么。
          • My parents had their medical exam on the 8th and are still waiting for the response. It takes 3-5 weeks on the notice. May you get the visa asap.
          • 可以选择EMS寄或者去签证中心自取护照或其他材料
    • 我的12天就退回来了,说那个申请表没激活。
      • 是啊,体检完了还没信呢!我朋友比我晚递一周多探亲的,签证5天下来因为不用体检。郁闷。晚上查状态,还是老样子。
    • 如果被体检,使馆是如何通知的?签证中心的网上状态有显示吗?
      • 同问!
        • 递交后第5个工作日,使馆EMS快递通知寄体检表。签证中心的网上状态看的模棱两可的。郁闷。
          • 是不是体检就说明一定会签了
    • My parents have been waitting for over 3 weeks, after physical check in Shanghai...
      • My parents had physical at Mar. 19 in Guangzhou ( but the application is in Shanghai), till now we are still waiting for result.
    • 我父母是1月31日邮寄材料到北京使馆申请来加拿大探亲, 3月14日收到体检表,3月16日体检,今天4月15日,还没受到任何消息。
      • Mar 12 medical check, no imformation till now.
      • Mar 15 medical check, got visas on Apr 30
    • 请最近收到父母探亲签证的通报以下, 体检后多少天可收到签证。谢谢!
    • 我们刚收到,32天
      • 终于上周四收到了,从递交签证中心3月10日到体检到签证下来4月14日差不多4周。 体检通知说等候3到5周。
    • 楼下几位被体检的收到VISA了吗?
      • 哦,应该是楼上。
      • Not yet. Prepare to write a letter to ask.
      • Wrote a letter to ask and got the response
        This application has been finalised and that we will send you mail by EMS , you will receive it in the coming week. Please be patient and wait for the mail to arrive, this may take 7-10 days.
        • 体检多久了?
          • 41days. Mar 16 medical check
            • 我父母MAR 11 体检现在还没消息,昨天发EMAIL也没回,如果继续发会惹烦他们吗?
              • I sent the letter in the morning and got response in the afternoon. Did you write the passport# and file #?
                • I wrote name, birthday and passport # , I don't know the file #.
                  • The file # is 10 digitals starting V and following by 9 numbers which is shown on the medical check letter. But I don't think it is the reason for not receiving the response letter.
                    • 请问什么情况会被要求体检?年龄?
                      • Almost 100% if over 70.
                    • 有人说用FILE NO 能查到状态?
                      • 从签证中心递交,签证中心的网上状态有显示。邮寄材料到北京使馆申请签证不能查,几年前可以。
              • 别发了,我只发了一个邮件就被臭骂了,回信附在下面了. ,惹不起啊. 我父母等了七周,才拿到.
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Tony:

                Please be advised that this application is in queue for review. It is impossible for us to set an exact time when results will be available.

                To allow us to process all cases in a timely manner, could you please keep your status requests to a minimum.

                Please note that all applications are considered on their own merits - if further documentation or information are required, processing times may take longer - and even several weeks - depending on the circumstances.

                To ensure the privacy and security of applicant’s personal information please do not request your file number. Our office will communicate with you by mail or using the email address you provided on your application form. We do not provide express service. We will not reply to emails asking for faster service.

                Yours sincerely,
                Visa and Immigration Section

                Canadian Embassy, Beijing
                19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District
                Beijing, 100600, People's Republic of China

                Web site: www.beijing.gc.ca
                Email : beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca

                Consent & Disclaimer: By supplying your email address (in your enquiry or previously in your application), you are initiating an email communication with CIC, and CIC is thereby authorized to use the email address provided by you for communication with you including the transmission of personal information on your file/case. When you supply your email address to CIC, it is also understood that you are aware that this channel may not be a secure channel. CIC is not liable for the disclosure of personal information to a third party where CIC has taken reasonable means to ensure the identity of the party. CIC is also not liable for the misuse of this information by a third party.

                From: TONY [mailto:tonyXXX@yahoo.com]
                Sent: April 14, 2011 11:03 AM
                To: BEJING (IMMIGRATION)
                Subject: Would please inform me the status of the TRV application?

                Dear Visa Officer,

                My parents submitted the application for TRV on March 14th, and my father did the medical examination on the March 15th at a designated Medical Practitioners as per your request. May I ask you to take a moment to find out what is the status of their application? Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.

                My father's name:XXX; DOB:XXXX ; Passport number: XX
                My mother's name:XXX; DOB: XXX; Passport number: XX
                Thank you so much,

                You have a wonderful day

                Tony更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • May I ask the email address for sending the letter? Is this the one: beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca thanks
          • yes.
          • 你们多久了?
            • 3月16日体检
      • 一般体检没问题就发签证。体检完可以体检诊所联系,他们会告诉你结果,是不是要复查。父母3月10日递交,3月17日体检,4月14日收到签证和其他证件。有朋友递上海的,好像办理快点。
      • Finally. received visa by Apr. 28
        • Congrates! Thanks for sharing :-)
        • CONGRATULATIONS!!现在申请的人可能多。
    • 我三个多月了 还没有下来
      • Mar.11 medical check, Apr. 27 receive visa.
        • Congratulations! My parents have also booked US visa interveiw on May 25 so that they can travel to US while they visit us in Canada
          • 我父母买了5月10日的机票,从福州--香港--多伦多,不知道有没有当天乘国泰航空CX828结伴来?
            • 我父母买了6月6日的机票,从北京--多伦多,海南航空的。
              • Do you mind to tell how much is the ticket?
                • 7751RMB/per person for round-trip
                  • PM您了,谢谢!
            • 我父母也从福州〉香港〉多伦多过来,4月初体检的,现在还在等签证。不然就可以结伴
          • 我父母拿到美国签证了。马上订邮轮的船票。
            • 请问可不可以分享一下美签的详情啊?比如要准备什么材料,问了什么问题等。。我们也准备等到加签后去签美签,谢谢!
              • 材料是按使馆网站上准备的。进门到出门花两小时。签证官只用了一分钟就给打发了。带去的补充材料看都没看。可能他们已经看过DS-160表的信息。没有疑问就过了 , 有疑问再看补充材料。
                • 也参考了使馆网站,邀请方材料基本上是要求提供在美国居住人的材料,那么像我们这种邀请方在加拿大,也没有任何美国身份的,就不需要提供什么了吧?被邀请方能提供的就是一堆公证,带上申请加签时准备的就行了吧?
                  • DS-160, 申请材料加拿大签证的材料, 最好带上去美国旅游的广告信息。 如果被问到,可以有所准备。感觉上老人都给签。繁荣美国经济呀!
                • 而且签的是一年内多次往返。
            • 还有请问在美国领事馆面谈后要多久才能拿回护照签证?是邮寄的吗?
              • 一星期左右,邮寄。
    • 5月3日送签证中心,之后被要求体检,5月26日取签