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Harper is far from it.. Maybe in my other list.. voting for the C has nothing to do with Harper


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 放眼世界,偶像有俩。Praise Obama,昨夜以国家利益为重,与共和党达成协议。否则,一旦shutdown, 对GOP的打击一定不小。可惜,可叹,可敬,可佩乎!
    • 老猫真是信徒啊。必然的一件事,却非要放到坛子上顶礼膜拜一番。
      • Jobs + Obama,
        • + Harper ... By the way what's GOP? or just a typo?
          • Harper is far from it.. Maybe in my other list.. voting for the C has nothing to do with Harper
            • I SEE.. but Harper thinks he is better than any of them. He assumes he is the leader of this world not only Canada. If he is in majority Canada will go to Iran.
          • what is 甲醇?or just a typo?
            • 甲醇(分子式:CH3OH)是一种有机化合物,是最簡單的醇類。甲醇很輕、揮發度高、無色、易燃及有毒。通常用作溶劑、防冻剂、燃料或中和劑。甲醇可以在空氣中完全燃燒,並釋出二氧化碳及水:
              • 甲醇,又名假纯,假蠢,通常指那些内心极度猥琐,表面上却装得很清纯的人,或者自称英语很地道,却装作没听说过林肯的男国移。
                • 兵哥刺哥这周末一大早的就又干上了?
                  • 在毛主席的教导下,红卫兵有更强的造反精神。主啊,救救这内心极度猥琐,表面上却装得很清纯的人吧。阿门。
          • .
            • 学习了。
    • 奥巴对自己被人像狗一样谈论一直愤愤不平。老猫你这是把奥巴当狗崇拜呢?