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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I only know the breastfeeding part of knowledge. THere you are from my practical experience:


It is possible to feed twins at the same time with mother's milk. You are going to surprise how a mother can do. From what you said, the mother's milk was coming, and it will be enough for both of twins in the first four months. If you are worried about amount of food intake, go and check reguarly with your family doctor or lactation consultant for body weight change, and you also can monitor their voiding and stool patterns.

I strongly suggest you to breastfeeding babies directly from the breasts. It is going to save tons of time, energy, and money. Now, because of your twins are inmature, they may have difficulties on sucking right now, since their sucking reflex is not well developed yet , but they will learn it well when they are getting older.

Thinking about this way: you have to feed the babies every 2-3 hours. you need to pump at least 20 mins every time, and have to feed them at least 40 mins (depends, including preparing). then you have to wash the bottles and to be ready for next time. It is time-consuming,and less sanitary. If the babies love bottles, there is no way for them go back to the breasts, which means your wife will be home for most of her time within a half year, since it is impossible to bring pump and everything to go outside. But with direct breastfeeding, both of you will have more freedom.

another nice thing is: according to the literature, if you feed one baby on one side and another another side for a period of time. The components of produced milk will be different between the breasts since, the different sucking patterns stimulate special hormones production, and the necessary nutrients in milk is going to be justified accroding to baby's needs.

Therefore, I suggest you breastfeeding from breast instead of using pump.

If you have to use the pump, ask your family doctor or lactation consultant how to rent a pump, I know in my city, you can rent a pump in the hosptal gift store in a very low price.

hope it helps.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 求助!看在我的双胞胎儿子的分上,不要删我的帖子
    希望能找到人帮忙,尤其是有父母来探亲,闲来无事的。我住的条件还可以,公寓有空调,Steels+Mccowan , 月子里我会在家照顾老婆,但怕经验、精力不够。有意者请回邮件
    • 好可怜,帮你顶一下
      • 为找保姆的事儿顶一下。
    • 恭喜恭喜,凡事往好处想,不用太紧张
    • check your email.
    • 双胞胎,不错!少遭一回罪。^_^
    • 一定是龙凤胎..................恭喜!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • 能否请问您的父母拒签的原因是什么?
    • hehe..... if you really want experience, I can give you....
    • 给申请父母探亲的提个醒:
      • "我的一个朋友,也是父母过来生孩子".哈哈哈哈,笑S啦!!! :))
        • 父母过来照顾生孩子啦,一走神写错了嘛。您老悠着点笑哦,别闪了腰。:p
          • "父母过来照顾生孩子"和"父母过来生孩子". 这可是天大的差别呀.
            • 我错了还不行吗,老大!反正都是生孩子,谁生还不都一样,呵呵。
              • 当然有很大的不同,谁生都一样?怎么能这么含含糊糊呢
              • 看,不用我说了吧. :P
      • hahahahahaha
    • 哇!双胞胎!真的是要恭喜恭喜!
    • when is the due date? My mom may help.
      • 是大陆北方人氏吗?朋友正在找月子保姆,为期俩月,照顾新生婴儿及母亲。请致电(647)886-6890、联系张先生。
    • 谢谢大家的关心
      ,我老婆今天JUL6 2:00AM 生了2个男孩,刚生出来的时候,我抱了一下他们,他们太小了!34周早产,分别是5.5/4.6斤,现在还在特护病房,我是跑回来给老婆做炖汤才给大家发这个帖子(正在火上熬着哪)。 我受到了不少人的邮件,有介绍的也有问候的,感到这里的网友真实不错!先谢谢大家了!Baby要一周后才能回家,我现在很忙,抱歉要稍后跟大家联系。

      另,向天下伟大的妈妈们致礼!!!!!!!!!!! 当然,爸爸们也不容易!
      • 恭喜,恭喜。这么好的天,你一下儿有了两个儿子,非乐晕了不可。
      • 恭喜,恭喜,这下可够你忙得啦。:)
      • 恭喜恭喜。 两个,得忙成什么样啊。
      • 为你高兴为你愁
      • 呵呵,高兴,恭喜,不容易.
      • 恭喜,恭喜.
      • 恭喜。真好,真省事。
      • 恭喜恭喜,真开心啊。
      • 恭喜恭喜!^_^
      • 啊,羡慕死我了.双胞胎!恭喜恭喜
      • 我向那两个孩子的爸爸致敬礼。
        • 更应该向妈妈致礼吧。
    • 我住在SHEPPARD&BIRCHMOND,若你需要月子保姆,代看孩子请与我联系:416-299-9915,小林
      • 请问是大陆北方人氏吗?朋友正在找月子保姆,为期俩月,照顾新生婴儿及母亲。请致电(647)886-6890、联系张先生。
    • 刚从医院回来,上来喘口气,有关我儿子的事情,给大家汇报一下
      我老婆是4号晚上发现迹象,肚子不痛,但发紧(宫缩),我们很忧郁是否要去医院,给OB打了个电话,他也说不清,只是含糊的讲,“要不你们到医院去观察一下”, 反正有车,就跑一趟吧。到了医院,一检查,发现已经开到4了(MAX是10),医生讲随时有可能生!因为参加了脐带血计划,需要回家拿KIT,医生还很紧张的说,我不一定赶的上孩子出生,实际上,40分钟后我飞车回来,老婆睡的正香。
      5好早晨,医生告诉我们,因为孩子是早产,North York没有早产婴儿的床位了,所以,要转院,哪一个,正在联系,实在不行,要转到美国去,搞的我一阵紧张!9:00联系到了Scarborough General,老婆乘救护车过去,我也随后驾车赶过去。Scarborough General总体条件感觉比North York差,有很多的印度人、华人,但医护设施并不差,另外一个好处就是可以找到讲华语或广东化的护士。
      • 出来几个?不是双胞胎吗?
      • "Scarborough General总体条件感觉比North York差,有很多的印度人、华人"--WTF do you mean?
        • 他刚从医院回来,肯定累的不行,你就别鸡蛋里挑骨头了
          • 那就给你个面子, 不批评了
            • 主席什么时候在回多伦多让我们瞻仰一下啊
              • quick la quick la
        • 瘦猪总是在这里明察秋毫的,你还是先抓主要矛盾,祝福他们的孩子吧。
          • 有道理, ...您今天早上说的事, 明年您的FILING本主席包办..记得呀
            • 先谢谢瘦猪,但不知道什么是filing?别笑话我。
              • Your concern is connected to your personal tax planning, I will do your T1 filing next year...
                • 谢谢。
      • 好啊好啊,到底是不是双胞胎呀?男孩女孩?
    • 情况通报(续)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛不好意思,上一个太匆忙,忙了交代,两个小子相差1分钟。体重分别是5磅、5磅7盎司,大夫讲体重还可以,但因为早产6周,呼吸有些困难,要给一些氧气,老大比较好,第3天就不需要氧气了,老小一直吸氧一周,其中还一度带氧气面罩、插鼻管,赚够了我的担心,以前也时常为这个哪个担心,到现在才知道,啥是真正的担心!老婆在休息,又不能让她知道,个中滋味,实在难以描述。
      在 Scarborough General生孩子的,park车可以买8块钱的当天票,如果有像我们这样情况的,可以买2周票,才32块,很合算。想当初,我在North York一天就花了20块停车费。

      要申请牛奶金,我们在2001年9月回国探亲,发现怀孕后,今年4月才敢搭飞机回来,我需要填Schedule 4以及5吗?
      谢谢大家的关心!也代表我们家宝宝们谢谢大家的厚爱!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 恭喜恭喜! 可惜你的问题, 俺不知道.
        • This is to Lakeside, since I am not sure how to apply you under your name!
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I only know the breastfeeding part of knowledge. THere you are from my practical experience:

          It is possible to feed twins at the same time with mother's milk. You are going to surprise how a mother can do. From what you said, the mother's milk was coming, and it will be enough for both of twins in the first four months. If you are worried about amount of food intake, go and check reguarly with your family doctor or lactation consultant for body weight change, and you also can monitor their voiding and stool patterns.

          I strongly suggest you to breastfeeding babies directly from the breasts. It is going to save tons of time, energy, and money. Now, because of your twins are inmature, they may have difficulties on sucking right now, since their sucking reflex is not well developed yet , but they will learn it well when they are getting older.

          Thinking about this way: you have to feed the babies every 2-3 hours. you need to pump at least 20 mins every time, and have to feed them at least 40 mins (depends, including preparing). then you have to wash the bottles and to be ready for next time. It is time-consuming,and less sanitary. If the babies love bottles, there is no way for them go back to the breasts, which means your wife will be home for most of her time within a half year, since it is impossible to bring pump and everything to go outside. But with direct breastfeeding, both of you will have more freedom.

          another nice thing is: according to the literature, if you feed one baby on one side and another another side for a period of time. The components of produced milk will be different between the breasts since, the different sucking patterns stimulate special hormones production, and the necessary nutrients in milk is going to be justified accroding to baby's needs.

          Therefore, I suggest you breastfeeding from breast instead of using pump.

          If you have to use the pump, ask your family doctor or lactation consultant how to rent a pump, I know in my city, you can rent a pump in the hosptal gift store in a very low price.

          hope it helps.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Not sure about your first question. Q2, my sister used to have an electronic one but she is in China now. I can ask her and find out the brand.
        Q3, not only Schedule 4 &5, but also the whole set of tax return schedules.
      • 恭喜恭喜,注意休息,养双胞胎太可怕的累了,我邻居一对双胞胎,现在4个月,父母都是学生,时间是用分钟作计算单位的。话虽这么说,我也希望自己可以有对双胞胎。
      • post again
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I only know the breastfeeding part of knowledge. THere you are from my practical experience:


        It is possible to feed twins at the same time with mother's milk. You are going to surprise how a mother can do. From what you said, the mother's milk was coming, and it will be enough for both of twins in the first four months. If you are worried about amount of food intake, go and check reguarly with your family doctor or lactation consultant for body weight change, and you also can monitor their voiding and stool patterns.

        I strongly suggest you to breastfeeding babies directly from the breasts. It is going to save tons of time, energy, and money. Now, because of your twins are inmature, they may have difficulties on sucking right now, since their sucking reflex is not well developed yet , but they will learn it well when they are getting older.

        Thinking about this way: you have to feed the babies every 2-3 hours. you need to pump at least 20 mins every time, and have to feed them at least 40 mins (depends, including preparing). then you have to wash the bottles and to be ready for next time. It is time-consuming,and less sanitary. If the babies love bottles, there is no way for them go back to the breasts, which means your wife will be home for most of her time within a half year, since it is impossible to bring pump and everything to go outside. But with direct breastfeeding, both of you will have more freedom.

        another nice thing is: according to the literature, if you feed one baby on one side and another another side for a period of time. The components of produced milk will be different between the breasts since, the different sucking patterns stimulate special hormones production, and the necessary nutrients in milk is going to be justified accroding to baby's needs.

        Therefore, I suggest you breastfeeding from breast instead of using pump.

        If you have to use the pump, ask your family doctor or lactation consultant how to rent a pump, I know in my city, you can rent a pump in the hosptal gift store in a very low price.

        hope it helps.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • wow, you are really an expert! : )
      • 10g 天山雪莲(如果你太太的白带曾红色, 可再加5g党参)用清水泡30分钟. 连水带天山雪莲倒入汤中(凉水下鸡, 大火, 水开后, 除去血沫) 大火烧开, 加几片姜, 2-3个胡椒, 一根葱, 转为小火炖2-3小时. 最好不要用铁锅.
        • 还可以炖鹌鹑或鱼头.
        • 一个星期10g天山雪莲足以, 不要太多.
      • breastmilk是很好,可是想象不出一次同时喂两个是怎样的情景和怎样的姿势.除非能调节到两个BB的吃饭时间不一齐.
        否则喂一个儿子一边就要10来分钟,第2个儿子在旁边干等,和和,准心痛.我的儿子可是肚子一饿就要刮刮大哭直到含住niple才收声的.当初护士来家访时推荐了一个牌子的PUMP,说是最好的一种. 后来我们是在TOY"R"US看到过有卖的,果然是最贵的,(是不是最好我不敢说,没用过)好象要100来刀.名字我忘了.你真要给个MAIL我,我再帮你查. 我是用在沃马卖的那种电动的,朋友送的,第一个月泵时要家人帮忙挤,第二个月,奶通畅了,就自己行了.有个小窍门,有个放空气的按钮,我是开了POWER后,一按一松的,这样不会一直处于真空状态,没这么疼,还和BB吸奶时一吸一松一样.
      • MEDELA 有个$200 左右的电动的应该不错.我用的是手动的就比较的累点.如果让我在回到原来买的时候,我应该会选个电动的.
      • This are several websites you might feel useful

        BTW, breastfeeding both kids at the same time is possible and it will come naturally. I think the football holding position is easy to practice.