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now the consul writes to me. my mum went to the consulate but there is a long waiting list for appointment

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛and it seems that they have knowledge of this issue though they asked her to reapply .

Anyhow, Good lesson, i belive whenevr we encounter any social injustice , mistreatement in canada, we are deserving of statutory authority to complain ,appeal or at least should ask for explanation. This is a country of democracy and respect.

i am here to give you all the correspondence between me and consulate office since last night .

Hope it would be of some use to any of you in the same situation.

Dear Consul

Thanks for your detailed information provided below.

When I first wrote to you yesterday , I was truly not happy with the decision made on my parent's application. However, your professionalism reflected in anwering my query and concern respecting the matter of application in such an efficient manner assured me that you were delivering and would continue to provide the high-quality consulate service to the public .

I am sorry for my mother's unexpected visa refusal, however, I currently strongly believe that you are observing your due diligence and care when exercising the administrative power granted by the ACT in a Consulate Office oversea. As such, on her new application, I would well guide her on how to supplement any of insufficient personal information in compliance with the ACT as indicated on her refusal letter.

Thank you for all your assistance and time on my query in regards to my mother's visa application and please accept my sincere apology for any inconvenience caused given on your high business volume.

Have a wonderful day.

Your Sincerely

RE: request for the review of visa application file no v100601142‏
From: re-shanghai-im-enquiry@international.gc.ca
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 3:43:57 AM

Dear Sir/Madam,

The refusal letter will provide the applicant with the reason for the Visa Officer's decision, this is the only information on the refusal that will be provided by our office. If the applicant wish to have more specific information please go to the Department of Justice Canada's access to information request procedures: http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/pi/atip-aiprp/use-uti.html. As explained in below email, due to Canadian Privacy Legislation, our office is unable to disclose any personal information of applicant without prescribed authorization found on file.

It is not our department's practice to release the name of the decision-maker given the large volumes of applications we must process each day. If the applicant has concerns that the decision was not procedurally fair, I will follow up these issues personally since client service is very important to our office.

For our office's opening hours to public, kindly consult the following web link for details: http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/china-chine/visas/shanghai/contact-contactez.aspx?lang=eng.

You can also consult the following link as to when Visa offices in China is closed for holidays for this calendar year: http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/china-chine/visas/beijing-pekin/notices-avis.aspx?lang=engour

Thank you for your co-operation.

Yours sincerely,

Mei Wah Cheng
Consul and Immigration Program Manager
Consul et Gestionnaire du programme d'immigration
Consulate General of Canada/ Consulat général du Canada
Suite 604, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, Shanghai, 200040, China


Sent: June 15, 2010 8:46 AM
Subject: RE: request for the review of visa application file no v100601142

Dear Sir,

Thanks for your prompt inquiry, so the onus is on the applicant to satisfy the visa officer that she would be a bona fide temporary visitor. I will instruct the applicant to provide you with more supporting information and documents to satisfay this conditions according to the ACT.

I have another question in regards to the correspondence I received from my parent. Is it normal that the formal business letter from visa section has bore no officer's printed name and looks very informal as opposed to any formal and legitimate correspondence received from the government agency. Is the applicant entitled to the full name disclosure of visa officer in charge of the case. Though i quite understand that once the file is closed, the venue of appeal does not exist.

Is the "anonymity" in this form related to some rights of indemnification specially granted to any diplomatic officer by applicable Act .As a canadian citizen, I am fully aware of any of my personal rights , intestes being fully protected .

Your reply to my further inquiry is highly appreicated .

By the way, what is your office hour for visa application in shanghai Consulate office, is office open Tuesday on June 14th which is a statutory holiday in china.

> Subject: RE: request for the review of visa application file no v100601142
> Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 08:17:38 +0800
> From: re-shanghai-im-enquiry@international.gc.ca
> To:
> Dear Madam / Sir,
> This is in response to your email (see below).
> This office is unable to provide information or details regarding the
> reasons for a refusal other than the information contained in the
> refusal letter to the applicant. Information contained in a temporary
> resident visa application is subject to the Canadian Privacy Act, which
> states that personal information can only be given to a third party with
> the written consent of the applicant and only if that party lives in
> Canada .
> Although an invitor may provide documentation in support of an
> application of a friend, relative, or business contact, the decision of
> the visa officer is ultimately based on the applicant's circumstances,
> and not on any personal or financial guarantees that an invitor or
> others may be prepared to offer on the applicant's behalf.
> According to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act of Canada, any
> person wishing to become a temporary resident (visitor) of Canada must
> satisfy a visa officer that he or she will leave Canada by the end of
> the period authorized for his or her stay in Canada, that he or she will
> not contravene the conditions of admission and that he or she does not
> belong in a category of persons inadmissible to Canada.
> In reaching a decision, visa officers look at many factors, which may
> include:
> the applicant's travel history;
> the reason for travelling to Canada and the applicant's contacts there;
> the applicant's financial means for the trip;
> the applicant's ties to his or her country of residence, including
> immigration status, employment and family ties, properties; whether the
> applicant would be likely to leave Canada at the end of his/her
> authorized stay; and
> the information on Canadian hosts, although this is less important in
> the officer's decision.
> The onus is on the applicant to submit all the documents and information
> necessary to satisfy the visa officer that she / he would be a bona fide
> temporary resident to Canada .
> Once a decision is made, the file is closed. Under Canada 's Immigration
> and Refugee Protection Act, there is no formal right of appeal on
> temporary resident visa decisions. Rather, if the applicant feels that
> he or she has additional information, he or she may submit a new
> application and pay new processing fee.Whenever possible, a different
> visa officer will examine the application. Information from any previous
> applications will be used as reference for the new one. However, if the
> applicant's personal situation has not substantively changed since the
> last application, there is little reason to expect a different decision.
> An applicant may also seek leave through the Federal Court of Canada to
> request a judicial review of any decision made by a visa officer, if he
> or she believes that the process was not legally or procedurally fair. A
> lawyer in Canada would have to act on behalf of the applicant.
> Regards,
> Visa Section
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Sent: June 14, 2010 6:32 PM
> Subject: request for the review of visa application file no v100601142
> June 14, 2010
> Personal and Confidential
> Visa Section /Consulate General of Canada, Shanghai Office
> Attention: Visa Officer
> Dear Sir/Madam:
> Re: File No: V100601142 Ms
> I , , the Canadian Citizen residing in the city of Mississauga,
> Ontario , am writing to you in regard to the application of Ms
> for a temporary resident visa.
> I am very surprised to learn that my mother was refused visa this time
> on June 9th, 2010. I have read the decisions made by the officer in
> charge and I wish that you could review her application and all the
> supporting document supplied by me as a host in a careful manner .
> The grounds on your decisions of her refusal are made on the following
> considerations as noted on the letter received from Visa office
> 1." You have not satisfied me that you meet the requirement of
> Regualtion 179; that you would leave Canada at the end of ..........."
> I would like to provide you with more information on this point.
> l My mother has visited me in Canada twice in the past 10 years
> and also did my father They never stayed over beyond the date which is
> prescribed by their legitimate visa.
> l As you obviously noticed from the entry/port/immigration stamp
> impressed on her Chinese Passport, she is traveling around the world
> including United States, Europe, and she always returns to China before
> the expiry of her visa.
> l There is also very strong family /social root evidenced by her
> supporting documents supplied herewith such as bank statement in China,
> Certificate of property ownership in her homeplace-Shanghai for my
> mother, where she is happily living with all her close relatives
> including my father and my real sister. She has owned professional
> business as a senior electronic engineer after her retirement from
> employment and owns two residential properties in Shanghai , all of
> which she would never like to leave behind or relinquish for any long time other than a short
> visit or trip.
> As such, I strongly object to your conclusion or assumption that she
> would not leave Canada on time.
> Secondly, you refused her to Canada due to my financial incapacity to
> support her visit
> I am sorry that she omitted to submit my latest bank statement I
> submitted to her most recently. I will instruct her to submit you my latest
> bank statement herewith her visa application,
> l I am currently self-employed providing law clerk service to
> accommodate my personal situation to take care of two young kids by
> myself, but I strongly believe that I am in a good and sound financial
> position.
> l I am now solely and completely owning my residential property
> with no mortgage, lien, on it as evidenced by the discharge of Charge
> issued by Royal Bank. I hereby provided you with my Property tax assement for
> your reference.
> l Besides, I have liquid assets in the form of cash, redeemable
> securities, the total cash ,market value of which totals around
> CND. (I am only supplying her with the major investment account where
> most of my personal property is located )
> l Coincidentally, I am not otherwise owing any debts, loan to any body or financial
> institution, Thus, I would hereby question any of your reasons that I could not
> support her for a short visit for up to 60 days as her planned.
> Please kindly review all the details I bring up here in connection with
> her new application and I believe that she should be able to satisfy all
> the conditions in compliance with the applicable Statues to be admitted
> into Canada for a short , happy, family visit.
> I am looking forward to seeing the best customer service delivered in
> the best interest of Canadian Citizen without any compromise on the
> standard you are required to observe as a government service agent
> oversea.
> I could be reached at
> for any query if you have respecting the visa application for my mother,
> Liu Ming ming. Your reply to this email for acknowledgement and further
> opinion is highly appricated.
> Yours Truly

> P.S. Please kindly forward if not delivered to the person in charge.
>更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 护照签证 / 妈妈来过2次9年前,这回被拒,说她不会回去?她有上海3处房子,存款现金数目都可观.,我这边担保个人资产也不小,机票刚买的12000,可突然昨天取件,是拒签?
    今天再去签,不知如何, 这 VISA OFFICER是头脑咋了?现在还弄个中国上海签证处,千万别上当,她就上当,我联系领事馆,那时中介,递收文件 收250元

    ,领事馆回邮件说,ONUS IS WITH APPLIANT.可 她护照上全世界都有跑,还有美国10年上海发的签证,怎么就来加拿大不回去,她都不要呆久这里, 父母就来一个,家里还有姐妹,为啥说她不回去,是不是就想多收签证费.要不要退票,还是签到底.,我们都订了一起去美国,加拿大旅游的计划了,大家有相同经历吗?PERSONAL PRIVACY ACT, ,电子邮件里COMPLAIN人家不谈, 签证处又不接电话,

    我要在上海,保证冲去CONSULATE ARGUE.,郁闷
    • 你去理论? 给你上黑名单, 终生不得入境。 签证官拒绝你并不需要理由, 即使你有签证, 入境处移民官也可以拒绝你入境而并不需要理由。
      • 说得太恐怖了吧!适当的理论是不会影响什么的。上黑名单不是一般人能上的,除非很过分,说话不得当,侵犯别人的利益等等。只要自己争取一下是很好的事情,当然也要理智。我见过争取的例子太多了,结果都不错。当然一定要守法,不要逾期不走什么的。
    • 继续complain,而且心理的言辞要一针见血,不要让他们觉得你求他们,要有理由,不如你妈来过从来没有做过违法滞留的事情等等。理解你的心情,我帮助过很多你这样的case,我知道你很难受。
      • now the consul writes to me. my mum went to the consulate but there is a long waiting list for appointment
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛and it seems that they have knowledge of this issue though they asked her to reapply .

        Anyhow, Good lesson, i belive whenevr we encounter any social injustice , mistreatement in canada, we are deserving of statutory authority to complain ,appeal or at least should ask for explanation. This is a country of democracy and respect.

        i am here to give you all the correspondence between me and consulate office since last night .

        Hope it would be of some use to any of you in the same situation.

        Dear Consul

        Thanks for your detailed information provided below.

        When I first wrote to you yesterday , I was truly not happy with the decision made on my parent's application. However, your professionalism reflected in anwering my query and concern respecting the matter of application in such an efficient manner assured me that you were delivering and would continue to provide the high-quality consulate service to the public .

        I am sorry for my mother's unexpected visa refusal, however, I currently strongly believe that you are observing your due diligence and care when exercising the administrative power granted by the ACT in a Consulate Office oversea. As such, on her new application, I would well guide her on how to supplement any of insufficient personal information in compliance with the ACT as indicated on her refusal letter.

        Thank you for all your assistance and time on my query in regards to my mother's visa application and please accept my sincere apology for any inconvenience caused given on your high business volume.

        Have a wonderful day.

        Your Sincerely

        RE: request for the review of visa application file no v100601142‏
        From: re-shanghai-im-enquiry@international.gc.ca
        Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 3:43:57 AM

        Dear Sir/Madam,

        The refusal letter will provide the applicant with the reason for the Visa Officer's decision, this is the only information on the refusal that will be provided by our office. If the applicant wish to have more specific information please go to the Department of Justice Canada's access to information request procedures: http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/pi/atip-aiprp/use-uti.html. As explained in below email, due to Canadian Privacy Legislation, our office is unable to disclose any personal information of applicant without prescribed authorization found on file.

        It is not our department's practice to release the name of the decision-maker given the large volumes of applications we must process each day. If the applicant has concerns that the decision was not procedurally fair, I will follow up these issues personally since client service is very important to our office.

        For our office's opening hours to public, kindly consult the following web link for details: http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/china-chine/visas/shanghai/contact-contactez.aspx?lang=eng.

        You can also consult the following link as to when Visa offices in China is closed for holidays for this calendar year: http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/china-chine/visas/beijing-pekin/notices-avis.aspx?lang=engour

        Thank you for your co-operation.

        Yours sincerely,

        Mei Wah Cheng
        Consul and Immigration Program Manager
        Consul et Gestionnaire du programme d'immigration
        Consulate General of Canada/ Consulat général du Canada
        Suite 604, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, Shanghai, 200040, China


        Sent: June 15, 2010 8:46 AM
        Subject: RE: request for the review of visa application file no v100601142

        Dear Sir,

        Thanks for your prompt inquiry, so the onus is on the applicant to satisfy the visa officer that she would be a bona fide temporary visitor. I will instruct the applicant to provide you with more supporting information and documents to satisfay this conditions according to the ACT.

        I have another question in regards to the correspondence I received from my parent. Is it normal that the formal business letter from visa section has bore no officer's printed name and looks very informal as opposed to any formal and legitimate correspondence received from the government agency. Is the applicant entitled to the full name disclosure of visa officer in charge of the case. Though i quite understand that once the file is closed, the venue of appeal does not exist.

        Is the "anonymity" in this form related to some rights of indemnification specially granted to any diplomatic officer by applicable Act .As a canadian citizen, I am fully aware of any of my personal rights , intestes being fully protected .

        Your reply to my further inquiry is highly appreicated .

        By the way, what is your office hour for visa application in shanghai Consulate office, is office open Tuesday on June 14th which is a statutory holiday in china.

        > Subject: RE: request for the review of visa application file no v100601142
        > Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 08:17:38 +0800
        > From: re-shanghai-im-enquiry@international.gc.ca
        > To:
        > Dear Madam / Sir,
        > This is in response to your email (see below).
        > This office is unable to provide information or details regarding the
        > reasons for a refusal other than the information contained in the
        > refusal letter to the applicant. Information contained in a temporary
        > resident visa application is subject to the Canadian Privacy Act, which
        > states that personal information can only be given to a third party with
        > the written consent of the applicant and only if that party lives in
        > Canada .
        > Although an invitor may provide documentation in support of an
        > application of a friend, relative, or business contact, the decision of
        > the visa officer is ultimately based on the applicant's circumstances,
        > and not on any personal or financial guarantees that an invitor or
        > others may be prepared to offer on the applicant's behalf.
        > According to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act of Canada, any
        > person wishing to become a temporary resident (visitor) of Canada must
        > satisfy a visa officer that he or she will leave Canada by the end of
        > the period authorized for his or her stay in Canada, that he or she will
        > not contravene the conditions of admission and that he or she does not
        > belong in a category of persons inadmissible to Canada.
        > In reaching a decision, visa officers look at many factors, which may
        > include:
        > the applicant's travel history;
        > the reason for travelling to Canada and the applicant's contacts there;
        > the applicant's financial means for the trip;
        > the applicant's ties to his or her country of residence, including
        > immigration status, employment and family ties, properties; whether the
        > applicant would be likely to leave Canada at the end of his/her
        > authorized stay; and
        > the information on Canadian hosts, although this is less important in
        > the officer's decision.
        > The onus is on the applicant to submit all the documents and information
        > necessary to satisfy the visa officer that she / he would be a bona fide
        > temporary resident to Canada .
        > Once a decision is made, the file is closed. Under Canada 's Immigration
        > and Refugee Protection Act, there is no formal right of appeal on
        > temporary resident visa decisions. Rather, if the applicant feels that
        > he or she has additional information, he or she may submit a new
        > application and pay new processing fee.Whenever possible, a different
        > visa officer will examine the application. Information from any previous
        > applications will be used as reference for the new one. However, if the
        > applicant's personal situation has not substantively changed since the
        > last application, there is little reason to expect a different decision.
        > An applicant may also seek leave through the Federal Court of Canada to
        > request a judicial review of any decision made by a visa officer, if he
        > or she believes that the process was not legally or procedurally fair. A
        > lawyer in Canada would have to act on behalf of the applicant.
        > Regards,
        > Visa Section
        > -----Original Message-----
        > From:
        > Sent: June 14, 2010 6:32 PM
        > Subject: request for the review of visa application file no v100601142
        > June 14, 2010
        > Personal and Confidential
        > Visa Section /Consulate General of Canada, Shanghai Office
        > Attention: Visa Officer
        > Dear Sir/Madam:
        > Re: File No: V100601142 Ms
        > I , , the Canadian Citizen residing in the city of Mississauga,
        > Ontario , am writing to you in regard to the application of Ms
        > for a temporary resident visa.
        > I am very surprised to learn that my mother was refused visa this time
        > on June 9th, 2010. I have read the decisions made by the officer in
        > charge and I wish that you could review her application and all the
        > supporting document supplied by me as a host in a careful manner .
        > The grounds on your decisions of her refusal are made on the following
        > considerations as noted on the letter received from Visa office
        > 1." You have not satisfied me that you meet the requirement of
        > Regualtion 179; that you would leave Canada at the end of ..........."
        > I would like to provide you with more information on this point.
        > l My mother has visited me in Canada twice in the past 10 years
        > and also did my father They never stayed over beyond the date which is
        > prescribed by their legitimate visa.
        > l As you obviously noticed from the entry/port/immigration stamp
        > impressed on her Chinese Passport, she is traveling around the world
        > including United States, Europe, and she always returns to China before
        > the expiry of her visa.
        > l There is also very strong family /social root evidenced by her
        > supporting documents supplied herewith such as bank statement in China,
        > Certificate of property ownership in her homeplace-Shanghai for my
        > mother, where she is happily living with all her close relatives
        > including my father and my real sister. She has owned professional
        > business as a senior electronic engineer after her retirement from
        > employment and owns two residential properties in Shanghai , all of
        > which she would never like to leave behind or relinquish for any long time other than a short
        > visit or trip.
        > As such, I strongly object to your conclusion or assumption that she
        > would not leave Canada on time.
        > Secondly, you refused her to Canada due to my financial incapacity to
        > support her visit
        > I am sorry that she omitted to submit my latest bank statement I
        > submitted to her most recently. I will instruct her to submit you my latest
        > bank statement herewith her visa application,
        > l I am currently self-employed providing law clerk service to
        > accommodate my personal situation to take care of two young kids by
        > myself, but I strongly believe that I am in a good and sound financial
        > position.
        > l I am now solely and completely owning my residential property
        > with no mortgage, lien, on it as evidenced by the discharge of Charge
        > issued by Royal Bank. I hereby provided you with my Property tax assement for
        > your reference.
        > l Besides, I have liquid assets in the form of cash, redeemable
        > securities, the total cash ,market value of which totals around
        > CND. (I am only supplying her with the major investment account where
        > most of my personal property is located )
        > l Coincidentally, I am not otherwise owing any debts, loan to any body or financial
        > institution, Thus, I would hereby question any of your reasons that I could not
        > support her for a short visit for up to 60 days as her planned.
        > Please kindly review all the details I bring up here in connection with
        > her new application and I believe that she should be able to satisfy all
        > the conditions in compliance with the applicable Statues to be admitted
        > into Canada for a short , happy, family visit.
        > I am looking forward to seeing the best customer service delivered in
        > the best interest of Canadian Citizen without any compromise on the
        > standard you are required to observe as a government service agent
        > oversea.
        > I could be reached at
        > for any query if you have respecting the visa application for my mother,
        > Liu Ming ming. Your reply to this email for acknowledgement and further
        > opinion is highly appricated.
        > Yours Truly

        > P.S. Please kindly forward if not delivered to the person in charge.
        >更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net