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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这本书对如何培养以中、英文为母语的孩子是很好的参考资料

Xiao-Lei Wang, 2008, Growing Up with Three Languages: : Birth to Eleven, Channel View
This book is for parents who live in a foreign country and intend to raise their children acquiring Chinese, English, and French as First Languages

Resources for parents:
1, The Bilingual Family Newsletter
This newsletter has 25 years history. The newsletter publishes informative articles on language learning, bilingualism, biculturalism, mother tongue, schools, etc. Parents can also find some latest books on this newsletter.

2, Biculturalfamily net work http://www.biculturalfamily.org/services.html
This website provides a lot services, like Counselors and Therapists, Translators, Language Tutors ,etc. And There is an item names ”once a day”, parents can learn new word or terms, tips , World Wisdom, Family Activities ,something interesting related to bilingualism, bilingual education, language.

3, Bilingual Families Connect , www.bilingualfamiliesconnect.com
A website resource for bilingual families to share advice and tips. There are 13 languages groups(Spanish,French,Portuguese, English ,Chinese, Arabic, Japanese, German, Russian, Italian, Catalán, Swedish , Korean).
There are discussion forum, research from experts and links to language specific resources on the web site

4, Barbara Zurer Pearson, 2008, Raising a Bilingual Child: A step-by-step for parents
This book provides parents with information and practical advices for how to create a positive bilingual environment into their child’s daily routine.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / (原创)培养双语宝宝一点心得How to raise bilingual children?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛(原创)培养双语宝宝一点心得How to raise bilingual children?
    目标:母语为英语,汉语的双语宝宝bilingual child

    “Before you raise your children bilingually or multilingually, Ask Yourself:
    Why, What, Who, When, Where?"
    ( Biculturalfamily net work , http://www.biculturalfamily.org/services.html)

    1,Being Bilingual Is an Asset
    Bilingualism ≠ Language Delay,Bilingualism ≠ Language Confusion ,Bilingualism ≠ Languages Mixing up……

    2,Simultaneously and Sequentially

    Young children can and do acquire more than one language, either simultaneously or sequentially
    * Simultaneously ---- Children learn the two languages which are spoke in the home setting over the same period of time
    * Sequentially-----Children learn the second language after 3 years old

    3, Enough language environment
    Child needs to be exposed to a language 30% (at least) of his or her waking time to actively speak it……

    - One parent, one language;
    - A holiday language and a round-the-year language;
    -A weekday language and a Sunday language;
    - The first one to speak chooses the language
    - Everyone speaking their preferred language.

    4,Functional Exposing and Purposefully Using
    Keys of maintaining language are Functional Exposing and Purposefully Using…….. especially , for maintaining mother tongue.

    语言:英语, 汉语

    听 说:英语, 汉语均无障碍。
    证明:英语,去early year center, family center 和老师,小朋友交流没问题,属话多一族。在shopping mall酷爱与说英语的小朋友和老人搭话。
    汉语, 每星期与中国的亲戚朋友MSN时,是麦霸,话多。到父母的朋友家串门时,往往语出惊人。

    中英文均会自己看图,看书讲故事(比如caterpillar, from head to toe, 三个和尚, 小蝌蚪找妈妈)。

    读:英语,会认读26个字母大小写 。会拼读40--50左右的英文单词,(比如:o-p-e—n open)
    汉语 ,会认读50 个左右的汉字。(比如,大小多少)


    1, 系统工程, 耗时,耗力,耗神,需专人负责,
    2, 长期工程, 任重道远, 需家长,孩子持之以恒,
    3, 惠民工程, 让孩子受益一身,也让自己心安。

    与爸爸们,妈妈们共勉! 握手!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 3岁以前掌握的语言才叫母语,3岁以后掌握的语言叫第二语言。----很多孩子3岁前根本不会说话 -:)
      • 语言分为理解语言和表达语言。不会说话,不等于不理解呀?
    • 孩子3岁就敢介绍经验了?!
      • 好的,您不想看,那我就收回了。
        • 别介意啊,建议你发在宝坛,众小娃妈肯定特佩服你。这坛子,大娃妈太多了,见的多了。
          • 不图佩服,只图共同进步,相互切磋。
            • 可以肯定的说,到目前为止,你真是做的不错。如何继续保持战绩,是个问题。顺到说一句,教3岁的孩子英文,似乎不应该教拼写,英文的拼写是通过phonic学会的。3岁教拼写,早了点。
              • 不是拼写,是拼读。至于phonic,因为到底父母不是英语母语,怎么切入,我还在尝试。
                • 我从不敢教孩子发音,也建议母语不是英文的人不教孩子英文。让孩子在daycare自己学更准。可以多给孩子念英文故事。
                  • 我说的切入,不是自己教,是洋鬼子编的教材。
                • 英文的phonics跟咱学的音标两码事,自己别教,推荐这个starfall.com 三岁完全可以学.
                  • 谢谢,很不错的网站。
                  • 学习ing
                  • 是的,的确不错我的儿子就经常上这个网站 。又轻松又能学到东西。
      • 就是, 俺6岁前说得最多的语言,现在是最差的
    • 这个。。。这个,不是打击你,等你们家娃儿十岁左右你再看看。我家这个,以前让我们拔苗助长得都能看懂三国了,现在还不是连大中报都顺不下来?
      • 想要娃一贯保持中文听说读写具佳,先翻毛选,找出那篇<论持久战>,反复领会。
        • LOL!! 毛选还真shi好教材.
        • 主要是娃他娘十六字方针贯彻得不够彻底,还被娃儿用那劳什子方针绕了去:-)
        • :)
      • 谢谢您的经验之谈,看来要好好领会Functional Exposing and Purposefully Using
        • 三岁的孩子和学龄儿童的语言环境大大不同,上学之后,父母能掌控的非常少,你会看到孩子的中文日渐流失,就如同手中的沙子,你越想握紧,失的越多。到那时,你只能在家跟他说中文,尽量保持口语不全丢。
          • 我会记住您的肺腑之言(已写下来了),我会尽量做个好推妈,让娃多留住点中文。
          • 心酸血泪史, 早知如此何必当初
            • 可怜天下父母心,尽心,尽力了,无所谓悔不悔,谁让咱为人父母呢。
              • 泡泡没娃,他不懂。
            • 曾经拥有怎么也比从未见过强啊,至少我们娘儿俩还有美好的回忆呢。
              • 哼,我酸啥,你儿子又不是你的私有财产,养了也是给他媳妇的,他媳妇说啥了,他还不屁颠屁颠跟着
                • since when you went over to the dark side?
                  • 16:54
      • 小人书三国?
    • 原创辛苦,精神可嘉,方法可取,英文太烂。
      • 英文可不是我写的,全是摘录的,您认为烂,就去骂作者和编辑吧。
      • 需要我给您书目吗?
        • 只需要这一句的出处:How to raising bilingual children?这一句应该是来自什么《英文改错大全》之类的吧。
          • 这是何必?欠厚道哦...
          • 这个实在不好意思, 本来是两句话:Raising Bilingual Children: Fact or Fiction? 和 how to raise a bilingual child, 因为rolia 的subject 说太长了, 我只好cut 和edit, 一忙就出错了,看来atomo(京)倒是个精益求精之人,谢谢指正。
    • 有心的妈妈,鼓励一下。不过我一个朋友的孩子,五岁才来加拿大,现在汉语几乎不会说,在家也是跟说英语。
      • 那俺同事才厉害呢,8岁过来,才在中国读了一年级,人现还买星岛看呢!
      • 曾经有妈妈感叹过:“放弃中文,首先是大人放弃了。 ”与妈妈们共勉。
        • 同意,看到好多家长在playground,或early year center的时候,用破破的英文磕磕巴巴的和孩子对话。真的是家长早就放弃了。
          • 看吧,我早跟A说了,你自己语言天赋不好就不要带小孩去什么PG,EYC这些地方丢人现眼,至少关起门来教小孩说好国语再去,省得给人嘲笑。还有B,你小孩语言好是好,可逃不掉人家说你懒,虽然她也知道人与人是不同的。
    • 就冲你双语齐上,没有顾东撇西,就赞一个!佩服你下的功夫,孩子一定受益,即使将来还是要向英文倾斜。三岁以前学过的语言和没学过的还是有区别,不过说三岁前的就是母语我怎么也不相信,即使这是所谓大专家所言。
      • 根据我的理解,Simultaneously or Sequentially 主要指接受语言的时间阶段
        专家们分为“Simultaneously or Sequentially acquiring the language”主要是针对接受两种语言的不同时间阶段,采取不同的对策
        “When raising bilingual children, the way and emphasis are different between Simultaneously and Sequentially acquiring the second language. So we need to collect the resources according to the different approaches.”

    • 妈妈的用心非常可贵, 不在于孩子是否能够坚持, 只要妈妈一直保持这种热情, 我相信孩子一定有收获。
    • Let me tell you a best example: one of the daughters of my sister-in-law.
      Came to Canada at 7, She took all her schooling in Canada. No. 1 in all her course for the past 8 years. Her speaking, reading and writing Chinese is perfect. She read SanGuo, HongLouMeng, SheDiaoYingXiongZhuan all by herself. She taught Chinese to her neighbour's kid (a white girl) 3 times a week to earn her pocket money.

      What did her parent do to keep her Chinese? Nothing! No Chinese language schooling( no extra money to afford that), no one-on-one teaching (they are too busy with another two younger daughters).

      So, what kind of conclusion we could possible make for this case? She is a genius!

      I am crossing my figures for my onw kids.
      • What's your point? show off you have a genius in your family?
        • Just to say: Kids can be so different. BTW, what's wrong with show off, if I happen to have something to show off.
          • 我很赞同你的观点。孩子跟孩子太不同了。顺其自然,父母有条件就帮一把。但父母不必急切的就想学别人,push自己的孩子。我们可以为楼主的孩子发育的好高兴,但没必要攀比。
            • 谢谢你。但是我还是再唐僧一遍,其实大多数孩子都是具备潜能的,不要低估孩子的能力, 不要轻易给孩子下结论,给孩子一次机会,让孩子试试。再有,教育不是push,教育是讲究方式和方法的。当然,教育不当很容易就成push. 希望大家能一起切磋,好好把握这期间的“度”。
            • That is it. You got me. :-)
      • 关键是你只陈述了事实,而没有结论。所以看的一头雾水。我得出的结论是,因为你家族里有个语言天才,所以你对你自己的孩子们就 cross finger.如果孩子没有天赋呢?语言发育一般,该怎么办呢。
        • Your conclusion is yours, you can keep it. I don't want to say anything about it.
    • 孩子跟孩子不同,要看性格内向外向,发育早晚,男孩女孩,很多因素。我们邻居一个混血小女孩儿,什么都比别人发育的早,就语言来说,不到一岁时,国语,广东话,英语,法语都能说。等别人开始说话了,她已经能唱广东歌,说中英文歌谣。她妈妈很懒,根本没刻意培养。
      • Every child is different ! 但是我还是要啰嗦一句:优秀是教育出来的。不要轻易放弃和忽略孩子认知发展的黄金时段。妈妈们, 加油!
        • 其实越来越多的人认为教育和优秀没有关系。许多书里都阐述这个观点,大量论证,说是优秀的孩子,是和他父母的社会地位,和父母的性格处世能力有关,和父母花在孩子身上多少心血无关的。要说学习黄金时期,其实任何时候都是黄金时期。
          父母总是想趁小灌输孩子,孩子小依恋你,对你要他学习的东西只能尽量接受,他不接受也不行。但随着他个人意识的强大,父母会感到越来越难,甚至你说什么话都令他反感。小时候输入他脑子里的,如果是看不见的意识流,比如为人处世,性格塑造,情绪控制,很容易就能影响他一生,况且父母并没必要输入,他天天看着父母如何待人接物早就会了。但如果是看的见的知识,比如认字算数,诗词歌赋,丝毫不妨碍他长大以后对此弃之如敝屐。这样的例子太多了,我身边就好几个。5岁能解方程组,长大了对数学一点兴趣都没有,3岁认数千字,现在写不出流畅的文章, 证明小时候对知识并没有特别的吸收能力。
          • 看来,妈妈们还要好好重读《伤仲永》了。谢谢!学习ing
            • 说是优秀的孩子,是和他父母的社会地位,和父母的性格处世能力有关 --- 非常正确 ; 和父母花在孩子身上多少心血无关的 --- 不敢苟同
              • 我用词不当。他们说的是,关系不大。我记的书上的理论是,父母花的心血,只能让孩子在技巧上有长进。比如花时间去学刚琴,父母投入时间金钱越多,孩子水平越高。所以技巧是能推出来的,但兴趣,热情,自我上进心,是无论如何推不出来的,也不随父母的意识为转移的。
            • 哈哈王安石恐怕没想到,他聪明绝顶的独子王雱切切实实做了仲永,虽然他从不炫耀儿子。他自己才华盖世位及人臣,不需要到处展览儿子以博个面子。他4个皆以天气命名的孩子,个个优秀。其中以王雱最聪明,公认的神童。5岁时,家里来客人,拿来一獐一鹿,问他可能分辨出。


              • +10
          • 狠狠地赞同你一下!前一阵子,11、12年级的学生选课,好几个朋友都着急上火地替孩子思前想后,就怕现在一步错将来步步错。那气氛把我也感染起来,积极主动地问我们家孩子,他不慌不忙地说:等我决定了会找你签字的。我热切地要跟他商议,结果人家说“我自己拿主意”。


          • 最终不可能每一个孩子都能冠以优秀,否则就不叫优秀。作为父母教育的目标不是怎么让孩子变优秀,那是跟他人比。父母的角色就是观察孩子,帮助孩子,跟自己比。我就是坚信孩子时不时需要帮助,得到帮助和没有就是不一样,更“优秀”就好!
        • 教育和优秀绝对有关系。但是这个教育应该包括“身教”。孩子的很多性格,不是从父亲那儿学来的,就是从母亲那儿学来的。

        • hi, the topic 教育 should include IQ & EQ?
          1, for IQ, can you 教育 somebody to get high IQ? it's from your parents, sure , you can improve a limited(!) amount of IQ , but the base is on your gene.
          2, for EQ, also inherit from your parent, for most of it, sure can be 教育 to change/improve a lot,

          and thus, good EQ give you a boost on your future success. we should focus more on one's EQ 教育.
    • Hi, there, I don't want to discourage you from thevery first day you posted your experience in here.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛what my worries are:

      1, is your husband native English speaker? if yes, that's natural for your girl; if not, pls read the following: a, the grammar; somebody already corrected you already :-); b, the accent, no matter how good you are, (well, maybe you happened to graduated from Foreign Language school in china?—still, you will have some); however, I do believe that kids can learn/adjust well later, but I saw many cases, that kids got accent (no matter how good their spoken/written E are) from their parents, since they learned E first from the parents and keep listening/talking from/to their parents in this way—well, many Chinese parents teach their kids E in order to catch up, or, say, provide a E environment for their kids. you want your kids to be as native as possible, but you are not native. Imagine a Canadian teach you Chinese :-)?

      2, you know, E is much much more easy than C, the skills of the logical thinking, critical thinking…are opposite between these 2 language (maybe someone who learn language science would like to share more about this). I wouldn’t focus on the E for the early stage for kid; instead, more C is needed (if you want a C and E bilingual kid).
      what the book say/suggest, we have to analyze the languages themselves, how the language develop from its origins, how these language organise/ express, how they influence the way the person thinks..…. say, if you are native E speaker, fine, learn Spanish, French…is more easy for you; if you speak Chinese, learn Japanese, Korean… feel easier. well, at the same time, most of the books in this field would assume(?) that your first language is E.
      of course, learning more languages only will improve your cognitive development, but we just need to pay attention to the way we deliver, and analyze the way others suggest.

      pls keep your good work, and keep us posted.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 学习ing, 思考ing
      • 推荐看一本书: Xiao-Lei Wang, 2008, Growing Up with Three Languages: : Birth to Eleven, Channel View This book is for parents who live in a foreign country and intend to raise their children acquiring Chinese, English, and French as First Languages
        • thanks, but i don't think you really understand what i mean, pls check a post in topic --今天终于递交了FI的注册表,也不知选择是对还是错。 a post by yes123456(yes). it might help.
          • 看到了。也发表了个人的看法,引用如下:
            “我有个设想,不知行不行:可不可以让孩子先不上FI, 但是,上课外法语班(因为很多上FI的孩子课外也上英语班), 在家以汉语为主。 这样保证英语为主导,汉语不丢,法语也会,家长也能不至于对孩子的学习进展一筹莫展。不知有没有家长这样做过?洗耳恭听,谢谢!”

            另外,我看的资料, 和我在这边的老师的说法和你的同事的说法刚好相反。不过这些学术理论是:仁者见仁,智者见智。

            再有还是,隆重推荐Xiao-Lei Wang, 2008, Growing Up with Three Languages: : Birth to Eleven
    • 就提个醒,这么小就开始看书,小心孩子的眼睛近视,实在是周围咱们中国人孩子近视的比例太高了,高到恐怖。
      • 谢谢,会注意的。
      • 我给孩子看的书,大多数都是经过我重新编排的大字体书籍,不过这个问题我一定会注意的。谢谢!
    • 一些关于培养双语孩子有用的网站,资料,给用得上的家长们:
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这本书对如何培养以中、英文为母语的孩子是很好的参考资料

      Xiao-Lei Wang, 2008, Growing Up with Three Languages: : Birth to Eleven, Channel View
      This book is for parents who live in a foreign country and intend to raise their children acquiring Chinese, English, and French as First Languages

      Resources for parents:
      1, The Bilingual Family Newsletter
      This newsletter has 25 years history. The newsletter publishes informative articles on language learning, bilingualism, biculturalism, mother tongue, schools, etc. Parents can also find some latest books on this newsletter.

      2, Biculturalfamily net work http://www.biculturalfamily.org/services.html
      This website provides a lot services, like Counselors and Therapists, Translators, Language Tutors ,etc. And There is an item names ”once a day”, parents can learn new word or terms, tips , World Wisdom, Family Activities ,something interesting related to bilingualism, bilingual education, language.

      3, Bilingual Families Connect , www.bilingualfamiliesconnect.com
      A website resource for bilingual families to share advice and tips. There are 13 languages groups(Spanish,French,Portuguese, English ,Chinese, Arabic, Japanese, German, Russian, Italian, Catalán, Swedish , Korean).
      There are discussion forum, research from experts and links to language specific resources on the web site

      4, Barbara Zurer Pearson, 2008, Raising a Bilingual Child: A step-by-step for parents
      This book provides parents with information and practical advices for how to create a positive bilingual environment into their child’s daily routine.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 无独有偶,这里也有人推荐这本书,还有心得。是位Montreal的单身女性领养了一个中国男孩,她是给儿童书画图的,本人会英法两种语言,为了中国儿子在学中文,她能说基本中文,真是佩服她!
    • 还真有这么狠心的,整天拿孩子使劲---恐怕也是父母在这里帮忙看孩子,才有时间硬灌吧,如果是双职工,自己带的话,只能放羊。
      • 你要放羊,没问题,放就是了,但,也不能说别人就是狠心哇,那别人还说你......怎么办呢?大家切磋一下,共同进步,有什么不好呢? 三人行必有我师焉。
        • 我觉得你这套到马戏团训练小狗钻火圈还差不多。三岁的小孩,画个画,唱个歌,去公园玩玩,就不错了。你自己没啥本事,却要逼那么小的小孩干这么枯燥的事,真不是一般的恐怖。
    • Another point I'd like to make: don't polish your English with your kids, find someone else to do so.
      Make sure to use your mother language to your kids when there are only two of you in the conversation, but use English when there is a English speaker in the conversation.

      That is, use English with your kids when you have to.

      And, don't embarrass your kids with your poor English in front of their teachers and peers. Polish your English with other people, or with yourself. It may sounds funny, but talking to yourself in English is helpful.