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是滴是滴。比如说,不少人都去过温哥华游玩,但如果要看Garibaldi Lake和Panorama Ridge的美景就


我们在走完WCT后又去了温哥华的Garibaldi Park 露营,爬了雪山,可惜我们上山那2天一直下雨,山顶飘着雪花,没有看到片中的美景,这也成为下次再去的理由了。这是加西的朋友在我们回来的三天后在峰顶拍的。

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 看大家出游都喜欢Camping,实在是很不解。


    • 先展开818你头脑中旅游的概念吧。
      • 说不来不怕笑话,俺是一大俗人,旅游对俺来说就是要吃好住好玩好。
        • 那就别考虑camping 这种方式了。
        • Not me, I like adventure. 5 stars hotel accommodation is not my priority. I enjoy better in camping trip that money can not buy. Listen, you could die in plane crash any time when you travel. Be happy and enjoy!
          • people have different understanding about travel. 白菜萝卜各有所爱. nothing wrong. but i agree with you. ben
            • Xie Xie
    • 既然没有试过,多说无益,下次亲身体验一下就知道了。喜欢不喜欢完全取决于你个人的好恶。
      • 全套装备那么贵,万一体验下来不行还不能退,多麻烦。
        • 基本配置帐篷+睡袋+气垫床。花不了你多少钱,不行还可以网上卖掉
        • When you are being addicted to certain hobby, money is no object anymore. This is life. Life is short. If you don't like camping, go on a Cruise holiday. Don't risk yourself to be killed in accident. You may never come back home safely.
          • 对,千金难买心头好。喜欢的兴趣爱好,花再多钱也乐意。不过您看我这不是还没培养出对camping的热爱嘛,所以舍不得花那钱置办装备,所以先来万能的rolia问问。
    • Camping is really like you embrace the mother nature, sleep in her arm like a child... And the mother nature is actually where we came from and where we are going to after our very short existence in this human world...finally everyone will go to there..
      • 谢谢您的答复,您的答案我很喜欢,可惜就是对我不太适用。亲近自然有很多种方式,不一定非要露营吧。再次感谢您的参与!
        • You are welcome. When you camping, not only you can see so closely the beautiful colour of our wonderful mother nature, also you can touch her, you can smell her and most importantly you come back to the world where you really belong to.
        • Don't go! you could be attacked by Grizzly bear and tore your body into pieces. Life is precious! Pick a Cruise holiday to the Caribbean Sea or South Pacific. Like to ask you one simple question, do you have money ? hehehe
          • 俺不差钱,所以忍不住想,Camping的童鞋们是不是因为嫌酒店贵才....别打俺....
            • Just let you know. Sometimes a camping trip could cost more than a luxury cruise holiday. the local transportation, fuel, and car rental are not cheap. Once spent more than USD$12,000 caming for 10 days in Bolivia.
              • 自驾俺倒是超级喜欢的,再远的地方,只要能开车的,俺一定开车自助游。
            • 俺也不差钱,但是,俺就好这一口。
            • 全套装备那么贵,万一体验下来不行还不能退,多麻烦。 -chloe77(七月七日晴); 9.23 --hoho, 不差钱
              • 这位同学,"不差钱"不等于浪费,是不是我不做调查研究就去买全套装备,然后发现自己不适合露营用完就扔才叫"不差钱"?拜托,那叫烧钱!
        • You know I am only kidding. Please ignore my comment. We live in this world with different interests in life. Do whatever you like to do, if you have any doubt, think twice before you do it. Life is short. Enjoy in your way of lifestyle.
    • 与自然融为一体.
      If your tour is about nature...
      If you are touring a city, of course you'd better live in a hotel to avoid being treated as homeless.
    • My personal opinion about camping. I love it & I would not trade off anything for camping in life. The negative side is that you could be eaten by bear/cougar. Snake bite. You have to suffer itchy mosquito bites or die of Dungue disease. hehehehe
      • You could be buried by sudden avalanche. Your tent could be washed away by flood. you could suffer pneumonia on permafrost ground. You could get diarrhea on stale foods. It is cold at night Think before you choose camping! but I love it.
        • Don't forget you could also be struck by lightning. No kidding!
      • 看来俺这种吃不起苦爱干净怕麻烦的,的确不适合露营啊。
        • When there are no amenities in the campground, you can not take a shower. You live just like a homeless bum with stinky smell like a skunk for few days. You can not wash your clothes, underwear...socks...terrible!
    • 老外就喜欢野生(野外生活)
      • 老外的思维习惯、生活方式和从小的教育决定了他们会喜欢Camping,但中国人喜欢Camping我就不太理解了,所以才发贴问问。Thanks for your reply!
        • 改变思维习惯从CAMPING开始.~_~
          • 老外更接近原始人,不需要改变思维!
            • +10000
        • I am a 100% pure Chinese without Lao Wai blood, I love camping because I am a Chinese. There is nothing to do with races. Mongolians do camping and they are Chinese.
        • 记得第一次去camping,早晨被鸟叫吵醒了,赖在睡袋里闻着森林里特有的清晨的味道不想起来,突然听到了淅淅索索的声音,轻轻打开帐篷,一只可爱的鹿在低头找东西吃,温柔新鲜的阳光间或的洒在地上、树上、小草上,还有我的脸上... ...那之后就爱上camping了。
          伴着风雨声入睡,半夜起夜偶然抬头看到明亮星星满满的挂了一天,小河流水的声音真的可以入梦,“小鸟儿一叫我们就起床”... ...这些在旅店里是不会有的感觉。
          • I really love your reply. Thanks a lot for sharing!
    • 你还没孩子吧....很多人是为孩子....像我吧,...
      • 您猜得没错,俺还没孩子。想请问下您这么说的意思是有了孩子之后多半会去Camping还是有了孩子所以不去?
        • 哦,回复完才发现您编辑了发言,原来是为了孩子呀?这样的类型我公司里好多,都是带着孩子去露营钓鱼的。
        • 据说在CAMPING时做爱后生的孩子特聪明,健康。
          • Please try it and let me know. I would be very interested to know how to do it in a tent. Show me after you have done it.
          • 那是采日月之精华啊 :D
      • 支你一招!老农在孩子小的时候,夏天索性就把那帐篷搭在后院。 既能讨小孩欢心,又能舒服的坐在家里。 各取所需。呵呵呵
    • 我们家从来不 Camping,因为我太太说:不就是像小时躲在防震棚里似的吗?放着好好的房子不睡,偏要受那个罪!但我知道,没睡过防震棚的人肯定觉得那很好玩。就像整天吃大米白面的人,冷不丁吃个窝头,还觉得挺香的。
      • 您这回答实在,俺喜欢。
        • If I were Roller, I would get rid of his wife and get a new pretty girl who loves camping for a better life. I will help you to process divorce without cost. hehehehehehe
      • 哈, 根我的感觉一样, 所以我从来不CAMPING, 有HOTEL最好
        • You should not go camping because hail storm can hit you & you may die in the tent. Lightning can strike & your could become a vegettable. If you go out for a piss at night you could be eaten by Cougar, dangerous recreation. Hotel is good for you!
        • I also heard that camping is very dangerous and it could cause impotence leading to Sterile . Don't ever try it.
      • camping也有很多种,有简朴如backpack camping,亦有豪华如trailer camping。car camping是为中庸。不能吃苦又想享受camping乐趣的,不妨试试豪华trailer camping,条件不亚于高档宾馆。不过,LS说camping是因为穷住不起宾馆的人,别跟我说你trailer camping差钱。
        • A RV costs more than C$75K, I just don't have the bread to buy one. I bought a 2-man tent for only C$19.99 & I had waited more than 8 months until it was on sale. sleeping bag C$9 on sale. Poor bastard like me just could not afford luxury trailer.
      • 我们家也不喜欢,风餐露宿、蚊叮虫咬,没水没电的,受罪。
        • 这个说到我心砍儿里去了,这就是俺不camping的原因啊。
        • SAME HERE!
    • Camping过一次,不会再去第二次了,主要受不了蚊虫叮咬。和老外也聊过, 并不是人人喜欢:go for it if you don't have any friends who have cottage!
      • yeah! some people could NOT sleep outside (outdoor)!
      • You should have your blood test, you could have Dungue disease infection by the mosquito bite. Next time, Grizzly bear could invade your tent and chew you in pieces.
      • All my friends are poor bums, either living on welfare or unemployed. I have no chance to get to know someone is rich. Wish I were the big cheater like Mr. Chen Chun Cong who swindled more than 25 millions from the deceased rich lady in HKG.
    • you should try it (tent camping) next year, theREDHOTSUMMER welcome you..........
    • 那为什么家里好好的房子不住,偏要到treehouse去住? 家里的马路不走要去爬山? 家里的好饭不吃要吃农家饭?。。。。。。
      • I couldn't agree you more. When you have money, why drive a Toyota, there are better cars like BMW and Mercede. Shark fin and Bird's nest soup are more delicious than Sweet & Sour Soup. There is one distinct difference is your personal interest.
      • I like to offer you a friendly advice. If you chose camping, you could die in car accident. You could vanish in the wilderness and Grizzly is going to tear you into pieces. You could be hit by lightning at night and die instantly.
        • sounds like a lot of fun.
    • 你有钱,你高贵,你生活有档次,所以你可以到处旅游而且住高级酒店。我们穷人没有钱只能省,所以去没有厕所没有床什么都没有的露营。------- 这样回答你满意了吧?你不满意我再说点,反正就是码几个字而已,我们穷人有时间。
    • ** 数年前 看过一个小小说 说是两个同学 中年以后 一个平民 一个当官 偶然一天 当官的同学坐车穿过闹市 认出老同学正在街边吃羊肉串 对方也看到了他。 当官的心想 “诶亚 你怎么混得这么差 大概永远不知道我吃豪宴酒席的乐趣” 平民的想
      “这位老兄 混迹官场永远体会不到平常人家自由的乐趣了” 大意如此 其实 camping基本上就是一年里偶尔吃块豆腐乳 偶尔为之换换口味 没有人常吃 也并不有什么高营养 就是繁忙舒适生活中一个乐趣而已。
    • put $ topic aside, I don't like camping at all just because of one thing - shower. I can let go anything else in a trip but shower. It is so inconvenient at camp site to get a good, long, hot water shower in my own place. I just can't live without it.
      • One of my best trips in my life was camping in Rinca & Komodo Islands, part of the complex of 175 islands (about 90% unhabitant), situated 200 nautical miles east of Bali, between the islands of Flores and Sumbawa, Indonesia.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I enjoy every minute in camping. when I made a deicsion, I go camping rain or shine. One of my best trips was camping in Rinca islands. I registered with the Park Ranger going into the National park but I forgot to sign off my trip having left the National Park a week later. Upon return from my trip, I got a nasty letter from the Ministry of National Park Indonesia that I must oblige the rule or they would put me on the black list. There were couple incidents that travellers got eaten by the big Lizard. I setup my tent on a beautiful hill overlooking the beautiful ocean ....but I was kicked out by the Park Ranger where Komodo roaming around. I could bribe them to stay but I ran short of "green back" at the time. The Park Rangers told me that I was not allowed to camp in the park area because Komodo could swallow me at anytime. Life is full of funs, I take the risk and I enjoy it very much in camping regardless of dangerous circumstances.

        I bet you won't have the nerve to go this island camping with me on the hot hill under 35C temperature.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 那是你没找好的营地。不同的营地设施不同,有的甚至于只有简陋的厕所,自来水都没有,去之前要研究好。
    • 虽然跟你的贴,是说给LS大家的。(#5566937@0)
      • You are absolutely right. There are many websites to tell U all the amenities inculding flush toilet, hot shower, food storage & kitchen shelter. Some private Campgrounds with swimming pools & sauna, like a 5-star resort, beautiful view with fresh air.

        Do your homework and plan your camping vacation, then you will not complain again.
    • Camping experience is nice, e.g. staring at camp fire, watching raccoons trying to get your food, have a little bit fun in totally different space, use your imagination. :-)
    • 我觉得就是好友聚会,热闹. 一日三餐的,全一起准备一起吃. 围着个BBQ炉子,能聊到天黑. 还有,晚上真黑,真静. 如果再下点雨. 虽然没有"雨打芭焦"那么浪漫,但也宁静得让你不得不跟着平静.
      • If I were married & my old lady wudn't allow me go camping, I would have no hesitation to divorce her. I would dump her immediately. Now you can see, my priority in recreation life is camping. You don't know what you have been missing in life.
      • 您的回复靠谱,这就是我发贴想寻找的camping的原因和理由啊!!!为了您这句,明年夏天我一定camping一次!
        • Camping will change your perspective of life. Life is short, cherish your life and enjoy. This is the most important thing in life. There are something that money can not buy in life. Never made comparion in life as long as you are feeling happy, Do it!
        • You can do the same with renting a cottage, which what we do.
      • 上个月Camping恰逢整夜雷暴。。下得跟泼水似的。。好在帐篷质量过硬。。我自怡然入睡。。很爽。。
    • 小孩和年轻人大多喜欢camping。但睡在冰冷潮湿的地上,对身体不好。Camping是西人方式,西人体质不同生活习惯不同,吃生冷东西,女人不坐月子等等,国人照搬,年轻时还好,年纪渐长,可能落下毛病。我对豪华 Trailer camping 很感兴趣,哪位有好的推荐?
      • You are right , sleeping on the wet ground could cause you serious arthritis leading to cripple. You should go & buy a luxury RV camping , it is chicken shit money about C$85K. Money is no object as long as you don;t take a mortgage to buy one.
      • 国人照搬西人的东西还真不行,比如在大太阳底下暴晒,有几个国人受得了的。
      • "但睡在冰冷潮湿的地上", 一看就是你自己想象的,如果你不知道,就请不要误导别人。
        • This novice camper could be right, if you sleep on the "permafrost ground" under -18C, the air is so cold & it could freeze your ass. When it rains, your tent will turn to be a swimming pool...no fun those who do not like camping, please don't try.
    • 像我这种偶尔睡酒店的床会认生的人,最好还是做宅男比较舒服
      • Sleeping in luxury hotel that you have better chance to contract Chancroid, Gonorrhea, Granuloma Inguinale, Herpes simplex type II, HIV, Lymphogranuloma venereum, syphilis & other skin diseases than camping. You are rich & you can afford it, so do it!
    • You are a city girl so you prefer hotels. So people enjoy the nature. It's a different style. And both are common. I don't like camping too. Need to stay in clean and warm place with a bed. Can't sleep with a sleeping bag.
      • I respect your choice, then you should not even think about camping! camping could cause your life and bear/cougar can eat you up too. hehehehehehe
    • 虽然喜欢都市生活的便利, 但是每隔一段时间就想逃离都市, 过几天安安静静什么都不用想,不用看电脑, 手机也不怎么响的简单日子...还可以看到满天的星星.
      不少camping site条件都不错. 订的时候注意点, 就能订到就近就有水龙头, 离卫生间, shower room也不远, 并且带电的site.

      如果是trailer camping, 有床有卫生设备, 可以带的东西很多了, 和在家里就没太大区别, 天气冷一点都没关系. 上周末刚刚出去过. 早上外面挺凉, 但是 坐在trailer里, 沐浴在洒落进来的晨光里, 一杯暖暖的hot chocolate 握在手中...
      • 你在哪里订的trailer camping? 能给个link吗? Thanks.
        • Please order one for me. I need one with Air conditioning/heating. 3-pc Washroom with Jacuzi, satellite TV; preferrable 2-bed rooms with kitchen. Let me know the price, I will write you a check after talking to my bank manager for a loan, thank you!
          • Are you one of those corrupted fleeing high ranking government officers from Mainland seeking asylum in Canada enjoying lavish life style? Do you need help to hide your money under my pillow? hahahahaha
        • 我们可能说的是不同的事...trailer是自己的, 订camping site就和订tent camping 一样, 只是要注意选可以停trailer的site.
    • 一生试一次足矣!
      • Don't do it! Now there is a provision to give you an option to attend John's school at C$900 per week if you get caught. the Police will drop the charge. Are you one of the JOHN's??
        • @_@ || too late ... did it ... hated it ...
          as long as you do it on a legal camping site, it's fine ~
          • Sure, the law does not allow Police to invade camping tent ,you can take the officer to court for violation of Charter of Rights then you can sue for million dollars. You will have money to buy a luxury trailer, you can do it comfortably in a RV.
            • you are so smart ... thx ... haha ~
    • 握爪,我也不喜欢,太累也没觉得有什么意思,旅行时晚上休息好最重要了.
    • 小资和老农,喜欢的东西能一样么?各方都不必强求,各自精彩就行了。
    • 有人喜欢有人不喜欢。有人开始喜欢后来不喜欢,有人开始不喜欢后来喜欢。if you do it right at the right time/place with the right people, it can be a very pleasant experience. or go terribly wrong just like any other activities.
    • Camping和走马观花的旅游压根就不是一码事,干吗扯一起啊。年纪大了不喜欢是正常的,想想点堆篝火,喝点啤酒,抓抓萤火虫,数数星星再讲点鬼故事,这些都是一生中最美好的回忆啊,住高级宾馆有着回忆吗
      • Do you know that I have never heard a story that an old man sneaking a mistress in camping trip having a good time in the tent being caught with pants down? This proves that camping is unique & safe recreation in life that is unparalleled.
    • 偶就是从小住酒店太多了,才总想camping,听听虫鸣看看夜空,哎~
    • 《甲方乙方》里有个鸡鸭鱼肉吃多了的家伙一定要到乡下吃咸菜窝头的,LZ就顺着这个思路琢磨。
    • camping或住宾馆基本上属于萝卜白菜见仁见智的问题吧?除了体验好奇/陪孩子/增加家庭生活乐趣/集体活动/交友...等原因外,还有个人对大自然的审美视角的不同或价值取向的差异,无优劣之分只是品味有别吧?人类对大自然的情感有时是只可体验和意会而难以言传的.....
    • 实话实说的话,就是因为便宜。这是几个喜欢Camping的朋友说的。想想一大家人,Camping一周多少钱, 住两个房间,一周的旅馆多少钱。知道会有很多人蹦起来砸,说完实话俺就赶紧顶着锅盖跑了。
      • Renaissance Le Parc Hotel Trocadero Paris, Single Rm $319.00 euro per night, $4466.00 euro for 2 weeks. If you choose tent camping along the River Seine Campground, it costs $12 Euro per night $168 euro for two weeks. It is your ultimate decision.
      • 若有FREE HOTEL住,都不用说了...没有的话,能ENJOY TENT CAMPING,也是人生一种境界...俺觉得还有点挑战自己的意思吧:住HOTEL谁都OK,能TENT CAMPING看上红叶还没生病也是一种人生有趣的经验~~
    • 想起TTC的那个广告CAMPING=NONE OF MY FRIEND HAVE COTTAGES.....><, 表砸, 我只是开个玩笑. 我觉得CAMPING是一种生活方式啦. 我也是旅游享受型的, 但是我觉得偶尔CAMPING一下, 体验一下别人的生活不是挺有意思的嘛. 很多时候旅游就是在体验不同的生活嘛.^^
    • 呵呵,你是和大家逗闷子呢吧
      • 小资换口味,老农返故乡,我等城市小市民,就是就是喂蚊子,一次管够。
        • 洋人最多100年前都是乡野的农夫,所有怀念野外,还喜欢点火。
      • We all have different interests in life; some like cheese, some hate it; some like durian, some can not stand the smell; Some like spicy foods & some swear at it. We must respect those who don't like camping & help them not to pick camping.
        • 很多东西都是要慢慢习惯,如同臭豆腐同孙悟空的帖子。
          • Camping is a recreation, a great outdoor activity. There is nothing to do with familization. You do not need to suffer mosquito bites as you do have to. Like a bear licking a honey hive on the tree being stung by thousand of bees but the bear enjoys it.
    • 这问题问的无脑,Camping跟住酒店的目的不同, Camping是更靠近大自然的地方,是旅游的一部分, 去Camping不是为了住的舒服, 而是更接近自然, 感受大地的呼唤, 带上天文望远镜跟孩子一起看星星, 是很美的一件事, 那本身就是旅游的一部分, 住酒店一般是去人文的地方旅游,
      比如大城市,古迹多的地方. 两者不可比.如果想舒服, 建议你去度假村. 不过,孩子小应该住酒店,大点住COTTAGE,再大就可以Camping了.
    • 我不喜欢camping
      • I respect your decison, please don't ever think camping. Murphy's laws prevails on you, if you go camping, you will be killed in an accident or eaten by bear. or you will lose your limbs by frost bite. Don't take that risk in your life.
    • 无论是camping,还是motel,这完全是个人的喜好了。我不但camping, 还喜欢backpacking, 背着背包翻山越岭,就像莫愁MM在她的WCIT游记中说的那样,去走走没走过的路,去看看没看过的景,
      • Worldy, I could not agree you more. I support whatever your say, you got my vote. Life is short , enjoy!
      • 终于看到一个熟悉的户外高手ID回应这个帖子,还以为大家都集体无话可说呢,呵。
      • 这也是我的想法。
      • Yes! Many beautiful places are not accessible by vehicle. The only way to be there is by our own feet, the only way to stay there is by camping.
        • 是滴是滴。比如说,不少人都去过温哥华游玩,但如果要看Garibaldi Lake和Panorama Ridge的美景就

          我们在走完WCT后又去了温哥华的Garibaldi Park 露营,爬了雪山,可惜我们上山那2天一直下雨,山顶飘着雪花,没有看到片中的美景,这也成为下次再去的理由了。这是加西的朋友在我们回来的三天后在峰顶拍的。

          • Nice place! Will go there one day, definitely!
    • 只是一种玩乐方式,完全是凭个人喜好。玩惯野外的人也会对温暖酒店表示不解。
      • 还有哦,自虐可是高档的游戏,自虐者身上的东西可都是价值千金的,当然这些跟其中的乐趣相比不值一提。
      • 这个观点我很同意。就像有朋友不理解我们去海洋三省为什么要自驾,跟团不是更省心省钱。我回答说:自驾的乐趣在于,旅行从你计划的那一刻就已经开始了。
        • "旅行从你计划的那一刻就已经开始了" So well said!
        • Exactly。有次我跟人说,如果出发前有事去不了,我都不是太遗憾了。Because I have enjoyed so much. 哈哈,有点极端。
    • i like most about camping is ...looking at the milky way in the dark dark sky....
    • Suggest this nice Bruj hotel for those who dislike camping. Only 202 suites, each with it's own concierge & butler assigned. Rates start at USD$2K to USD$12K per night. Gurantee no mosquito bite, no bear attack!
      • Poor bum like me could never be able dream about this kind of accommodation. It will cost you USD$150 Yankee bucks to look around. Is this lavish or outrageous? Those who like hotel accommodation, please try this one once in your life time.
        • 我喜欢京剧,但优美的旋律洋人听起来如鬼哭。
          • 同样,大自然也不是人人享受得了的。可能需要从小培养。
            • 发这帖子的人有毛病,可能有点钱不知道怎么花吧
              • 不耻下问而已,有错吗?
                • 混Rolia真长见识,这么些年俺这是第二次见有人"不耻下问"了。
                  • 又一个冒出来,不过是纠正中文的。:)我和老公打赌,看有几个我熟悉ID的户外高手会发言,现已数出三个来了。:)
                  • Googel了一下,发现"不耻下问"还真是用错了。俺其实想说的是"不懂就问"。唉,中文水平明显退化了。大伙儿见谅!
              • You can not take the money with you when you die? I would do the same thing to stay in this hotel to experience the luxury life for a change but I won't give up camping. I sleep better & comfortably better in a tent with criskets singing all night.
                • 说得好!俺想通了,本来就是不同的life experience,都尝试一下有何不可?去远的地方带不了装备肯定会住酒店,而对于我来说,在看了大家(大多数人)的真诚回复后,以后去近的地方也会试着camping一次。再次感谢各位的参与!
          • You are absolutely right, I hate opera, it makes me snoring. I just hate the famous German opera "Madam Butterfly" but others enjoy it. Like eating poisonous Puffer fish, its venum could kill you in seconds but people love it.
    • 这要看你去干什么啦。如果是去名胜古迹,当然是酒店,休息好了,第二天有精神逛。如果去野外休闲,钓鱼,划船享受大自然,住酒店将会扫你出游的兴。
      • You buy a good quality of air mattress & don't share with anyone, then you can snore all night & sleep comfortably. Make sure you inflate the air mattress accoridnlgy.
    • 很多时候CAMPING是因为孩子们喜欢在公园里乱跑,出去就可以有PLAYGROUND, 可以带上自己的自行车,电动车在CAMP SITE里乱转.这都不是HOTEL可以比的.
      本人特喜欢,白天拖着自己的船去钓鱼,晚上在清凉的夜里,点着篝火,喝着啤酒,听着虫叫的感觉. 当然,条件许可的话,住COTTAGE更理想
    • 我们以前没孩子的时候很喜欢camping的,一帮朋友带好吃的用的,在林子里住两天,白天钓鱼,游泳,hiking,打牌聊天,傍晚就围坐炉火边BBQ,喝鱼汤,早晨听着林间小鸟的叫声起床,空气清新无比,感觉很好。不过条件相对是比较简陋,每次最多2天足够,时间长也没意思。