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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛收到不少messages寻问我的旅行计划,就不一一回复了,在这方儿和大家分享我有限的经验.

4月21日定下五月中休假后, 一直用http://www.kayak.com/flights 寻价, 那时考虑到美元和加币的汇率,发现还是expedia.ca的报价最低,不想每天花太多时间上网寻价,又考虑到里程积分(9000多分,值 > $50 gift card) ),最后订了五月16日$1060(including tax)加航的机票,去时在巴黎,回来在Zurich转机.临出发前忍不住又上网查了下(有点象我妈),看到$960的机票,需在美国转机,只好阿Q一下,美国正在闹猪流感,所以机票便宜.如果你有时间上网,相信你能拿到较便宜的机票.

从雅典去Santorini的机票是在这儿订的,去的时候拿到EUR 33的票,回来是EUR64元,很开心,便宜过坐渡轮,前着只要45分钟,后着要7,8个小时.那时看到六月份有EUR 1 元的票.不过不是人人都能拿到,勤唰网者得,呵呵.

If you prefer taking ferry, here is the website for the booking: http://www.gtp.gr/


05/18: Athens
05/19: Nafplio
05/20 - 05/23 Santorini Island
05/24 -05/25 Athens

Athens 主要景点:
a) 考古博物馆 (National Archaeological Museum). 很值的一看..
b) 卫城 (Acropolis). 内有帕特农神殿(Parthenon),埃雷赫修神殿,雅典娜胜利神殿(temple of thena nike),卫城山门(propylaia),卫城博物馆, odeon of herodes atticus 音乐场,也叫theater of dionysos剧场, 还有波塞冬和雅典娜神(Erchtheum).花点时间好好看看Parthenon, wenxuecity 有专门介绍, 这可是西方文明的象征,罗马建筑的榜样,其建筑思想和风格流传至今.还有Erchtheum庙很有讲头. 雅典城名出自这里.
c)宙斯神殿 (Olympic Zeus Columns). 只剩几根柱柱了.
d)宪法广场 (Syntagma). 交通中心. 有卫兵整点交接仪式.Sunday morning 11:00am is the biggest one.I am lucky to be there at that time.
e)Plaka. 雅典古城.著名纪念品区(around Monashraki station), 人挤人. 内有阿塔罗斯柱廓博物馆,古代广场,罗马广场, 罗马风神塔tower of the wind,火神庙(Ancient Agora)
f) Ancient Agora. 后门可上卫城. 里面也有个类似Parthenon神殿, Temple of Hephaestus (赫菲斯托斯), 是祭五金匠神的.比Parthenon小.是全世界唯一一个最完整保存下来的最古的神殿.
g)Panathinaiko Stadium:1896年第一届奥运会体育场
h) 考古博物馆在Omonia广场附近,从宪法广场到Omonia广场约20分走路距离.沿途经过大学街上的3大建筑物.科学院,雅典大学行政学院,国立图书馆.社会科学院旁上有雕塑雅典娜和阿波罗.下面是苏格拉底和柏拉图.横档上有希腊12主神.雅典大学有很精美的壁画.图书馆是全国最大,号称有300多万册藏书.有很多柏拉图的手稿.可惜周日关门,没能进展去.
i) 至今仍在使用的近两千年历史的古剧场dionysus theatre.
j) 雅典最高的小山. Lykavittos Hill,277米高,可俯视雅典以及卫城,也是看日出日落的好地方.(Taking taxi from National Archaeological Museum to the hill is about about EUR 7)

Nafplio: 古代希腊的首都.称为希腊最美的城市.就象Plaka的放大版.她也有宪法广场,但是用大理石铺就的.周围环绕历史建筑.码头边的大广场连接港湾的人行道是观日落的地方.Palamidi要塞一定要爬一爬(我怕晒,没敢爬,坐TAXI到山顶, only 5 欧元.,在城市的高处,有999级台阶.可鸟瞰全古城. Nafplion在雅典西面,约2个半小时车程。坐公交车可在雅典Terminal A车站出发,每小时一班。单程票价9.5欧元。车票对号入座.

1. wenxuecity的世界风情栏目,用关键字"希腊"search, lots of information
2. 国内的穷游网,土耳其希腊版: http://www.go2eu.com/bbs/forumdisplay.php?fid=26, 看看别人发的照片还行.
3. www.tripadvisor.com 这个是我最用的最多的网站,it has a forum on Europe->Greece, you can see other people's post and get your answer immediately from there.

Lonely Planet Greece
Lonely Planet Greek Islands
Fordor's Greece
Fordor's Greek Islands
Some other travel books about Greece from library, finally only kept the Lonely planet series, they are the best.

Hotel: (Sorry for typing in English, I am too slow in finding the Chines, my poor Pingying skill )
没用过princeline. Based on other people's online recommendation, narrowed down to a few in PLAKA area (remember, try to avoid OMONIA area, not a safe area, though the hotels there are really cheap there), 主要用www.tripadvisor.com来check review.

Not too sure about the review, just booked the first night, latter proved it was a wise decision.

Hotel in Athens:
First night, stay in Tempi Hotel, budget hotel, only EUR 60 per day, not good, 有蚊子.
Checked the 2 more hotels, finally booked the Adonis Hotel for rest of the stay, EUR 80 per day including breakfast, it has a roof garden with Acropolis view, that's its only selling point. Hotel room is very small, it is OK for basic stay, the bathroom is very small. And you need to bring your own Shampoo, condition, lotion, and hair dryer, nobody mentioned these in the review, so poor me have to wash my long hair every morning.

Hotel in Santorini:

Fira 很商业话,所以选了Sunset hotel at Firostefani, stayed 2 nights, only 10 minutes walking distance to Fira, and it's the best hiking trial with the greatest view, wear running shoes, high heels are not recommended , lots of stairs up and down:

EUR 80 if paid by credit card, EUR 75 by cash (including breakkfast), room with cliff view, balcony with sunset view, see my previous posted pictures. I am sure you are a better negotiator than I am, you can get a better price.
No need to book a room with private balcony, you pay more but people in the hotels on upper level can still see you. That's what I found, 还偷拍了不少照片,he he.

Hotel in OIA:

There are too many hotels there, just go there and pick the one you like. The hotel in my list was not available anymore, so just randomly picked the next available one. The room is in cave, no sea view, not recommended, but it has a very nice balcony with gorgeous view (see my pictures, the one with small swimming pool). EUR 100, cash only, no breakfast.

Lesson Learned:
1. Bring as much cash as you can, Greek hotel/restaurant prefer cash, you can get a better deal paying cash. too bad I brought 2 credit cards, just not enough cash.
2. Only book the first night hotel, and you can get a very good price while you are there, the longer you stay, the better the price.And cash is the King.
3. On Santorini island, no need to stay in OIA, Firostefani is a very nice village, only 10 walking distance to Fira, and 15 minutes bus ride to OIA, very convenient. Bus fare is only EUR 1.7, very cheap.
4. Try to avoid Taxi Scam(第一次打的就被人宰了,EUR 7的路付了EUR 20,) don't take taxi waiting on tourism area, check with locals for the price first if possible, try get one from the street or ask the hotel to get one for you.

1. From Santorini airport to Fira only has 3 bus/day, may be more in high season, Taxi from Santorini airport to Fira is about EUR 10 - 12 , Taxi from OIA to Santorini airport is about EUR 25
2. Ladies remember to bring Sunblock and hat to avoid sunburn, physical preventer is better than chemical one
3. bring your 保湿面膜
4. As I mentioned above, shampoo, condition, body wash, lotion are all must to have. If you only have carry-on baggage, make sure each is under 100ml. Oh, don't forget 防蚊水, and After Bite, ho ho.
5. Last but not least, don't forget to bring the converter for your battery charger. It's less than $2 if you don't need a complicated one
6. And always watch your wallet all the time in Athens, if you forgot, nice local people will remind you !!!


If you like 古迹,don't forget the Delphi and if you have one more day, plan Meteora in your trip, haven't been there is my regret. Here is a introduction to this place:
You can join local 2 days trip to above 2 places, Hop in travel is a good travel agency:http://www.hopin.com/tours/15.htm, I got a quote from them but didn't have enough time to go.

If you have more time for the islands, try:
1. Korfu: Fordor's指南里说那是希腊最美的岛.不在爱琴海诸岛在亚德里亚海,希腊和意大利之间,需要一个单独的trip,2天时间.
2. 2 or 3 days in Crete. 大岛. 另一个古代文明.主要有克诺索斯Knossos迷宫遗迹
3. 1 day in Mykonos, 号称浪漫之岛,同性恋天堂, 呵 呵.

That's all I can think about, I am sure I must have missed some. Hope it helps.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 我的希腊旅行计划
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛收到不少messages寻问我的旅行计划,就不一一回复了,在这方儿和大家分享我有限的经验.

    4月21日定下五月中休假后, 一直用http://www.kayak.com/flights 寻价, 那时考虑到美元和加币的汇率,发现还是expedia.ca的报价最低,不想每天花太多时间上网寻价,又考虑到里程积分(9000多分,值 > $50 gift card) ),最后订了五月16日$1060(including tax)加航的机票,去时在巴黎,回来在Zurich转机.临出发前忍不住又上网查了下(有点象我妈),看到$960的机票,需在美国转机,只好阿Q一下,美国正在闹猪流感,所以机票便宜.如果你有时间上网,相信你能拿到较便宜的机票.

    从雅典去Santorini的机票是在这儿订的,去的时候拿到EUR 33的票,回来是EUR64元,很开心,便宜过坐渡轮,前着只要45分钟,后着要7,8个小时.那时看到六月份有EUR 1 元的票.不过不是人人都能拿到,勤唰网者得,呵呵.

    If you prefer taking ferry, here is the website for the booking: http://www.gtp.gr/


    05/18: Athens
    05/19: Nafplio
    05/20 - 05/23 Santorini Island
    05/24 -05/25 Athens

    Athens 主要景点:
    a) 考古博物馆 (National Archaeological Museum). 很值的一看..
    b) 卫城 (Acropolis). 内有帕特农神殿(Parthenon),埃雷赫修神殿,雅典娜胜利神殿(temple of thena nike),卫城山门(propylaia),卫城博物馆, odeon of herodes atticus 音乐场,也叫theater of dionysos剧场, 还有波塞冬和雅典娜神(Erchtheum).花点时间好好看看Parthenon, wenxuecity 有专门介绍, 这可是西方文明的象征,罗马建筑的榜样,其建筑思想和风格流传至今.还有Erchtheum庙很有讲头. 雅典城名出自这里.
    c)宙斯神殿 (Olympic Zeus Columns). 只剩几根柱柱了.
    d)宪法广场 (Syntagma). 交通中心. 有卫兵整点交接仪式.Sunday morning 11:00am is the biggest one.I am lucky to be there at that time.
    e)Plaka. 雅典古城.著名纪念品区(around Monashraki station), 人挤人. 内有阿塔罗斯柱廓博物馆,古代广场,罗马广场, 罗马风神塔tower of the wind,火神庙(Ancient Agora)
    f) Ancient Agora. 后门可上卫城. 里面也有个类似Parthenon神殿, Temple of Hephaestus (赫菲斯托斯), 是祭五金匠神的.比Parthenon小.是全世界唯一一个最完整保存下来的最古的神殿.
    g)Panathinaiko Stadium:1896年第一届奥运会体育场
    h) 考古博物馆在Omonia广场附近,从宪法广场到Omonia广场约20分走路距离.沿途经过大学街上的3大建筑物.科学院,雅典大学行政学院,国立图书馆.社会科学院旁上有雕塑雅典娜和阿波罗.下面是苏格拉底和柏拉图.横档上有希腊12主神.雅典大学有很精美的壁画.图书馆是全国最大,号称有300多万册藏书.有很多柏拉图的手稿.可惜周日关门,没能进展去.
    i) 至今仍在使用的近两千年历史的古剧场dionysus theatre.
    j) 雅典最高的小山. Lykavittos Hill,277米高,可俯视雅典以及卫城,也是看日出日落的好地方.(Taking taxi from National Archaeological Museum to the hill is about about EUR 7)

    Nafplio: 古代希腊的首都.称为希腊最美的城市.就象Plaka的放大版.她也有宪法广场,但是用大理石铺就的.周围环绕历史建筑.码头边的大广场连接港湾的人行道是观日落的地方.Palamidi要塞一定要爬一爬(我怕晒,没敢爬,坐TAXI到山顶, only 5 欧元.,在城市的高处,有999级台阶.可鸟瞰全古城. Nafplion在雅典西面,约2个半小时车程。坐公交车可在雅典Terminal A车站出发,每小时一班。单程票价9.5欧元。车票对号入座.

    1. wenxuecity的世界风情栏目,用关键字"希腊"search, lots of information
    2. 国内的穷游网,土耳其希腊版: http://www.go2eu.com/bbs/forumdisplay.php?fid=26, 看看别人发的照片还行.
    3. www.tripadvisor.com 这个是我最用的最多的网站,it has a forum on Europe->Greece, you can see other people's post and get your answer immediately from there.

    Lonely Planet Greece
    Lonely Planet Greek Islands
    Fordor's Greece
    Fordor's Greek Islands
    Some other travel books about Greece from library, finally only kept the Lonely planet series, they are the best.

    Hotel: (Sorry for typing in English, I am too slow in finding the Chines, my poor Pingying skill )
    没用过princeline. Based on other people's online recommendation, narrowed down to a few in PLAKA area (remember, try to avoid OMONIA area, not a safe area, though the hotels there are really cheap there), 主要用www.tripadvisor.com来check review.

    Not too sure about the review, just booked the first night, latter proved it was a wise decision.

    Hotel in Athens:
    First night, stay in Tempi Hotel, budget hotel, only EUR 60 per day, not good, 有蚊子.
    Checked the 2 more hotels, finally booked the Adonis Hotel for rest of the stay, EUR 80 per day including breakfast, it has a roof garden with Acropolis view, that's its only selling point. Hotel room is very small, it is OK for basic stay, the bathroom is very small. And you need to bring your own Shampoo, condition, lotion, and hair dryer, nobody mentioned these in the review, so poor me have to wash my long hair every morning.

    Hotel in Santorini:

    Fira 很商业话,所以选了Sunset hotel at Firostefani, stayed 2 nights, only 10 minutes walking distance to Fira, and it's the best hiking trial with the greatest view, wear running shoes, high heels are not recommended , lots of stairs up and down:

    EUR 80 if paid by credit card, EUR 75 by cash (including breakkfast), room with cliff view, balcony with sunset view, see my previous posted pictures. I am sure you are a better negotiator than I am, you can get a better price.
    No need to book a room with private balcony, you pay more but people in the hotels on upper level can still see you. That's what I found, 还偷拍了不少照片,he he.

    Hotel in OIA:

    There are too many hotels there, just go there and pick the one you like. The hotel in my list was not available anymore, so just randomly picked the next available one. The room is in cave, no sea view, not recommended, but it has a very nice balcony with gorgeous view (see my pictures, the one with small swimming pool). EUR 100, cash only, no breakfast.

    Lesson Learned:
    1. Bring as much cash as you can, Greek hotel/restaurant prefer cash, you can get a better deal paying cash. too bad I brought 2 credit cards, just not enough cash.
    2. Only book the first night hotel, and you can get a very good price while you are there, the longer you stay, the better the price.And cash is the King.
    3. On Santorini island, no need to stay in OIA, Firostefani is a very nice village, only 10 walking distance to Fira, and 15 minutes bus ride to OIA, very convenient. Bus fare is only EUR 1.7, very cheap.
    4. Try to avoid Taxi Scam(第一次打的就被人宰了,EUR 7的路付了EUR 20,) don't take taxi waiting on tourism area, check with locals for the price first if possible, try get one from the street or ask the hotel to get one for you.

    1. From Santorini airport to Fira only has 3 bus/day, may be more in high season, Taxi from Santorini airport to Fira is about EUR 10 - 12 , Taxi from OIA to Santorini airport is about EUR 25
    2. Ladies remember to bring Sunblock and hat to avoid sunburn, physical preventer is better than chemical one
    3. bring your 保湿面膜
    4. As I mentioned above, shampoo, condition, body wash, lotion are all must to have. If you only have carry-on baggage, make sure each is under 100ml. Oh, don't forget 防蚊水, and After Bite, ho ho.
    5. Last but not least, don't forget to bring the converter for your battery charger. It's less than $2 if you don't need a complicated one
    6. And always watch your wallet all the time in Athens, if you forgot, nice local people will remind you !!!


    If you like 古迹,don't forget the Delphi and if you have one more day, plan Meteora in your trip, haven't been there is my regret. Here is a introduction to this place:
    You can join local 2 days trip to above 2 places, Hop in travel is a good travel agency:http://www.hopin.com/tours/15.htm, I got a quote from them but didn't have enough time to go.

    If you have more time for the islands, try:
    1. Korfu: Fordor's指南里说那是希腊最美的岛.不在爱琴海诸岛在亚德里亚海,希腊和意大利之间,需要一个单独的trip,2天时间.
    2. 2 or 3 days in Crete. 大岛. 另一个古代文明.主要有克诺索斯Knossos迷宫遗迹
    3. 1 day in Mykonos, 号称浪漫之岛,同性恋天堂, 呵 呵.

    That's all I can think about, I am sure I must have missed some. Hope it helps.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 计划作的真不错,7天感觉太短对不起那个机票价啊
    • 谢谢楼主, 正在网上做功课,你的帖子肯定能用上,谢谢!
    • 真心感谢楼主的热心分享。我也正在做功课,已经收藏。谢!
    • i went to greece last year. to me, one day in athens is enough, and santorini is really beautiful, but i won't stay more than two days there.
    • 多谢,保存好了。
    • 7年前去过,希腊有点像90年代的中国。别太讲究哪个点哪个点,吃喝玩乐都是旅游的一部分,玩到开心最重要。旅行快乐!!