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Math/ELAS program in Waterloo University

Applied for Honors Mathematics/Financial Analysis and Risk Management program in Waterloo, but
being accepted into Math/ELAS program for one term/4 months because TOEFL has not met
their requirements.

Although the offer said once successful completion of the Math/ELAS program (four months) with 70 marks, I will be admitted into Honors Mathematics/Financial Analysis and Risk Management program in Waterloo, I am not sure how hard the math/ELAS program is.

Does any one attend the Math/ELAS program in Waterloo and later transfer into the program you applied?
If you do, can you share some experience?


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / Math/ELAS program in Waterloo University
    Applied for Honors Mathematics/Financial Analysis and Risk Management program in Waterloo, but
    being accepted into Math/ELAS program for one term/4 months because TOEFL has not met
    their requirements.

    Although the offer said once successful completion of the Math/ELAS program (four months) with 70 marks, I will be admitted into Honors Mathematics/Financial Analysis and Risk Management program in Waterloo, I am not sure how hard the math/ELAS program is.

    Does any one attend the Math/ELAS program in Waterloo and later transfer into the program you applied?
    If you do, can you share some experience?

    • haha , welcome to our FARM program. the ELAS is ok, it is not very hard if you try your best. every term it only fails 1-2person(total about 15-20 persons every class).
      • Thanks! Other two questions: 1) Once we pass the program, Can we be definitely admitted into the program we applied (say risk management); 2) Have you applied your visa in China or here using the conditional offer?
        Do you know how hard to get study visa using the conditional offer? Thanks!!!!!
        • 1 after you pass ELAS, you will be admitted into the program you original admitted .
          2 i am a PR; but i heard from my classmates and friend ; it should be no any problem to apply study permit using the conditional offer. if you can go hua da she qu (pinying, plz google it ). you can get lots help easily
          • Thank you very much! It is very helpful. You are very kind!
    • 请教下这位同学, risk management专业和Finance mathmatics专业有啥区别?另外能透露下你被录取的GPA和T的情况吗?
      • High school GPA around 90; GAOKAO score: 608
        and the average mark for the first three terms in undergraduate in a key university in Beijing around 85. TOEFL is low (only 88). FM may more focus on math modeling while FARM may more focus on the applications of math in finance
        • 非常感谢!
        • 再请问下,FARM是否更接近金融工程一些?
          • For FARM program, it seems you will select either FA or RM in the third year. For RM, it is more specific and it may be part of FE. For FA, it is may be more general and may have overlap with FE -- just my understanding.
            • 再次感谢!
            • 每次写完又想起别的问题, 这个专业1月份有招生吗?其他的大学有类似的专业吗?western有个finance modeling的专业是否和它接近呢?