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Tenant Insurance covers your liability if the common elements or property of other owners are damaged because of your oversight.

Tenant Insurance covers your liability if the common elements or property of other owners are damaged because of your oversight. For example, you forgot to turn off the tap and water flooded, as a result the floor is damaged and furniture of your downstairs neighbor is affected. Most of the buildings only recommend tenants to buy this kind of Insurance, and many tenants opt out. It is also possible that your build requires every tenant to buy it, in that case you don't have other choices unless you are able to negotiate individual lease terms.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 我递了租apartment的申请,Office通知我去签了lease,并要求我必须买Tenants Insurance ,不知是不是都这样?
    • 不是。insurance是说你的东西受到损失,这个insurance赔。你可以说我不在乎,不用谁赔。
      • 可能她懵我!
        • 我以前租公寓时他们也说过。但是自己选择,自己决定。不知是否有强行要求的。
          • 她所必须买,还要我给他保险号
    • 另外,恳请点评公寓 20 Carabob Court,在Shepard & Birchmont。
      • 不了解这个公寓。地点还好。在往北到Finch就不好了。有政府楼。
        • 谢谢
        • 对了,啥叫政府楼?
          • Ontario Housing。给低收入的人住的。你可以想象住的是些什么人。不要住得太近,否则若你有孩子,你的孩子可能同他们的孩子在一个学校。
            • 我朋友在downtown申请的政府楼,又便宜又好, 还靠近湖
            • Finch & Birchmont 附近有几栋黑乎乎的房子是不是?我去问过,2bedroom的1K刀,还包车位。但是申请一周多还批不下来,我就撤回来了!
      • 欢迎你,新邻居!这个地段不错,我很喜欢,我住40号
        • 说说感受吧。
        • 可否问一下您:房价几何?
          • 真奇怪,都叫你去签约了,还不知道房价?#503342有介绍。20号和40号不是一个物业公司管的,各方面略有不同。我的2B+Parking, $1,100
            • 谢谢,我的1B+1D+1Parking, $995。只是想参考以下。
              • 那个D,除了没门外,其它跟B是差不多的
            • 挺便宜的啊。我住丰华对过,1B+parking, $1050
              • 我那个den有一个双扇门,只是屋里没壁柜。
      • 哪里交通方便,离WALMART,华人超市近,缺点是黑人太多,房租不便宜,大楼比较旧。
        • 不要有种族歧视,好不好?
      • Important information! which side you rent the room in? if the room faced to the shepherd,it's too hot and noise!
        • 天啦,我还专门选了一个朝南的!
          • It's teerible! I lived here. I plan to move to another place. if you have time you may come here to hear and feel!
            • 太谢谢啦!你住几栋几号?
              • send to your mail box
    • 我要求在搬进去之前做清结、粉刷,房东就要我晚几天搬进去,这几天怎么解决?房东是不是该在6月1日前准备好房子?
      • 不一定能够实现。如果前住户最后一天搬走,管理处也没有办法。这样的情况只能大家折衷或某方退让。
      • 跟RENTAL OFFICE談一下﹐好的話你可以不用支付那幾天的費用。我也遇到過類似情況﹐本來都打算支付全額房租﹐後來老公說不合理﹐要我再打電話確認﹐結果他們同意扣除﹐還向我陪不是。
    • Tenant Insurance covers your liability if the common elements or property of other owners are damaged because of your oversight.
      Tenant Insurance covers your liability if the common elements or property of other owners are damaged because of your oversight. For example, you forgot to turn off the tap and water flooded, as a result the floor is damaged and furniture of your downstairs neighbor is affected. Most of the buildings only recommend tenants to buy this kind of Insurance, and many tenants opt out. It is also possible that your build requires every tenant to buy it, in that case you don't have other choices unless you are able to negotiate individual lease terms.
    • 这里10号不错,千万别住finch/birchmont
      • 你也住这里?我在40号802,朝西。
        • 朝西的热不热?
          • 多伦多的夏天,再热也不能跟国内的那些火炉比(上海、武汉、南昌、杭州),顶多中午有点热,早晚可爽了
      • 为什么呀?我过一个月要租公寓, 听说那儿便宜, 正准备去问. 能大概说说吗? 多谢
        • birchmont/finch那一片几家公寓户型还可以,楼的年代估计较老,其实后面是个大公园,附近又有医院,超市,我们看出来的缺点是印度人太多,味道比较重,但面积和价格是优势,政府房一事我们到不清楚,我们cancell了申请
          • 太谢谢了, 马上就去