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  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / Canada's economy entering deep recession - OECD,大家还是想想如何独善其身吧。现在房价下跌对于大多数人来讲并不是值得高兴的事,因为它是经济衰退的表现之一,是一种病态,大家还是一起来唱盛经济吧。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛OTTAWA, Nov 25 (Reuters) - The Bank of Canada has more room to slash interest rates, the OECD said in a report on Tuesday, forecasting Canada's economy will shrink for three straight quarters as the global crisis bites into domestic spending.

    The economy is now in a recession, said the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, which predicted gross domestic product would shrink 1.6 percent in the fourth quarter, 1.4 percent in the first quarter of 2009 and 0.3 percent in the second quarter, before returning to growth.

    The economy will contract 0.5 percent in 2009, it estimated.

    "Excess capacity and lower commodity prices are alleviating inflation pressures, allowing the Bank of Canada to boost its expansionary stance," it said.

    The central bank has cut its key overnight lending rate by 225 basis points since December 2007 and has suggested it will ease rates again on Dec. 9.

    Domestic demand, until recently the motor of growth in Canada as exports sagged due to the global slowdown, slowed to 2.8 percent growth in the first half of this year. That is almost half the rate of the past few years.

    "Indicators point to further weakening in the last half of 2008 as a recession takes hold," it said.

    As a result, there will be a net loss of jobs in 2009 and the unemployment rate will rise to 7 percent, the highest since February 2005. The OECD sees the jobless rate peaking at 7.5 percent in 2010.

    The federal and provincial governments combined will likely post a deficit in 2009 and 2010, it said, but it called the shortfall "a largely cyclical outcome that is not alarming and leaves room to absorb eventualities, but underlines the need to keep a lid on discretionary expenditure increases."

    The OECD predicts a deficit in the current account, amounting to 1.7 percent of GDP in 2009 and 1.4 percent in 2010. (Reporting by Louise Egan; editing by Rob Wilson)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Canada and the OECD
      Canada is one of the 19 founding members of the OECD. Just as Canada was committed to strengthening the economic cooperation of the Marshall Plan, Canada contributed to the creation of the OECD with the goal of promoting economic growth as a path to stability.
    • 小学,中学,大学, 学了那么多资本主义经济危机是资本主义不可调和的矛盾,现在终于见识一次,要求不高,但愿我现在的工作的cover到2010。
      • 对于天下三分之二的受苦人,这个要求挺高的
      • 冬奥会
    • 泡沫房价的回归并不是病态。好的经济也可以有便宜的房价。
    • 我原先就认为,更重要的是工作, 工作没有了, 买了房子也很难维持下去。
    • 经济就是经济,怎么唱也是它独有的规律。唱衰唱盛都没什么用,本来就是整个社会,人心合力作用的结果。做好自己的工作,稳定家庭及个人的收支平衡,就已经做出很大贡献了。如果被波及到,也只有坚强的扛着,等待转机。
      • 讲得不错。
      • 我也顶一下
    • 是贪婪导致了虚高的房价, 拖垮了经济. 房价从病态回归理性, 是经济复苏的基础.
      • exactly.
      • 消费者盲目消费,多是被“地产只涨不跌”的谎言欺骗,以为真的是投资。这其中与政府暗中配合地产业推出0首付40年也有很大关系,有房者多数是有产者(正负先不说),政治上多倾向于**党。这在最近一次大选结果也印证了这一点。消费者多数是自己掏钱被政治利用
        • 千穿万穿,马屁不穿.没人不喜欢好听的谎言,有个议员,天天说房价要跌,结果就选不上了.
        • 0首付40年,这是一种父责子偿的放贷。下一代人是更有创造力的一代,不应守着一个破房子出租为生。
      • 确切的说应该是华尔街的金融家们的贪婪,导致了这场危机。
        • 不错, 华尔街的金融家们和政客们的贪婪是祸端, 那些指望空手套白狼的房主们的贪婪推波助澜, 吹出了房价的大泡泡. 财富是生产出来的, 不是倒来倒去凭空加价加出来的.
          • 按照你的逻辑就没有炒地皮这一说法了,有人在炒是因为市场有需求,如果都是政府福利分房,大家都不买房,谁还来炒呢。
      • 说的跟真的似的
        • 你也可以"说的跟真的似的", 只要你有那个本事.
        • 你来说个真的让大家受受教育
    • 经济的盛衰不是这里可以唱出来的
    • 饱吹饿唱。看样子饿了。
    • 娼盛经济
    • 现在各媒体在不知羞耻地唱衰经济,吸引那部分人云亦云的人的眼球,妄图重创消费者信心。我想起了几年前卡氏飓风,媒体开足马力,形容:死尸遍地,臭气熏天,抢劫枪战,饥民遍地,需准备10万尸袋,结果90%的尸袋没用上,也就那样了。
      • 人不是没死,是死的没那么多;经济不是不衰,是衰得没那么厉害。大家该干什么还是干什么,自己倒霉了顶过去就完了,别搞得像媒体那么夸张。
        • 加拿大媒体应该只报道我们伟大的总理说过"加拿大经济没问题, 加拿大不会经济衰退"! 喔, 不对, 我们伟大的总理过两天又改口说"加拿大要经历一个小小的技术经济危机(technical recession)". recession就recession好了, 还什么technical recession, 当别人是两岁小娃?
        • 加国的媒体也就是政府的喉舌,就那么几家。75billion 救市轻描淡写,要知道我们共3000万人,平均每人掏2500元救市!每人发2500 如何?
          • 米国比我们多10倍人口,人家都掏了总共接近2000个B了。人均7000块,还是美刀。要搞清楚,这个钱是借出的,还算利息,不是不还的。
            • 现在fed reserve 帐簿很有很有意思,Nonborrowed 是负的, Total是正的, Discount 涨了快50倍 (2007-12)。fed 正在拿Collateral,没人知道那是什么玩艺。Savings and Loan Crisis, Taxpayers 补了80% 损失。
              • Savings and Loan Crisis, Taxpayers 补了80% 损失 - hehe, 贪婪者消费,纳税人买单,羊毛出在鸡身上了。
            • 这才是我们需要的媒体。
      • 非常同意你的说法,这里的媒体整个就是一人云亦云的屁虫,没什么新意。