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美国是负债社会,OBAMBA让美国从负债社会,走向共债社会。There are total of $59.1 trillion debt, or $516,348 per US household.[4] In 2007。 There will be 10 trillion more after his first term.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Today, Obama ordered 2.5 Millions new jobs to be created, all national infrastructures to be rebuilt, public health care to be provided, big 3 auto firms to be bailed out, bailout of financial firms, mortgage lenders to continue and expand
    Add to that, he will continue to fight the 2 wars, and expand Afgan mission to Pakistan. There's the only small issue to this plan: where is the money? This is a country that is almost already broke, do you think foreign investors and central banks will continue to pay for America's debts while it's clear they will never get repaid. Such a plan will cause the US dollars, stock market and world economy to collapse.
    • Welcome to the United Socialist State of America, where the government orders jobs to be created, and gives money to companies that produce cars that nobody is buying
      • 无产阶级的领袖 OBAMA 上台是向共产社会的 万里长征的第一步 (#58632@43)
        " 钞票过剩" : 话说2005年, CITI 银行的赢利出乎意料, 资产阶级和中产阶级的信誉CREDIT 已经用完, CITI 把目光转移到从来没借过钱的无产阶级身上. 钱闲在保险柜, 还要雇佣保安, 不如放高利贷给这些无产者. 2006年, SUBPRIME利红得发紫. 金融界蜂拥而来.从其他国家筹划更多大资金, 准备推波助澜, 达到金融海啸的高潮. 2007 年无产阶级继承革命传统, 要钱没有, 要财产拿回去. 2008 年资产阶级和中产阶级眼看自己的财产缩水, 就加入无产阶级革命队伍, 选出领袖OBAMA. 2009 无产阶级的领袖 OBAMA 上台, BOTTOM 原理是否成立, 让咱们拭目以待.

        URL: http://www.change.gov

        PIC: http://www.change.com
      • I understand that you don't like Obama, but, to be fair, he didn't say he "ordered" to create 2.5M jobs. He just want to have a plan to create 2.5M jobs.
        • In a capitalist system, the private enterprises create jobs, not the government. The government can set policy to encourage job creation, but it can never set a goal of how many jobs it would create in 2 years.
          Only in a socialist country, the government can set such a job goal as it can simply order firms to employ workers and produce the goods and services even though nobody is buying them. Free enterprise, free market and smaller government are what made America great. In a hurry to fix the problem, it looks like Obama is going to kill the good with the bad,
          • “让人们来挖坑填海,创造需求,生产的结果社会效益无论多么低效,至少是留在了国内。。GDP照样可以保持,哈哈。” toml(nono) 16:23 (#58654@43)
            • 在美国物资生产极大的过剩时代,OBama应该,鼓励公益事业的发展,缩短工作日,每周三天,每天7小时。让人们,活的像人一样,不要像机器一样,为生活而活着,不要为不喜欢的工作而活着。
              美国物资生产极大的过剩,新房屋没人住,CITI 破产,新汽车没人开,GM 破产;新衣服没人穿, 购物中心倒闭。他们还需要什么?阳光房?11路车?皇帝的新衣?
              • Americans are living on debts, trillions of dollars of trade deficit. Everything in the malls are made in China or Mexico. How long can this last?
                Will the rest of world continue to supply everything to US when they realize that they get nothing in return but worthless paper?
                • 这叫从美国来到美国去的政治游戏:(#58638@43) 。 人家美国一不买中国(农民工)制造, 中国社会不就开始乱了吗? 符合 BOTTOM 原理. (#53238@43)
    • looks like O8 takes something out of "New Deal" textbook. Unfortunately, US is not the one in the 30s. Manufacturing is dying. The medicare and medicaid are driving the government to bankruptcy. Where can he get the money to pay for
      universal healthcare, and others?
      • From poor Chinese farmers’ savings (#58638@43)
        poor Chinese farmers’ savings in effect help finance the debt-fuelled excesses of Western consumers." www.economist.com
        • 凤凰财经 > 大中华经济 > 正文 增持美国债并非无奈 央行否认将增加黄金储备
    • 有一点可以预感到。贸易保护主义肯定会抬头了,Bush总结讲话已经暗示很清楚了,美国民主党准备实行贸易保护主义,靠关税来赚钱了。
      • 如果胡总(锦涛=尽美国掏)不买单的话。
    • 美国是负债社会,OBAMBA让美国从负债社会,走向共债社会。There are total of $59.1 trillion debt, or $516,348 per US household.[4] In 2007。 There will be 10 trillion more after his first term.
      • In 2007, the median annual household income rose 1.3% to $50,233.00 according to the Census Bureau. 美国人把一年所有的钱都拿出来还债,还不够,美国现在是破产没倒闭。一但借不到钱,美国立即宣布破产。
    • A slap in the face for those who still believe Obama's 'changes': Bush's Head of Defense Gates will stay on after Obama took over.
      Obama's chief of staff Rahm Emanuel is an Israeli and a firm supporter of war in Iraq and Afganistan, and possibly expanding the wars to Pakistan and Iran. Rahm is also the director of Fannie Mae which is the main contributor of this financial crisis. Obama has also promised to keep Bush's tax cuts for at least 4 years, and slashes social spending. It will just be business as usual in Washington
      • 呵呵,看来奥8嘴上大话连篇,但是心里还是知道该怎么做滴...