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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

It depends!

I attended Seneca College for 4 semester with a GPA 3.9 and transfer all credits to York University. If you only attend classes and understand the material in class, you can pass the courses but cannot get a good grade. Of course, you still need finish all assignment on time. If you want a good grade, you need study after school; such as, do more exercises other than assigned homework, read textbook before class. Regarding the actual time, it really depends on different situations. I usually spend around 2 hours everyday after shcool. Rememer, it is positive relationship beteween your study time and your grade. The more you study, the better grade you have. That is fair.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 考上了多大密西沙加校园的专业,可家在北约克.请问一般本科一学期选几门课,大概每周会上几小时的课?是不是最好去密西沙加租个房子?唉,主要经济也有点紧张啊
    • 对了,还想问一下一般大学里上一小时的课,课下要求几个小时的学习时间啊?好多年没读过书了,对好多事情都心里没底,请大家多帮助,谢谢.
      • It depends!
        I attended Seneca College for 4 semester with a GPA 3.9 and transfer all credits to York University. If you only attend classes and understand the material in class, you can pass the courses but cannot get a good grade. Of course, you still need finish all assignment on time. If you want a good grade, you need study after school; such as, do more exercises other than assigned homework, read textbook before class. Regarding the actual time, it really depends on different situations. I usually spend around 2 hours everyday after shcool. Rememer, it is positive relationship beteween your study time and your grade. The more you study, the better grade you have. That is fair.