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Top Business Schools in Canada - MBA Rankings MBA Rankings. Given below is the list of Top MBA Programs and Top MBA Schools in the Canada.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Note: These rankings may not be the latest published ones. The rankings have been taken from annual rankings of Canadian Business Schools by Payback.

Rank University Program Entry Program Length Min. TOEFL score Min. GMAT score Min. Work Experience

1 Queen's University May 1 year 250 (cbt) 600 2
2 University of Manitoba August 11 months 550 500 -
3 University of Western Ontario September 2 years 250 560 2
4 York University Jan, Sept 16-20 months 600 (250) - 2
5 University of Toronto September 8-16 months 580 . .
6 Mcgill University September 2 years 600 570 2
7 Wilfrid Laurier University August 1 year 550 (213) 550 2
8 HEC (French)
9 University of Ottawa August 15 months 580
10 University of New Brunswick - St. John October 12 months 550 500 2
11 University of Victoria August 17 months 230 550 2
12 University of British Columbia September 15 months 600 (250) 2
13 Concordia University Sept, Jan, May 16-24 months 250 (cbt) 600 2
14 Simon Fraser University Sept, Jan, May 4 semesters 570 550

17 McMaster University September 2 years 580 600 1
18 Dalhousie University September 2 years 580 550 .-
19 Saint Mary's University September 2 years 550 500 .--更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 征求一下意见,这4个MBA应该选那个去上,谢!!Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto Sauder School of Business, UBC Schulich, York University Queen's School of Business, Queen's University
    • 要看准备学什么呢?
      和3个学校招生(UT, York and Queens)的聊过,感觉Queens 好一些.
    • Ivey怎么不在里面?
      • 是国内一个朋友的问题,可以在这4个中任选一个,她可能将来还是会回国的,她现在想去york,我不知道她为什么选了这个,照我看来,U of T都比York强啊,可能MBA的排名靠前?
        • YORK的MBA很好很强大
          • 很悬很疑惑
    • 找不到Canada's MBA排名,只找到大学排名,那位指教一下,谢谢!
      • Top Business Schools in Canada - MBA Rankings MBA Rankings. Given below is the list of Top MBA Programs and Top MBA Schools in the Canada.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Note: These rankings may not be the latest published ones. The rankings have been taken from annual rankings of Canadian Business Schools by Payback.

        Rank University Program Entry Program Length Min. TOEFL score Min. GMAT score Min. Work Experience

        1 Queen's University May 1 year 250 (cbt) 600 2
        2 University of Manitoba August 11 months 550 500 -
        3 University of Western Ontario September 2 years 250 560 2
        4 York University Jan, Sept 16-20 months 600 (250) - 2
        5 University of Toronto September 8-16 months 580 . .
        6 Mcgill University September 2 years 600 570 2
        7 Wilfrid Laurier University August 1 year 550 (213) 550 2
        8 HEC (French)
        9 University of Ottawa August 15 months 580
        10 University of New Brunswick - St. John October 12 months 550 500 2
        11 University of Victoria August 17 months 230 550 2
        12 University of British Columbia September 15 months 600 (250) 2
        13 Concordia University Sept, Jan, May 16-24 months 250 (cbt) 600 2
        14 Simon Fraser University Sept, Jan, May 4 semesters 570 550

        17 McMaster University September 2 years 580 600 1
        18 Dalhousie University September 2 years 580 550 .-
        19 Saint Mary's University September 2 years 550 500 .--更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 如果从事和金融类相关的职业 -Rotman;做技术官员-Queen's;Consultant, I-Banker, Entrepreneur - 以前可以上Ivey,现在不知道了。如果仅仅想找份工作,去York
      • Thanks!
      • 不管是不是 Ivey 的同学们,都搬砖砸啊!这姓刁的还让不让人活?
        能去美国好学校的,不在加拿大读; 想读一年的,去 Ivey ;想读两年的,去Rotman; 拿不定一年两年的, 去Rotman!
    • 这也问;上面4个那个肯收你就去吧。。。
      • 都可以
    • 有什么好问的,那个有强的实习机会,或者企业挂钩的合作(学校网站都有介绍),再根据自己的钱财,交通方便程度等考虑自己选择。这种问题谁告诉你答案都没有用,看排名?太客观;看名气?谁在乎