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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛根据星报的文章,买房者平均贷款18万。按五年固定利率6%计算,每月还贷1150元,外加水电费至少100元,地税大约200元,维修保养及保险费至少100元,加在一起达1600元以上。五年后,如果利率上升至9%,你的月花费就会接近2000元。






注意:仔细权衡利弊,千万不要高估自己的能力。先想好了,万一买房后丢了工作,你们怎么办?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / to:abn(伟翰): Is it a good time to buy a condo or house? The rent for me is too high(1200), but it is hard to find a house that I can afford(250K) in Toronto.
    • 试试呼叫硬脖子JJ/MM,她是房产经纪。
      • 她??
        • @@ 你的,什么意思?
      • 呼叫硬脖子JJ/MM
        • call her at 416 277 1126.
      • 多伦多星报三月廿八日房地产专版、Thestar.com-Special-Your_First_Home
        • Sea of info for first time buyers...
    • 1200 /month 是贵了些, 如果你能负担25%的DOWNLOAD PAY. 买一TOWNHOUSE是很合算的. 每月的房子费用也就是1200左右.
      • town house is too small, right? Most townhouse does not have basement. We want to rent out the basement, so we won't have too much pressure to support the house.
        • that's not ture. some of them have basement like mine. but that's not good for rent since only one set of kitchen.
          if all house expense is just 1200/month. why do you want make youself trouble in renting. haven't you seen all the conflict between owner and tenant ?
          • yes, I hate renting. My frige is too old, but the super does not want to change for me. So I am considering to buy a house. How do you feel it? how many square feet you have?
            • around 1300 --1400. but house may not be a good choice if your budget < 250k. you have to raise ur expection to over 300k
    • Rent or own?please consider the following expences if you own the property: hydro$90, water,$30,property tax $180,cable and high speed internet $80 ,gas $160(average),maintenance $200,mortgage$1100,
      home insurance$35.Total $1875/month>>1200/month.Plus,you need to pay for the lawyer,land transfer tax,home improvement etc. Please note that some figures are different from different case.

      For reference only.
      • yes, you are right. But 1875-600(rent for the basement)=1200, right? You have more space for yourself and you accumulate your money. Rent=water
        • 1275
        • you have to pay for the income tax for the rental income.
          • not really!
          • 好象是很少, 如果房租超过贷款利息那部分才交税吧
        • Just remind you. It is not a bad idea to own and rent right now. You have to figure it out.
      • 举双手同意!嘿嘿,我现在房租1300都还熬着呢,不过如果你把basement租出去压力会减轻一些吧。
        • but now it is too hard to find a house, I do not want townhouse. It is too small, yard is small. the neighbours...
          • To our fellow Chinese:I have seen some our fellows who don't know much about houses in North America and hurry into buying a very bad maintenance house. They don't know
            houses need very tender care. For old houses, there are some system that have to be upgraded soon after the owner move in,like furnace,electrical panel.......be careful, especially in the hot market.
            • 多老算老呢?
              • It depends on how well the property has been maintained. Maintenance prioritizes out of everything else.
            • I won't buy a house older than 10 years.
              • 那好象选择范围就不是很多了吧
                • Can't agree more...
              • 你这样的限制说明你对房屋市场还不太了解。10年新的房子在你的预算里都在交通不便的地方,很难出租。你可以考虑30年以下的房子。
                • 我觉得是这样
        • 租出?租入?
        • 1300, where do you live?
      • that's your imagination. here comes a real case of a townhouse (3 bedrooms + basement+living room+dinning room+kitchen)
        property tax $150 /month,
        gas $130,
        management fee maintenance $161(include water and cabel TV) ,
        mortgage$778 /month
        total= 1279
        house insurance (optional since management fee has covered fire insurance)
        • Thanks for sharing, the case was a house. your case is a townhouse-----one is for own only, another one is" own and rent".
        • Hi, it is so nice. I can afford it by myself. I don't need rent it out. Can you tell me where do you live and how can I find the house?
          • i live in scarborough. for house searching , you could call 硬头MM.
            • from 硬脖子JJ/MM to 硬头MM, what next, this JJ/MM should come out now, otherwise it will become 硬MM le...
              • 小船朋友、我来迟了、莫要怪罪。谢谢老猫和懒牛捧场!
                • so can you give me some suggestions? or I can call you later.
                  • Any time. My cell number is 416-277-1126.
        • 1. location? 2. more than 25% down?
          • 1)E05 - 士嘉堡近北约克。2)25%、三年锁定利率。
        • 请问是多大面积的TOWNHOUSE?
          • 1300 --1400 feet2
            • 谢谢两位
          • 1400 sq. ft.
            • 请问一般TOWNHOUSE比较有价值的期限是多长时间?
              • 30年以下? Not quite sure about it.
    • 如果是买个CONDO, 自已住不出租, 这样可以把RENT变成MORTORGE?
      • Typical investment.
    • 是自己找房子好,还是找代理好?请大家讨论讨论并推荐一下好的代理。
      • 历史旧帖区、337914
      • How to interview an agent ?
    • 参见#423929;关键看地段、$250K应该可以买得到something了。
      • thank you, I am looking at it now
    • 非常抱歉!我来晚了,再次致歉!!!我正在写一点近期地产市场的拙见,稍候。
      • 俺一直怀疑房价有持续上涨的空间,现在的房价已经是十年里的最高,利率也没有下调的可能,不知道等一等是不是个好选择.
        • I have the same worry as you. But the problem is that more and more people are coming to Toronto. For real estate in Toronto, there seems no rule to follow.
        • To ease your concern... (#427915) Many first-time buyers surprised by how low their payments will be...
          • Regarding when it'd be a good timing to buy a house, it goes beyond my knowledge to tell at this moment. It's gonna be everyone's fortune to bet on.
            • However, I won't anticipate a sharp diving of real estate market even in recent years, not to mentiona a couple of months.
      • I really appreciate all the friends and experts here. Your discussion gave me a lot of helps. Let us try hard to build our beautiful life in Canda.
        • it will depands on whether you want to buy it for youself or only for investment, if you buy it for youself, the price is not a big issue, at least you can save the rent.
          • but you know the price has gone up 10% or more in past year.
            • To back you up... (#427907) Expect to pay up to 25% more for a cottage than last year...
      • what you have written are too "big". Those are not very practical for home buyers, though (may be) good for developer. Can you give some practical advises to SMALL BOAT?
        • 他准备博士论文那 :)
          按照小船的房子要求, 没有40万好象下不来啊
    • "if you could afford to carry a $150,000 home at 9 per cent, you can buy a $200,000 home at 6 per cent." —— 摘自硬颈提供的多伦多星报文章。
      "Just five years ago, you were looking at a 9 per cent interest rate for a five-year term, and now it's as low as 6 per cent," he adds. "The difference between paying 6 per cent and 9 per cent is an additional $50,000 in purchasing power, so if you could afford to carry a $150,000 home at 9 per cent, you can buy a $200,000 home at 6 per cent."


    • 如果你准备买房,买房的目的是为了自住,并且现在就有能力卖房,那么,晚买不如早买。但是,别以为买房比租房省钱。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛根据星报的文章,买房者平均贷款18万。按五年固定利率6%计算,每月还贷1150元,外加水电费至少100元,地税大约200元,维修保养及保险费至少100元,加在一起达1600元以上。五年后,如果利率上升至9%,你的月花费就会接近2000元。






      注意:仔细权衡利弊,千万不要高估自己的能力。先想好了,万一买房后丢了工作,你们怎么办?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Good point!
      • 是实在话!不过,目前加国经济低迷,相应的房地市场却异常火暴,其状况与美国房市清淡形成强烈反差,加上6月新法实施将造成大量移民减少,房价暴跌指日可待,也许不用等3年。
        • 新移民法只不过更改了移民条件,却并不能减少移民数量,因为在世界范围内,移民申请者的基数实在是太大了。门槛再高,也有人过得去。
        • I believe location is the most important factor you have to consider when buying a house.
          My agent gave me 3 hours education even before we start talking about business. During bad times, housing price in good location will drop too, but not sharp drop and stays flat before it goes back, and bounces quickly once the market is getting better, while that in bad location will drop sharply and stay low for quite a long time before the next curve starts. A good agent should be able to give you a good evaluation of the house instead of pushing you. Buying house is a big investment, you have to think about the resale value of your house too. Do most people like the structure of house, the location. If not, when you want to sell it, it is gonna be hard.
          The above is just a small part of the education my agent gives us, hopefully it is helpful. We had several agents before, he is the first and the only one gives us those advices which totally changed our opion in house hunting.
          • 我也受到了类似的教育。地点确实买房的考虑要点。不过,对于房屋的再出售价值,我有不同看法。



        • 谁说美国房市清淡了? 现在还在涨, 除了硅谷和西亚图.
          房子比股市可靠. 三年前我买房的时候, 几个朋友说我傻, 股市那么好买什么房, 过两年他们可以不贷款就买我的房子. 现在呢, 他们的钱连20%的头款都不够了.

          房子不光是投资, 也是享受. 就算这两年房价降了, 我也享受到了, 连带双方的父母也都来种花种菜的乐了一番. 不像股市, 丢了的钱影儿都不见了. 我支持买得起房就买 (但至少要留足够半年的钱做后路). 现在我那几个朋友也都在折腾买房子, 早知道还不如跟我一起买呢, 我都住了三年了, 房价已经涨了好几万了.
          • 类似股市,你在浪底买进,当然收益多多;现在是浪尖的可能更大,还能爬多高?在等一年半载,省的可是以万为单位的。
            • 等了一年半, 房租也进去了, 利率也涨了。 不过如果想到美国去, 还是不买的好
              • 是啊,买也不是,不买还不是,人生每时每刻都要面临十字路口。你的大TOWN HOUSE 入住了?
                • 没那, 买了愁, 不买也愁
                  • 不用愁,可以出租部分,以租养房。
              • 买房后,每月省的钱不能简单地用现在每月的房租算。因为买房后每月也要交水电费、维修费、地税等若干费用,还有每月还银行的利息。算起来一年也省不了太多。同意你的最后一句:短期投资的话就很难说了。作为长期投资还是可以接受的。
                • 如果没有贷款, 即使那些费用加起来应该也比租房子便宜, 而且还那么大。
                  • 是肯定少过房租。但总的算起来,每月也省不了太多。地方大是没错,你需要那么大的地方就有用,用不着也是没用。而且象horosc(红绿灯)说的,房价一跌就是以万为单位的。自己长期住的话,房价涨跌影响不大,所以有钱还是应该买;短期就难说了。
                    • 有理
      • good point.
      • Can't agree more!
    • 大家看看从1980年到2000年的地产简略统计 http://www.randi-emmott.com/market.htm
      • 谢谢。1980年起,平均房价逐年稳中有升,1986年突然大幅上升,至1989年达到最高(历程四年)。随后下滑,到1993停住,缓和了三四年,1997开始上扬至2000,幅度远小于86年那次。
        • that means the price will not drop too much in one year.
          • 很难讲。历史只能是个参照。目前成交量极大,说不定某天新闻报道某个地区房价回落,从而导致连锁反应,整个城市成交量和房价大幅度下滑。
      • One of the VP in my company, she bought a condo 6 years ago, the price is 140k, now she can sell at 210k.
        • 140K investment for 6 yrs with a return of 210k. You think is a very good deal? 7%/yr. I would say just so so. For most of the time, house is not a good investment tool. It's for living and pleasure.
          • you forgot to count the rent fee in those 6 years. 6x14400=86400
    • 真的很想买房,但不知如何下手。
      • 一、攒钱,最好攒够25%的首期。二、确定预算范围。三、找两三个经纪。四、确定一个经纪。五、申请银行贷款预批准。六、跟着经纪转房。七、买。八、住。九、卖。
        • hi roller, did you ask your lawyer to view the mortgage document we get from bank?
          somebody told me only mortage broker's contract need to be viewed
          • NOT DONE YET。不过,贷款中介说她的责任是把我介绍给银行,由银行跟我签贷款合同,从那以后中介与我不再有任何关系。所以,律师审阅的文件应该是我和银行的贷款合同。我又不给中介钱,审阅中介合同有什么意义?
      • Let me help u out. ;-)