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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / Could you give me some suggestions? I hold a Bachelor's degree in Biology (China) and Biotechnology diploma ( Diploma). I got laid off. It is hard to get a job now.
    Which course will be better for me to take if I go back to study? Nursing? Accouting? computer ? Thanks
    • 干什么都是工作。当然是IT拉。一样的劳动,这个得得多,适应变化能力强。
      • Which kind of program is better in IT? Networking? It will take me 2 or 3 years to finish it at college since I am not young any more.
    • accounting.
      完全没有基础转IT困难不小,如果你要求不高,学个accounting 找个初级工作不太难。

      • 现在满世界都是学会计的,找初级活也不是很容易了.
    • Choose nursing, if you're interested.
      • Actually I am not interested in Nursing(PRN), but I really need a security job. I do not wanna to spend 2 or 3 years at college and after that I can not find a job either.
        • 护士是你选的几个行业里最靠近你的背景的.
          不知你对NURSING是否有一些了解,如果没有最好先做做调查研究(包括学习方面和工作方面), 因为NURSING不比一般行业,如果你既不喜欢又很厌恶,还是不要尝试了..如果没有兴趣但也可以承受,纯粹为了生活,还是可以一试..学出来找工作不会辜负你在学校的两年时间..
          • Thank you very much:) is it RPN very tough career?
            • 不知你说的"TOUGH CAREER"具体指的什么..学习的过程是比较繁忙艰苦的,不过只要你能通过所有的课程并且考到LISENCE,工作上没有什么难的..另外NURSING本身也是一个LIFE-LONG LEARNING PROCESS, 经验的积累很重要,而且工作中还是需要不断充实自己才跟的上行业的发展变化.
              • I very appreciated for your help. I am wondering if the work RPN will do is similar as that of PSW should do?
                • Personal care, which is what PSW mostly do, is also the basic skill of nursing.
                  Both RPN & RN cannot avoid doing personal care for their patients, and it is also the very first thing taught in any nursing school. But personal care is only a tiny part of nursing, what nurses do and the responsibilities nurses have are way way more than that. That's why RPN needs a 2-year training and RN needs 4 years, also, they both need to pass the national exams and are regulated by specific institutions.
    • 我自己是从生物转IT的, 从你的情况看, 不建议你走这条路. IT重视经验, 第一份工作难找. college学历不太够. 我自己读了一学期college后, 转到U, 又读了7个学期才拿的第二学位. 第一份工作是靠了生物背景找到的. 不过, 后来换工作就容易了.
      • Thanks. How about the Networking program (2 years) at college. Have to pursue the degree in the university for IT job ?
      • "第一份工作是靠了生物背景找到的. 不过, 后来换工作就容易了" -------------------- 请问:你的第一份工作是IT的工作吗? 后来的工作还是IT的工作吗? 谢谢
        • yep, 第一份工作是写bioinformatics程序(不推荐这个方向), 后来就纯IT了.
          • 为什么不推荐? 能详细点吗?
          • 请问:你是做java的,还是 dot net的? 谢谢!
    • bioinformatics, using graphics processing to do brain surgery was my dream :D
    • 我上班的制药公司正在招初级药物分析员,和你的背景似乎差不多.请问你被LAYOFF前的工作和分析化学相关吗? 我们在AJAX附近,离TORONTO不远,有兴趣的话简历我帮你递. PM 我.
      • Thank you so much . You are very nice:) I have Pm you. Please check your message.
    • 握手先,同行,半年前突然被公司开掉,同时被开的有40人,目前只有30%的人找到正式工作,且学历越高越难。我不幸落入高学历范围,短期内难以回到专业岗位,目前阴差阳错在一家注册按摩师学院混一个教书匠做做,如果你还年轻,这倒是一个可以靠瑞的职业。
    • 唉,加拿大的很多生化公司和制药厂对外国文凭有歧视。你要不然去RCMP应聘试试?工资也挺高的。
    • Thank you very much for all replies, suggestions and help.