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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

I am refused by the company. I feel badly!

HI, friends

I was refused by the company after the interview. Just after the interview, I felt I cannot enter the company. the project is a E-Commerece project. When the interview, they asked me which web site is your projects. How can I answer Such this knid of questions?

That is a very famouse company in Canada and I am very familiar with the tools and work environment of the project. So this a very good oppertunity for me.

I am so do down now. Who can help me and anser the question?



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / I am refused by the company. I feel badly!
    HI, friends

    I was refused by the company after the interview. Just after the interview, I felt I cannot enter the company. the project is a E-Commerece project. When the interview, they asked me which web site is your projects. How can I answer Such this knid of questions?

    That is a very famouse company in Canada and I am very familiar with the tools and work environment of the project. So this a very good oppertunity for me.

    I am so do down now. Who can help me and anser the question?


    • Take care.
    • You should show them the site you have developed if it is a ecommence and you are really an expert on it.
    • I think you should improve your English. You will find a job soon. Good luck.
    • You confused me. Why didn't you just show them the website?
      • Is there water in your head? I know u just study Java in canada. IF u had an interview, could u give the interviewee the website?
        May you can give hime one, but you know, u have to fake 3-4 projects in your fake resume, so what if he as you other projects?
        • oops!
          • there are many typing errors. Sorry about that. But what do u mean?
            • I meant I had no "water in my head".
              • No water in ur head?
                really? dry? Nothing?

                Hi, Wang ji ang, I see u r always on line and visit this web site. U realy have enough time to type or seach it. I think u must enjoy with this chat.
                Why donot take time to point out ur suggestion.

                I guess u have no formal interview now, right? If u r luck, u will also encounter this question. do u have any idea? NO?

                I guess u just finished advanced section about Java, right?
    • Dear Friend, I suggest you keep practicing your English...
      Here are two technical comments on your posting. 1) You may say "I don't get an offer from that company". Better not use the word "refuse".
      You may refuse to accept my suggestion, but you cannot refuse me. 2) Only in the very formal writing, people end up a letter using "Truely", "Sincerely yours", .... bla-bla. If you write an email to a friend, you may use "Best regards", "Best of luck", ... bla-bla.

      By the way, if you don't have a site to show the people, you may tell 1) This site has gone; 2) This site have not yet gone live. Well, I cannot tell you more. Otherwise, some friends will blame on me :-) :-):
      • Well Jabber, I just can not REJECT you and your nice suggestions. :))) though i am not the poor guy... Can I use 'reject' for both people and things?
      • Jabber, I feel so pity for you.
        Who will use "TRuely" in the letter? Do u always use like that?
        Haha, if u use like that, plz find all of your mail back, since in english dictionary, there is NO " TRUELY", this word.

        Each time , I write "TRuly" not TRuely. I believe u have to sweat now, right? So many people will rectify this big bug soon. Ur english is just so so, so plz rectify ur comments before posting them.


        aaa' brother(bbb)
        • Thank you very much. I will do my best to learn from you.
          • Jabber, you don't impress me by technical skills nor by English ability. You impress me by personality.
          • Jabber, you needn't say that.That's only a careless neglect. I can bet that most of the friends here, including me, cannot tell the first mistake in aaa's subject so proficiently as you did.
      • I cannot understand what u mean that " friend will blame u" in your post
        so many people who go there are between the jobs. especially to the new guys, they studied Java in short-term school and dream to earn money soon. So many many Chinese guys' resume is faked. There is fact and is spoken out frankly.

        aaa met that question. I think if interviewee wanna check ur background , he will ask that question. U can image if u r that interviewee, will u ask that question?

        so jabber, who will blame u , blame you what? who can say he has 2+ java experience at E-commerce in China or Canada here. If u go to chinese website, u can account your finger which websites using java technologies(advanced). right?

        • By the way, my suggestions 1) and 2) are sort of cheating, which some friends hate very much. I don't want to be a target. Thank you again for lessoning me.
      • The second mistake in aaa's subject. "I feel bad." not "I feel badly". 2 sentences, 2 mistakes. Then aaa should know why so many pepole suggest you to improve your English?
    • I think guest 'aaa' or 'bbb' is our former 'Poeny'. Believe or not.
      • who is Poeny?
      • I think so
      • Wjiang has a good imagination. I also feel that a little bit likely.
      • Ooops! Really?! I remembered Poeny is still in BJ...Anyway, the 'aaa' or 'bbb', just let it bee...
      • 一丘之貉
    • 'aaa'和 'bbb'同志,你的英文可以提高的地方比较多, 我真诚的认为你要花更多的时间去进一步提高它。网址一事, 我确实不能给你更好的建议。祝你成功!
      • 同意!
      • Thanks! I admit I should improve my english more. Sorry my acidulated comments. If I get a job, I will go back again! Thank for all the friend who cares for others.
        • RECTIFICATION: Thanks! I admit I should improve my english more. Sorry for my acidulated comments. If I get a job, I will go back again! Thank for all the friends who care for others
      • subject closed.
    • Try this website: http://www.zhao1zhao.com/
      This site is a integrated website, you can complete download its source code(asp), and then said which parts is your designed, I think it is quickly to manage these kind of question, how do you think?
    • ok, error-finding
      1, when you first mention the company, i see no reason to use "the", instead, an 'a' is good;
      2. when you feel bad/badly, you need to use adjective;
      3.'when' is for initiating a sentence, in youe 2nd line, that 'when' should be a 'during';
      4.'such this', 1 of them is redundant;
      5, other minor spelling/typo errors