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我的老师(魏克)曾经跟我说,手指粗的人谈出的音色容易饱满、浑厚,如Segovia。有一个例外就是John Williams,Segovia的手指有他的3倍粗,但他弹出的音色一点也不单薄。

说到Williams,虽然他被誉为吉他王子,但我发现他对西班牙音乐的演绎并不是最好的。个人觉得Pepe Romero,Manuel Barrueco都比他演绎得要好。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / To expertune (and all classical guitar fans): my web site is up
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Well it's been up since Saturday, I just didn't have a chance to post until now.

    As you can see, I'm heavily biased towards Spanish and Latin-American music, so you will find most of my collections fall into this category. Most of the pieces are the ones I really like, but some of them are there just for the sake of completeness. Also you'll find same pieces several times, those are performed by different people for comparisons.

    Some of my favourites:
    - Albeniz/ -- I like nearly all of them.
    - Barios/ -- Danza Paraguaya, Julia Florida (beautiful, simple piece)
    - Brouwer/ -- Cancion de Cuna (Cuban Lullaby, very beautiful, impressed me the first time I heard it), the rest are weird stuff
    - Debussy/ -- I only have this one of Debussy in mp3 format
    - Falla/ -- Spanish Dance No.1
    - Satie/ -- 3 of his Gymnopedies
    - Torroba/ -- Romance de los pinos by Pepe Romero (really beautiful piece, and short (less than 900k))

    In the top level directory, there's also a Piano subdir. There are a few pieces that were later converted into guitar, but I think the piano version is more appropriate. Among them are 2 pieces from Albeniz's Iberia Suit (El Puerto and Triana), performed by Alicia de Larrocha who is regarded as the best interpreter of Spanish music in the last century. That lady is amazing - she has short fingers yet her technic is flawless and her interpretation is so colorful and full of passion. I'm now trying to find all pieces from Iberia performed by her, but I'll probably end up buying the CDs.

    There are still pieces I really like missing from my collection, like Pepe Romero and Celin Romero's duet Granada (the piece that I fell in love on my first hear) and Spanish Dance No.2(?) Oriental.

    Last, I appologize that I have to put throttle on this site to about 30kB/s (the more people the slower) otherwise the machine behind it can hardly get on to the Internet. Also, if the traffic is too much, shaw will probably change my IP (this did that 1.5 month ago). Let's see how it goes this time.

    I hope you will enjoy it :-)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Wow! hug u tightly!
    • Thanks. Just opened 2 of them. Very Good!
    • Amazing! thanks a lot!
    • wow, 不错不错... 我准备copy你的站点了.等晚上吧 ... 呵呵, 不过 ....
      J.S.Bach 里面缺" Chaconne", 很牛X的曲子. 我也没有找到mp3, 只有CD或钢琴版的MP3
      Sor的好像缺Grand Solo, 影像最深的是山下和仁弹的, 主要是技巧, 这个机器!
      老segovia怎么尽是小品? :-)

      Rodrigo的这两首协奏曲我有Pepe的CD, 等我比较一下. 看看Parkening教授到底如何
      我非常喜欢的Capricho Arabe有3个版本, 辛苦了!
      等我down下来完后仔细研究一下曲目. 让我们一起来收集!!!
      • Like I said, I'm heavily biased towards Spanish music, that's why you don't see a lot of Segovia (most of them I found on napster are bach), Juliani, Sor. I think you can be the complement of me in those area :-)
        Too bad napster is no where near what it was a year ago. I can hardly find all these in today's P2P software.
        • 就是啊, 连Mopheus好像也停了. 说是软件问题. 鬼知道. 我原来趁MP3.com还能down的时候down了一些, 演奏的人都不怎么有名, 曲子也杂.. 不过bach这首Chaconne象他的一些小品一样, 很好听, 不是那种工整的练习曲一般的复调
          • I heard Mopheus experienced a DDoS attack, that's probably why in their new beta they switched to gnutella protocol.
            Too bad I didn't save some more Segovia's Bach pieces, there were a lot of them, like Chaconne, Bourie, Sarabande etc.

            What about the 3rd one in Bach/? That one has Chaconne in title ...
            • 嗯, 就是这首啦..呵呵, 刚才没看见 :-)
    • 同感, 我也很喜欢Albeniz的, 特别是那些用地名命名的曲子, 我都在网上仔细研究过这些地方的资料和图片, 闭上眼睛听, 那些景色仿佛就在眼前...爽 . 那首"海湾的喧嚣"(sorry, 忘了英文名) 好像没有 :-)
      • I think it is there -- the 3rd bottom one in Albeniz/. The title has been truncated though. It seems that you are more hardcore than I am :-)
        • !! 文件名太长 :-) 帕教授的演奏是按照乐谱来的, 慢了点. 听过其他版本, 那个低音E, (前面几小节第一个音符), 都被休止掉, 只有很短促的1/2拍, 味道又不一样, 很有点惊涛拍案的感觉. :-)
          我也听赵长贵(应该和你们一起听过阿瑟博士讲课的吧) 这样演奏过
          • Hmm ... never heard that kind of interpretation ... interesting. Let me try it out myself first. Hopefully I can still remember how to play it :-)
            • 大拇指6到5靠弦后把6弦止掉
              • I know :-) And I vaguely remeber that I've heard that kind of interpretation before. Anyway, the big problem with me now is ...
                ... I don't have a good guitar! I have one Hong2 Mian2 left over by a friend going back to China, but the 3rd string is not precise!

                I used to go to Tom Lee several years ago. One guy showed me a Rodregues (?). Man, that was nice. But the price tag ($1400) was a bit high for me at the time and that one was not a pure classical style. Well even now, I don't think I have the budget for it :-(
                • me2, 我正在找便宜的好货, 几个dx包括fofor,feifei,熊猫等给我提供的地址我正准备一一看过来. 难啊. 最烦的是音不准. 音色到可以靠人来弥补.
                  • 没错,音不准一点折都没有。关于“音色到可以靠人来弥补”,我是深有体会

                    我的老师(魏克)曾经跟我说,手指粗的人谈出的音色容易饱满、浑厚,如Segovia。有一个例外就是John Williams,Segovia的手指有他的3倍粗,但他弹出的音色一点也不单薄。

                    说到Williams,虽然他被誉为吉他王子,但我发现他对西班牙音乐的演绎并不是最好的。个人觉得Pepe Romero,Manuel Barrueco都比他演绎得要好。
                    • 杨雪霏现在好像在英国. 对, Segovia的照片上每个指头就和胡萝卜一样粗....按下去能把一个品占完. John Williams是很不务正业的一个人, 什么都在玩..pop,jazz...等. 我喜欢pepe, 那天看他照片, 真老了一大截...
                    • 不知道这里哪里有细的水砂纸卖? canadian tire还是home depot. 现在都没有东西来保养指甲了...唉
                      • 建议你去百货店卖女人化妆品的地方看看,那里有卖磨指甲用的砂纸(其实是砂纸贴在象冰棍棍一样的木头片上),从粗到细都有,既好用又便宜。
    • can't access it, can you change 8088 port to 80 port?
      • Urgh ... why? Are you behind some kind of proxy?
        • yes, company block all the port except 80, 555555
          • OK, if you can email me your company's firewall ip address then I can set up a special rule for you ...
            • forget about it ba, I don't know how to get fireware IP,thanks
              • ok, try this url and I'll know your firewall's ip ==>
                • ok, got you. Now try again. This time it should work (only for you) ==>
                  • inside la, but it show"There is nothing here!" :P
                    • Must be some other guy clicked on the link :-) Anyway, try again.
                      • great, thank a lot, I can see the list, but there not html file to intruduce those mp3 file la, maybe I need download all:P
                        • Those are just directory listings. I don't really have time to setup html pages :-( Anyway, refer to my original post for some of my favourites. Good luck!
                        • Oh, pls don't try to download all of them at once. The whole thing is, though not too big, over 500MB! :-)
                          • okay, I c, I just pick some nice one to download, BTW still thank your very much
                      • 有几个人再下? 好慢哟....一下午了, 也没几个down下来 :-)
                        • : P
                        • 国内的都给我upload了几集连续剧了,这里还没download几首歌。:(
                          • 拜托啦小姐,我可养不起T1哦,更别说OC3啦 :-) 没想到那么多 classical guitar fan ...
                            • 你不知道在这文化的沙漠有一群恶狼吗?Anyway, thanks for sharing.
                        • Well, I got over 70 distinct IPs! :-) Some of them are using netants, flashgets, etc. to grab the whole thing! Now I realize the advantage of P2P -- it propagates! :-)
    • 俺怎么听不了?也不能下载?
      • Really? What's the error message?
        • 有没有阿尔汉布拉宫的回忆这首曲子? 很想再听听, 谢了.
          • Yes, the 1st one under Guitar/Tarrega/.
      • OK, I got a lot of hits, reached the throttle limit :-( sorry guys I am running this out of my poor cable-modem connection ...
        • 西西,你的网站快刷暴了吧,俺都连不上,干脆直接去MP3找了,多谢。
          • hehe, 见笑了。我的cable connection应该能达到50-60kB/s,但是我必须throttle,否则我连rolia都上不了啦 :-)
            这些曲子在 MP3.com 很难找到的,还是耐心一点,等traffic降下来再当吧。早晨的traffic应该比较低,如果你能等的话。