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  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / The most civilized may to escape from civilization - paddling on French River and Georgian Bay

    French river was the frontier of modern civilization when European setters tried to push the way west from st. Laurence river. Today, it becomes a main attraction to those who want escape from civilization for a while.

    The experience we had from this trip certainly demonstrated its true value of this purpose.

    We left early on Friday, august the 3rd, and arrived at Hartley bay marine around 12:00pm. Our group had 8 people, all of them had some experience on water - from being-able-swim-15-meters to paddled canoe in easy wave from time to time, but no one had white water experience. Well, I was told that French river was flat water so white water experience was not required.

    On that day, the wind was about 15km/h north east - a fair weather for paddling. it was easy on the first 3 km or so, except finding the right direction. When our canoes turn into Wanapitei Bay, the water opened up and we were forced to run against the wind. We tried keeping ourselves in narrow passages between islands but there were still open water bodies between islands. On those places, the wave was pushing from sideway to our canoes that rocked like swine. In those situations, we had to manage the canoe run across wave.

    By zigzagging in Wanapitei Bay, our fleet slowed down. Our targeted destination was the elbow, where there were two good campsites at south corners of the intersection of the main channel and eastern channel. When we reached the elbow, it was already 7:30pm but both campsites had been taken.

    Thus, we had to paddle further towards Dalis rapids. There were campsites on the map, but we couldn't find any mark on expected locations. The sun was going down; we were exhausted and whenever we approached some place that might be used as a campsite, we founded that it was taken. People offered us to share their campsites but we had a large group. We would prefer having a campsite of our own for privacy of others and ourselves. Finally, we found one campsite that was at the north shore near Dalis rapids - for we could hear rolling water.

    It was 8:30pm now and we made our first camping fire at the shore of French River, thanks to Mike "Saw" and Steve "Axe" who made their reputation for cutting fire wood whenever we stopped at a camping site.

    We should had adjourned the day but we still had a lesson to be learned. Mike tried to fetch some clean water off the shore. He carried a bucket and pushed a canoe into the river. When he tried lifting a bucket of water in the middle of the river, he lost balance and fell into the water. He was still confused what was wrong causing the boat flip over when he swam back to the show in his "wet suite".

    The lesson learned was that you should always balance your life no matter on the solid ground or floating water.

    Now, the camping fire had dimmed away, stars popped up in the sky. And milk way appeared with full of myth that we had not yet fully understood. Silently dialogging with stars, we all fell into sleep on the shore of French river.

    (To be continued)

    Link to pictures: URL

    • 顶! eng-chinese 的版本来了 --powered by google translate
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛最文明的可能逃离文明笼罩于法国河流和格鲁吉亚湾
      由玻利亚( easywave ) 2007.8.9 19:09

      <本文发表于:相约加拿大:枫下论坛www.rolia.net /论坛>

      法国河流是前现代文明的欧洲,当二传手试图推动西方式由st .劳伦斯河.今天,它成为一个主要吸引那些想逃离文明了一会儿.


      我们早退,对周五, 8月3日抵达位于哈特利湾海岸约下午12:00 .我们组8人,他们都是有经验的水免受-能游泳15米的独木舟划出容易在波从时间,但没有人曾白水的经验.好,有人告诉我,法国河流持平水,使白水经验不是很需要.


      由不顺wanapitei湾,我们的舰队正在放缓.针对我们的目的地是位于肘,那里有两个很好的营地位于南角落交会的主要通道和东部通道.当我们达成肘,它已经是下午7:30 ,但双方营地被带走.


      这是下午8:30现在,我们的第一个宿营扫射,岸边法国河流,感谢麦克, "看"和史蒂夫"开刀"的人作出自己的声誉消防切割木材时,我们停在一个露营场地.




      (待续)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 这个要顶~~快写第2,3,4集。
      • Just as good as google search. Thx.
        • 你那个pda是不是第二天就没电了?
          • I worked on photos, man. You should write something without using google translator?
            • 你一气把4集贴完了,我给你做中文翻译版,你用英文写,写得辛苦,不过看的人少。
              • Thanks. I am working on part two.
    • 不错,期待后续
      你们第一晚的营地我们也住过,不过我们在那里住了两个晚上。从照片上看,你们第二晚像是在Obstacle Island 扎的营(?)从那里回Hartley Bay又是几点到的呢?
      • 第一天我们住的是625。第二天是个大岛,好象是叫Obsalte什么的,不过那个单词在地图上覆盖了一大片岛。我们在连续两个私人岛的东南面700米处大岛上扎的营。坐南朝北的大石头上,视野极好。第三天在eblow 622
    • Photos
    • Dalis rapids and Georgian bay - French River (2)

      The next day morning, our fleet started moving around 9:30am. Our destination of the day was Obstacle Island.

      We have to pass Dalis rapids and then turn into Georgian Bay. There was a portage (180 meter at your left) for Dalis rapids on the map. and Georgian bay could have high wave. But the route should be much shorter comparing to that of the first day.

      Dalis Rapids has 3 to 4 stages depending on how to count them.

      Soon, the sound of rolling water got stronger. It was from Dalis Rapids which had 3 to 4 stages depending on how to count them. We saw motor boats gathered at a small bay, people were talking - exchanging ideas about the rapids which could be seen as the water suddenly dropped away in about 50 meters ahead. Lucy and I made our canoe at a bay so that we could climb to high ground and assess water level.

      While we were talking to a local guy other canoes of our fleet were coming too fast towards the rapids without knowing the dangerous. We yielded at them, "pull over, pull over". At first they were confused but soon they realized what was awaiting them ahead. Luckily, they managed pull canoes into the bay.

      Let's go back to the local guy companied with a black dog who seemed authentic to French river. We asked him where was the portage to pass the rapids. "There is no portage for canoe. You can walk canoe over the rapids if you got enough rope, just take valuables with you; the water has dropped two feet in past two weeks." He also walked with me to show me where the canoe should go through. The first one could run canoe close to the shore while control the canoe from the cliff with ropes. Than went down to the water and lead the canoe pass the second swift. The third one was tricky for too much rocks around the shore. We had to let the canoe run though the main current where water was rolling.

      We managed two empty canoes through the rapids - did not let them go though main current but lifted canoes when passing the third rapid.

      The third canoe was mine; I wanted to try what the man told me. I did not empty the canoe but did take out valuables - my digital camera. With rope in hands, I made the canoe pass through the first two swifts. For the third one, l had to give away more rope so that the canoe could go through main current. Everything seemed fine; the canoe was turning into main current slowly.

      But suddenly the water took charge and brought it into the rapid. It pulled all rope from my hands with in half second and the force were so fierce that I was almost pulled into the rapid. I had no choice but let the rope slip from my hands and the boat was gone into the rolling current without control. It turned 90 degree before fell down to the rapid, disappeared from my eyes. When I got to high rocks on the shore, I saw the poor canoe had filled with water running away with current companied with backpack, tent bag, sleeping bags and the cooler which was our main food reserve.

      I ran to canoe along the shore, thinking what I could go without it, and without camping gears and food.

      Now the river widened, and the running away canoe slowed down. There was a chance to catch it back. I jumped in one of the first transported canoe and asked Naer go with me. But no paddle nor life jacket near by. I yield to others two hundred meters back on the rapids - bring me paddles and, yes, life jackets.

      Waited, waited and waited while watching my canoe and stuff drifting further away. Finally, we got paddles and jackets.

      Naer and I used all our strength to push the canoe toward the uncontrolled one. Along the way, we picked up bags, sleeping forms and so on. The running away canoe was getting into another swift, we might not be able bring it back if it went though the swift. Luckily, we got it before it was too later. But now our canoe was getting into the swift too if we would stopped one or two full strength strokes. Finally we cut the swift current and brought both canoes into a bay full of mud and weeds - but it was a safe place. Oh some thing else has gone with the current - my water bottle - I had to let it go.

      There were other bags and the cooler still floating on the water, they could soon follow the lead of my bottle and run away. Naer and I backed into the canoe and chased other running aways. My backpack was at the risk, we had to cut the current off before the bag getting into the swift.

      May be both of us used too much force, the canoe almost tipped; at least I was tipped into water. We were very close to the mouth of the swift; the canoe lost balance and I was in water.

      There was only one place could keep us safe; a few rocks that likes beard of the mouth. We had to hug the beard before being swallowed. And we did. With all the power of one single paddle and two flog lags and strong survival instinct minds, we did it.

      Lucy and Steve had run another canoe to help us. We together picked up all floating bags and the cooler which was still holding all food packed in. But we could not find Lucy's bag. Certainly, we did not see any bag running away from the swift; but it might have sunken. With sadness on her face, we paddled back to the base of our group. When we were getting closer, they yielded to us, there was a bag on the other side of the river. It was Lucy's bag, we claimed it back.

      Counting our loses, a water bottle, as I have mentioned, a fishing rod which had sunken, and a pair of socks. Not too bad, eh?

      On the shore, we discussed what have happened and why while we were taking a break. It came to conclusion that two lessens should have been learned. first, never leave you luggage unattended, even in the most remote area. And second, never allow paddles and life jackets far away from the boat - without them a boat is not a boat at all.

      Lucy was checking her stuff. Sleeping bag was soaked; most clothes were wet except few under garments in a zipped bag. I did not check my bag. What had happened had happened; we had to move on. If we could arrive our destination early, we should have time to dry clothes under sun.

      So we resumed our pursued. Running though the swift where we battled with running away canoe was not difficult. After the swift, we found some small stuff, an apple, two water bottles - no, they were not my water bottle I mentioned - we collected them as garbage.

      Paddling further towards Georgian bay, we could feel its power. The wave getting higher; wind picked up as well, still against us. We had hard time maintain direction. Sometimes, canoes were pushed to the shore and sometimes they turned 90 degree moving backwards by the wind.

      When I saw the first navigation post in the center of the river, I thought it was the mark of entering Georgian bay and started looking turn point on my left. I was wrong, we were still a mile away from the mouth. This mile was definitely longer than it should be for wind and wave pushing us to any directions except forward. And the further we went, the stronger the wind; the higher the wave.

      Finally , we made left turn into Georgian bay, at bluff point. Now the wind and wave smashed on our canoe side way. Water splashed onto us and our gears. Pool Lucy, who had spread her sleeping bag on canoe, hoping it could be dried under the sun, was watching her sleeping bag absorbed more water than before, but couldn't stop a single stroke of her paddle. We navigated along the shore, afraid that the wave and wind could be worse if we were further away from the shore.

      I had to make a stop for checking the map. It was impossible stopping a paddle stroke and doing something else. So Lucy and I made our canoe to a dead tree trunk at Claw island for I thought it could be softer than rocks. But we were unable to reach the trunk, the wave had pushed us to rocks. It was even worse for the wave constantly smashed on us and bounced back from the rocks. We collected a lot of water in our canoe unwillingly and all bags were soaked in water.

      A lesson leaned was that never allow your enemy push you against wall. Fight back and try to escape earlier if you can not win.

      Finally, we managed our canoe off the rocks and moving towards obstacle island.

      I had made my decision, no mater what we would camp on obstacle island - it was not possible moving any further. We did not see campsite symbol - a small orange square with a tent symbol and campsite number beneath it. Actually it was impossible to see such a small symbol when you were on open water. But I did see a tent on the shore - the place had been taken!

      We banded left towards inner side of the bay, away from fierce open water and found a small harbor between two rocks. Parked in the harbor, I climbed to the rocks investigating whether this place was inhabitable. The place was not bad. Lots of giant rocks, and a few spot suitable for pitching tents. That's it, we were make it our home here tonight.

      But we could not see other canoes; worried their safety, I climbed to the peak rock of the place, waving a life jacket to those tiny dots on open water while Lucy was communicating with them using a walkie-talkie. Those dots appeared clearly now. They were our fleet. Mike and his daughter had landed on another island - should be flat island. Steve and Vivian, who had a walkie-talkie, met with mike on the island. Naer and Julie were stuck on a rock and had to lift the canoe over the rock. Finally, all of them came to home safe and smiling.

      Lucy had spread her sleeping bag and other stuff on the rocks. I had not opened my bag yet not knowing how much water it had absorbed unwillingly when it fell into current and than soaked in water in our boat.

      Surprisingly, my sleeping bag and clothes were dry, thanks for a garbage bag I packed as inner layer of my bag. And my digital camera was safe too packed in a plastic bag for toner.

      Mike told me what he had seen on the island where he had parked. A memorial symbol with verses - Sleep in peace XXX who was drawn at this place where he loved. We would sleep in peace here at the place we loved, tonight and only tonight.

      • 上一年划过这个急流还是挺好玩的
        • 请教一下,你们是怎么过Dalis Rapids的?
          • 这个偶有照片
            • 这是dalas rapid的照片吗?你们真猛!!在白水的角度来看,这个算class多少的?
              • 是的,这个应该算二级的白水,下面这张看得更清楚一点,
                • 我比较土,请问白水一共有几级啊?2级算什么难度?
                  • 白水一共五级,不过对于open canoe来说三级就是上限了
                  • 找到点儿东西:RIVER DIFFICULTY RATINGS----多伦多附近有没有1,2级的?
                    • Grand river是个比较理想的初级白水练习的地方
            • 佩服.
            • 2个人白水,2个人看,一个人拍照。当时有没有人在下游接应?
      • 看着都替你们捏了一把汗。

        地图上非常清晰地标明了portage的线路(river left 180m),不知你们为什么没有看到。那个要你们顺船的人很不负责任。顺船是一项技术活,船身和激流的角度要控制得很好。不光要技术,还很危险。除了穿好救生衣,还要准备一把割缆刀。


        • ”割缆刀“是什么情况下用的?
          • 用于在被牵船绳缠住的时候快速脱身。
            • 如果人在水底,被身子缠住,要割开绳子,那动作要快还不能割了自己啊。
      • 这里有一些当天的照片。
      • 这是给"那儿”老兄看的。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Le jour suivant le matin, notre flotte a commencé à se déplacer autour de 9:30 AM. Notre destination du jour était &#238;le d'obstacle.

        Nous devons passer des rapids de Dalis et puis nous transformer en compartiment géorgien. Il y avait un portage (180 mètres à votre gauche) pour des rapids de Dalis sur la carte. et le compartiment géorgien a pu avoir la haute vague. Mais l'itinéraire devrait être comparer beaucoup plus court à cela du premier jour.

        Dalis Rapids a 3 à 4 étapes selon la fa&#231;on les compter.

        Bient&#244;t, le bruit de l'eau de roulement est devenu plus fort. Il était de Dalis Rapids qui a eu 3 à 4 étapes selon la fa&#231;on les compter. Nous les bateaux de moteur de scie ont recueilli à un petit compartiment, les gens parlions - échangeant des idées au sujet des rapids qui pourraient être vus comme eau soudainement l&#226;chée loin en environ 50 mètres en avant. Lucy et moi avons fait notre cano&#235; à un compartiment de sorte que nous ayons pu nous élever à la terre élevée et évaluer le niveau d'eau.

        Tandis que nous parlions à un type local d'autres cano&#235;s de notre flotte venaient trop rapide vers les rapids sans savoir le dangereux. Nous avons rapporté à eux, &#171; traction plus de, excédent de traction &#187;. Au début ils étaient confus mais bient&#244;t ils ont réalisé ce qui les attendait en avant. Heureusement, ils ont contr&#244;lé des cano&#235;s de traction dans le compartiment.

        Allons de nouveau au type local companied avec un chien noir qui a semblé authentique au fleuve fran&#231;ais. Nous lui avons demandé où était le portage pour passer les rapids. &#171; Il n'y a aucun portage pour le cano&#235;. Vous pouvez marcher le cano&#235; au-dessus des rapids si vous obteniez assez de corde, objets de valeur justes de prise avec toi ; l'eau a laissé tomber deux pieds dedans dernier deux semaines. &#187; Il a également marché avec moi pour me montrer où le cano&#235; devrait intervenir. Le premier a pu courir le cano&#235; près du rivage tandis que commande le cano&#235; de la falaise avec des cordes. Qu'est descendu à l'eau et mène le passage de cano&#235; le deuxième rapide. Le troisième était rusé pour le trop de des roches autour du rivage. Nous avons d&#251; laisser le cano&#235; fonctionner bien que le courant principal où l'eau roulait.

        Nous avons contr&#244;lé deux cano&#235;s vides par les rapids - ne pas les laisser aller bien que courant principal mais cano&#235;s soulevés en passant le troisième rapide.

        Le troisième cano&#235; était le mien ; J'ai voulu essayer ce que l'homme m'a dit. Je n'ai pas vidé le cano&#235; mais ai sorti des objets de valeur - mon appareil-photo numérique. Avec la corde dans des mains, j'ai fait le cano&#235; passer par les deux premiers swifts. Pour le troisième, l a d&#251; donner loin plus de corde de sorte que le cano&#235; ait pu passer par le courant principal. Tout a semblé très bien ; le cano&#235; se transformait en courant principal lentement.

        Mais soudainement l'eau a pris la charge et l'a introduite dans le rapide. Elle a tiré toute la corde de mes mains avec dans la moitié en second lieu et la force étaient si féroce que j'aie été presque tiré dans le rapide. Je n'ai eu aucun choix mais laisser la corde glisser de mes mains et du bateau a été entré dans le courant de roulement sans commande. Elle a tourné 90 degrés avant est tombée vers le bas au rapide, disparu de mes yeux. Quand j'ai obtenu à de hautes roches sur le rivage, j'ai vu que le cano&#235; pauvre avait rempli avec de l'eau fonctionnant loin avec le courant companied avec le baluchon, le sac de tente, les sacs de sommeil et le refroidisseur qui était notre réservation principale de nourriture.

        J'ai couru au cano&#235; le long du rivage, pensant ce que je pourrais aller sans lui, et sans vitesses et nourriture campantes.

        Maintenant le fleuve s'est élargi, et le cano&#235; parti de fonctionnement a ralenti. Il y avait une chance de l'attraper en arrière. J'ai sauté dans un du premier cano&#235; transporté et Naer demandé sont assortis à moi. Mais aucune palette ni veste de vie près près. Je rapporte à d'autres deux cents mètres d'arrières sur les rapids - m'apporter les palettes et, oui, les vestes de vie.

        Attendu, attendu et attendu tout en observant mon cano&#235; et substance dérivant plus loin loin. En conclusion, nous avons obtenu des palettes et des vestes.

        Naer et moi avons employé toute notre force pour pousser le cano&#235; vers le non contr&#244;lé. Le long de la manière, nous avons pris des sacs, dormant forme et ainsi de suite. Le fonctionnement le cano&#235; que parti entrait dans un autre rapide, nous ne pourrait pas pouvoir en mesure le rapportent s'il allait cependant le rapide. Heureusement, nous l'avons obtenu avant qu'il ait été trop plus tard. Mais maintenant notre cano&#235; entrait dans le rapide trop si nous arrêtions un ou deux pleines courses de force. Enfin nous avons coupé les cano&#235;s rapides en compartiment complètement de boue et les herbes courants et apportés - mais c'était un endroit s&#251;r. Oh qu'une certaine chose a été autrement assortie au courant - ma bouteille de l'eau - j'a d&#251; le laisser dispara&#238;tre.

        Il y avait d'autres sacs et le refroidisseur flottant toujours sur l'eau, ils pourraient bient&#244;t suivre l'exemple de ma bouteille et course loin. Naer et moi avons soutenu dans le cano&#235; et avons chassé d'autres aways courants. Mon baluchon était au risque, nous a d&#251; couper le courant au loin avant le sac entrant dans le rapide.

        Peuvent être tous les deux nous ont employé trop de force, le cano&#235; presque incliné ; au moins j'ai été incliné dans l'eau. Nous étions très près de la bouche du rapide ; l'équilibre et moi perdus par cano&#235; étions dans l'eau.

        Il y avait seulement un endroit a pu nous maintenir s&#251;rs ; quelques roches qui aime la barbe de la bouche. Nous avons d&#251; étreindre la barbe avant d'être avalée. Et nous. Avec toute puissance d'une palette simple et de deux flageller les retards et des esprits forts d'instinct de survie, nous l'avons faite.

        Lucy et Steve avaient couru un autre cano&#235; pour nous aider. Nous avons ensemble pris tous les sacs flottants et le refroidisseur qui tenait toujours toute la nourriture a emballé le po. Mais nous ne pourrions pas trouver le sac de Lucy. Certainement, nous n'avons vu aucun sac fonctionner loin du rapide ; mais il pourrait évier. Avec tristesse sur son visage, nous avons barboté de nouveau à la base de notre groupe. Quand nous obtenions plus étroitement, ils nous ont rapporté, il y avait un sac de l'autre c&#244;té du fleuve. C'était le sac de Lucy, nous l'a réclamé en arrière.

        Le compte notre perd, une bouteille de l'eau, comme j'ai mentionné, une canne à pêche qui évier, et une paire de chaussettes. Pas trop le mauvais, hein ?

        Sur le rivage, nous avons discuté ce qui se sont produits et pourquoi tandis que nous prenions une coupure. Elle est arrivée à la conclusion que deux diminue devraient avoir été appris. d'abord, ne jamais laisser te le bagage sans surveillance, même dans la région la plus éloignée. Et en second lieu, ne jamais permettre les palettes et les vestes de vie lointaines du bateau - sans elles un bateau n'est pas un bateau du tout.

        Lucy vérifiait sa substance. Le sac de sommeil a été imbibé ; la plupart des vêtements étaient humides excepté peu sous des vêtements dans un sac fermé la fermeture éclair. Je n'ai pas vérifié mon sac. Ce qui s'était produit s'était produit ; nous avons d&#251; passer. Si nous pourrions arriver notre destination t&#244;t, nous devrions avoir le temps pour sécher des vêtements sous le soleil.

        Ainsi nous avons repris le notre poursuivi. Courir bien que le rapide où nous avons lutté avec le cano&#235; parti fonctionnant n'ait pas été difficile. Après le rapide, nous avons trouvé une certaine petite substance, une pomme, deux bouteilles de l'eau - non, ils n'étaient pas ma bouteille de l'eau que j'ai mentionnée - nous les avons rassemblées comme ordures.

        Barbotant plus loin vers le compartiment géorgien, nous pourrions sentir sa puissance. La vague obtenant plus haut ; le vent a repris aussi bien, toujours contre nous. Nous avons fait maintenir le moment difficile la direction. Parfois, des cano&#235;s ont été poussés au rivage et parfois ils ont tourné 90 degrés se dépla&#231;ant vers l'arrière par le vent.

        Quand j'ai vu le premier poteau de navigation au centre du fleuve, j'ai pensé que c'était la marque du compartiment géorgien entrant et commencée regarder le point de tour sur ma gauche. J'avais tort, nous étais toujours un mille loin de la bouche. Ce mille était certainement plus long qu'il devrait être pour le vent et onduler nous poussant à toutes les directions à moins que vers l'avant. Et plus nous allions plus loin, plus le vent est fort ; plus la vague est haute.

        En conclusion, nous avons transformé le virage à gauche en le compartiment géorgien, au point de bluff. Maintenant le vent et la vague se sont écrasés sur notre chemin de c&#244;té de cano&#235;. L'eau a éclaboussé sur nous et nos vitesses. Mettre Lucy en commun, qui avait écarté son sac de sommeil sur le cano&#235;, espérant qu'il pourrait être séché sous le soleil, observait son sac de sommeil a absorbé plus d'eau qu'avant, mais ne pourrait pas arrêter une course simple de sa palette. Nous avons dirigé le long du rivage, effrayé que la vague et le vent pourraient être plus mauvais si nous étions plus loin du rivage.

        J'ai d&#251; faire un arrêt pour vérifier la carte. Il était impossible arrêtant une course de palette et faisant autre chose. Ainsi Lucy et moi avons fait notre cano&#235; à un tronc mort d'arbre à l'&#238;le de griffe pour I avons pensé qu'il pourrait être plus doux que des roches. Mais nous ne pouvions pas atteindre le tronc, la vague nous avions poussés aux roches. Il était encore plus mauvais pour la vague constamment cassée sur nous et rebondie des roches. Nous avons recueilli beaucoup de l'eau dans notre cano&#235; à contrecoeur et tous les sacs ont été imbibés dans l'eau.

        Une le&#231;on penchée était qui ne vous permettent jamais à votre poussée ennemie contre le mur. Battre en retraite et essayer de s'échapper plus t&#244;t si vous ne pouvez pas gagner.

        En conclusion, nous avons contr&#244;lé notre cano&#235; outre des roches et se déplacer vers l'&#238;le d'obstacle.

        J'avais pris ma décision, aucun mater ce que nous camperions sur l'&#238;le d'obstacle - elle n'était pas se déplacer possible pas plus loin. Nous n'avons pas vu le symbole de terrain de camping - une petite place orange avec un symbole et un terrain de camping de tente numéroter sous lui. En fait il était impossible de voir un si petit symbole quand vous étiez sur l'eau ouverte. Mais j'ai vu une tente sur le rivage - l'endroit avait été pris !

        Nous nous sommes réunis à gauche vers le c&#244;té intérieur du compartiment, loin de l'eau ouverte féroce et avons trouvé un petit port entre deux roches. Garé dans le port, je me suis élevé aux roches étudiant si cet endroit était habitable. L'endroit n'était pas mauvais. Un bon nombre de roches géantes, et uns repèrent approprié aux tentes de tangage. C'est lui, nous étaient lui font notre maison ici ce soir.

        Mais nous ne pourrions pas voir d'autres cano&#235;s ; a inquiété leur s&#251;reté, je s'est élevé à la roche maximale de l'endroit, ondulant une veste de vie à ces points minuscules sur l'eau ouverte tandis que Lucy communiquait avec eux employant un talkie-walkie. Ces points sont apparus clairement maintenant. Ils étaient notre flotte. Mike et sa fille avaient débarqué sur une autre &#238;le - devrait être l'&#238;le plate. Steve et Vivian, qui ont eu un talkie-walkie, ont rencontré le microphone sur l'&#238;le. Naer et Julie ont été coincés sur une roche et ont d&#251; soulever le cano&#235; au-dessus de la roche. En conclusion, tous sont venus à la maison à s&#251;r et au sourire.

        Lucy avait répandu son sac de sommeil et toute autre substance sur les roches. Je n'avais pas ouvert mon sac pourtant ne pas conna&#238;tre combien d'eau elle avait absorbée à contrecoeur quand elle est tombée dans le courant et qu'imbibé dans l'eau dans notre bateau.

        &#201;tonnamment, mon sac de sommeil et vêtements étaient secs, merci pour un sac d'ordures que j'ai emballé en tant que couche intérieure de mon sac. Et mon appareil-photo numérique était s&#251;r trop emballé dans un sachet en plastique pour le toner.

        Mike m'a dit ce qu'il avait vu sur l'&#238;le où il s'était garé. Un symbole commémoratif avec des vers - dormir dans la paix XXX qui a été dessiné à cet endroit où il a aimé. Nous dormirions dans la paix ici à l'endroit que nous avons aimé, ce soir et seulement ce soir.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 狂顶!!!Paul真是细心之人啊,每个细节都记得这么清楚。。。冷风,大浪,和酸痛的胳膊了
      • 那是第一天晚上我们都睡着的时候,他一个人在记夜帐。
    • Way, way, way,,,, not may....
      • 那是人家黑灯瞎火用pda盲打出来的只字未改的原稿啊,
      • 回营地的时候一般把Canoe翻倒过来放,所以是M的
        • hehe, good one.
      • There were a lot of typo as well as paddling mistakes. Thanks to all repliers
        • 等待下文。
    • Sun set and sun rise of Georgian bay and French River (3)
      After we settled on obstacle island, we started enjoying the wide angle view of this site had to offer. Purifying body and soul in Georgian bay and taking some pictures from different angles, we decided to make a stone man as our "visited here" monument. The kind stone sculptures that the first nation made and replicas could be seen along the river.

      The stone sculpture was named "torrent loyal turtle" for the shape of its head stone. If you would have a chance to visit obstacle island, please salute to this sculpture for it would bring you good luck.

      This place had plenty of fire wood which saved Mike "Saw" and Steve "Axe" great deal of their wood work. The reason was that few people had visited here. We did see signs left from human being though, fire pit and burned wood were recognizable.

      In the third day morning, I got up at 5:10am for I wanted to watch sun rise from Georgian bay. In the north east, only a slice of light could be seen. But judging by color of clouds, l knew sun rise would be right there behind those rocks between flat island and Dorion island. Then the clouds got brighter; golden rays sprat on every single rocks and water. I could never forget the moment when the sun rose behind the tree line. It was the god who made the speculating view; and yes, the nature is the god. I took lots of pictures of this sun rise but they could not tell you the true beauty of the scene; you have to be there. And luckily, I was there; Lucy was there too.

      After breakfast, we set to leave. Today we were going back to the elbow through bass lake.

      The only passage was at the north end of obstacle island. That was why the island named. So we traveled north east. Not much wind nor wave at this time. And the breeze wind was behind us pushing our canoes gently. Soon we arrived at the portage to bass lake. It was basically a wooden bridge of 240 meters long. There was a trailer and two barrow carts. The trailer got a flat tire on its front wheel and one barrow cart was completely broken - typical makes of civilization, weren't they?

      Carrying a canoe with the trailer was equally hard as carrying it on shoulders. We only tried once and then decided carry canoes the normal way as all paddlers had done. Lucy wanted to try but had to give up for she could not hold the canoe steadily. So she volunteered to be my photographer. After the portage, there was not much to say, the water was calm, wind was helping us. We just enjoyed paddling on the way to the elbow; chatted occasionally, listened to the rathym of water we created with paddle strokes; and watched giant stones along the shore.

      When we reached the elbow, I found that camping site 622 was awaiting for us. I called Julie and Naer who were ahead of us for parking. They could not believe that we already reached our destination for the day. Comparing to the struggle we had had the first two days, it seemed that we have not yet warmed up but defeated our enemy already.

      In any case, the campsite was good. It had plenty space and great view to the north west where sun set would be.

      Since we had plenty time today, we determined to catch some fish. "No fish, no dinner" as we joked to ourselves. But we were not luck on fishing. All afternoon, we caught none, even no fish bite. We had to call Rachel for rescue; since people were saying kids had better luck. And yes, they do. Rachel finally caught one. Not big one but good enough for us to keep our promise - we could have dinner now without eating our own words.

      Mike was a good fish man. He did not participate our fishing game for he knew it was not the right time at right spot. Before sun set, he took a canoe and fishing rods went to fishing with his daughter. He came back after sun set, empty handed. It was not that they did not catch fish. They got fish on their hooks, big ones, too big that had broken string and got away. At that time, I was thinking of my fishing rod. It had stronger string but had sunken into the French river the day before.

      Another day, another sunset. We were all happy that we had a relaxing day.

      • 不错,请继续
    • We were French river veterans - French river (4)

      The fourth day of the trip was back to the Hartley bay and back to reality. After three days and nights at French river and Georgian bay, we were ready to come back to civilized world and face real challenges in the real world.

      The original plan was go east from the elbow to eastern channel and go north to canoe bay channel and then back to Wanapitei bay. But since Naer and Julie were eager to go back to reality, we decided take the route we went in.

      In the main channel, we did not feel any wave; the wind was still push us from back gently. Even the intersection of western channel and main channel seemed rather calm. The water body looked much smaller than we felt on the first day. Observed such affect, I had to accept existentialism - your experience defines your world.

      When we were approaching the Hartley bay, all of us felt that it was too soon to go back to reality. So we chained all canoes together; just wanted slow down. As people were saying, there was no banquet that never ended, we finally reached the Hartley bay.

      When we were unloading our stuff, Steve brought me a water bottle. "is this yours?" he asked. Yes, it was mine the one that I had witnessed floating away from the swift. How it came to here? A girl picked it up and left here at Hartley bay marina. Marine staff told Steve. "Does she leave a message in the bottle?" I joked. I was so happy that my lost had been found - it was beyond the value of the bottle; it was my good luck, at least I wished it was.

      On the way back to high way, Lucy cried out "I do not want leave, it is too short."

      "I can drop you here, you still have a chance."

      "But I do not want be here alone."

      Sure, no one want be alone in an uncivilized world. Even more sure, we would never leave any one behind for we were a group of French river veterans.

      (the end)