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The most important thing of learning Engilsh, I believe, is that one should think using English.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Non-native speaker, like us, tend to first translate what he hear into his native language. Then, he think in his own language and translate what he think into English again. Thit is biggest obstacle for non-native speaking adult in learning English.

I went to visit one of my friend last weekend, What really surprise me is that her daughter, who is only 9 years old and came to Toronto for only 2 years, can speak English really like a native speaker. After talked to her for a longer time, I found that she even speak English with her parents in her daily live. Besides, her Chinese retrogress significantly. When you speak Chinese, she will think for little while and answer you in English. I think that means now she already think in English and have to translate Chinese into English when you speak Chinese to her. That is why her English improve so fast.

I know talking about English thinking is easy and it will be much much difficult of doing so. But if you know this is key point and practice little by little, your English proficiency, especially listening and speaking, will improve eventually.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 英语,英语,还是英语!希望找到工作和闯过语言关的朋友多多指点。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛英语,英语,还是英语!希望找到工作和闯过语言关的朋友多多指点。


    与母语不是英语的人(如华人,俄罗斯人)面对面交流听说能力尚可(能聊上一回,时间一长就觉得没话讲了), 但如果对方有口音或讲的一快就费劲了。



    各位成功找到工作和闯过语言关的人士,你们当年究竟是如何克服语言关的呢?请多多指点,救我于苦海中,万分感谢。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • in my opinion, the best way to improve ur english is to recite as many articles as possible, and try to make some english-speaking friends. better luck!
    • 不光是英语本身问题,还有对背景的了解问题。建议你在听新闻之前或之后,阅读一下有关新闻报道,不认识的关键词查查词典。晚上的一小时英语电视,如果以学英语为目的,应录下来每天看重复的内容,直到基本懂(看懂或听懂)了为止。
    • 不知道你的单词量怎么样?如果单词量太小,听说读写的基础就没有了。而且学单词是要靠大量突击学才有效果。细水长流,往往学的不如忘的快。
    • In principle, I am not qualified to respond to your postings because I am on bench
      Basically, you are going in the right direction. I have another suggestion. You should write at least 100-200 words every day. What you write is not important. For instance, you may ask friends here how to go to topless, how much money you need bring, .... blabla... Then, study carefully how people answer your questions in English. What I meant is environmental English. As times goes, your English will be improved.

      I live in a Chinese-speaking environment as you do. I stick at writing everything in English. As I do so, I think in English. This is my way of survival in a Chinese community. On my computer, there is no Chinese software although I can get them easily.
      • 非常正确,每日写一段英文,很有益处。
    • The most important thing of learning Engilsh, I believe, is that one should think using English.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Non-native speaker, like us, tend to first translate what he hear into his native language. Then, he think in his own language and translate what he think into English again. Thit is biggest obstacle for non-native speaking adult in learning English.

      I went to visit one of my friend last weekend, What really surprise me is that her daughter, who is only 9 years old and came to Toronto for only 2 years, can speak English really like a native speaker. After talked to her for a longer time, I found that she even speak English with her parents in her daily live. Besides, her Chinese retrogress significantly. When you speak Chinese, she will think for little while and answer you in English. I think that means now she already think in English and have to translate Chinese into English when you speak Chinese to her. That is why her English improve so fast.

      I know talking about English thinking is easy and it will be much much difficult of doing so. But if you know this is key point and practice little by little, your English proficiency, especially listening and speaking, will improve eventually.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Thinking in English can begin from very simple things, like the sky is blue and the birds are singing. I'm hungry now what should be my dinner?
    • I am very apreciate to all friends here. Your advice are very importaint to me. Thank you very much.
    • 最重要的是学习方法,不同层次的人有不同的学习方法,关键是要找到适合自己的。