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泡泡, 我看了Q4: Are fees for "breaking a lease" legal? 的解答和TPA Section 140的原文。我的理解是这样的:TPA的条款应该是强制性的。一般来说,提前60天通知就可以终止合同,房东要求任何罚金和赔偿都是非法的。但是,

正如Q4的回答中说的那样,假如你自己希望能够缴纳一定的赔偿金而能得到房东的同意更早的(少于60天)终止租约,你可以和房东达成一个协议,给他钱,你提前搬走,但是“make sure you get the agreement that you will no longer be responsible for the rent after the agreed upon date in writing first”——意思是你最好要和房东有一个书面的协议,你不用为你约定走掉的日期之后的房租负责,即防止房东抵赖反悔。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 请问大家,现在租的apartment签了一年的lease,是不是如果住不满一年就得赔给它几个月的房租?在lease中只说'如果要中断,
    • 有可能!我就遇到这种情况,得多付100刀,已经提前2个多月书面通知的说!
      • 又一个上当的!法律规定,提前60天书面通知可搬走而无需负任何责任。收取的任何罚款都是违法的。白扔了100刀
        • 在这之前,我也对别人这么说来着!可哪有这种法律?我和管理处理论了半天,他们的土政策,气4我乐 : (
        • 没见着过法规的原文,给的连接总上不去。我想知道,这条规定是强制性的,还是说是当具体的lease contract没有约定的时候,参照这条规定执行;而当双方有其他约定时,按照约定条款执行。
          • 有相关的回答,但是回答得不彻底,我找不到new law(TPA)在哪里。(转) FAQ: Can I end my lease early? And do I have to give notice? Are fees for "breaking a lease" legal?
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Q3: Can I end my lease early? And do I have to give notice?

            A3: It depends on what type of tenant you are.

            If the original lease you signed has not expired, check the date. It is probably for a term of one year and you have a commitment towards that lease. Talk to your landlord and if they will agree to early termination of the lease get it in writing, including the date you will be leaving and make sure the landlord and you both sign the document. If your landlord will not agree to any early termination of your lease, call your lawyer or your Legal Clinic (see my Tenant Resources in Ontario list). The tenant is obliged to give the landlord 60 days minimum written notice of their intentions to leave.

            If you never had a lease, or if your original lease expired and you have continued to live in the apartment without signing another one, and you pay your rent on a monthly basis, you have a month-to-month tenancy. You must still give at lease 60 days written notice before the end of the last month you intend to live there.

            If you give your notice late, you will be responsible for an extra month. Remember: this is a full 60 days notice minimum you must give, which may be more than two months; because February only has 28 days in it.

            Tenants who rent on a week-to-week basis need only give 28 days notice.

            Q4: Are fees for "breaking a lease" legal?

            It appears under Section 140 of the new law (TPA) that it is illegal to be charged a fee for terminating a lease. If you have signed a lease for a specific period (such as your first year,) and you want to terminate it before the its official (legal) end, you may wish to pay a reasonable fee if requested by the landlord to gain their cooperation, but make sure you get the agreement that you will no longer be responsible for the rent after the agreed upon date in writing first.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 泡泡, 我看了Q4: Are fees for "breaking a lease" legal? 的解答和TPA Section 140的原文。我的理解是这样的:TPA的条款应该是强制性的。一般来说,提前60天通知就可以终止合同,房东要求任何罚金和赔偿都是非法的。但是,
              正如Q4的回答中说的那样,假如你自己希望能够缴纳一定的赔偿金而能得到房东的同意更早的(少于60天)终止租约,你可以和房东达成一个协议,给他钱,你提前搬走,但是“make sure you get the agreement that you will no longer be responsible for the rent after the agreed upon date in writing first”——意思是你最好要和房东有一个书面的协议,你不用为你约定走掉的日期之后的房租负责,即防止房东抵赖反悔。
              • Thanks Pingle. 对Section 140我又细读了一遍,确实是illegal, 但那个FAQ的回答没那么强制性。为了100刀,管理处一点商量余地都没有,土皇帝!现在弄僵掉乐,不知道坚持不付会怎么样。。。
                "If you have signed a lease for a specific period (such as your first year,) and you want to terminate it before the its official (legal) end, you *may wish to pay* a reasonable fee if requested by the landlord to gain their cooperation" 我的理解是,比如说我的合同是1年的,如果不满1年要提前搬走,我得支付房东提出的reasonable fee(e.g. $100).
          • Here is the link you asked for: Tenant Protection Act, 1997 (As of November 30, 2001)
            • 谢谢泡泡,我已经保存下来了,有空还要慢慢仔细看一看。:D
      • 如果就不理他们直接搬走,会有什么后果吗?上法庭?
        • 94
        • don't forget you have one month deposit in your landlord's hand. :P