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You missed ice cream in Coppolar, but you are lucky because we got cheated

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Coppllar's ice cream is famous accroding to the Habana travel magazine. We saw local people line up for ice cream, and we did so. A guy who seemed to keep the line in order came to us and showed us that he really wanted to help us. He talked to someone in the ice cream store, and then we went upstair directly. We set down with whole room's Cabuna. The guy in the store served us two ice cream ( we, four of us only ordered two ice creams due to the size). The ice cream is great!

When we finished, the guy asked for 10 CUC! I was shock! The price listed ourside is 5 local peso not CUC! Everyone in the store got one cup water after ice cream but not us. Servena, a UofT polical issue student said we paid all this room's Cabunas' ice cream tonight! 1CUC=25 local peso.

The worst thing is that the guy helped us to get the seats asked us how many ice creams we paid. We asked him how much CUC supposed to be charged. He said 1CUC each. When we said we paid 10 CUC, he is happy! He went upstair qulickly. I thought he is going to argue with the guy in the store, and I followed him to get the over charged change back. You know what I saw? He was asking for commission!

Cuba is changing. The current Cuba is not the Cuba two years ago when I first time visited. I tipped less this time because they are cheating friendly visitors who want to help them!

Servena is worried about the future of Cuba. I, experienced socialism, am wondering that Cuba will be in a dangerous situation in a few years.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / Lost in La Habana
    • 写得真好,很有意思的经历! 羡慕你们有时间在哈瓦那细细地体会,我就是参加的一日游,一路都是走马观花,希望以后有机会在哈瓦那多呆些日子.
      • 我LG还后悔没参加那个一日游两日游呢,否则就不会弄得如此狼狈.两个人到VARADERO都已经半夜12点多,就想着"快点回家洗个澡".
        • 洗澡的水几乎是冷的,象眼泪一样小, LOL:)))))))
    • You missed the Show.
      • 我知,就是那个著名的TROPICANA.不过我们俩都不是那种歌舞的粉丝,酒店里的免费演出已经足够唬弄我们了;-)
        • At some moment, I found myself being in Xiamen, except the rums and people.
          Havana is a mixed mystery.
      • You missed ice cream in Coppolar, but you are lucky because we got cheated
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Coppllar's ice cream is famous accroding to the Habana travel magazine. We saw local people line up for ice cream, and we did so. A guy who seemed to keep the line in order came to us and showed us that he really wanted to help us. He talked to someone in the ice cream store, and then we went upstair directly. We set down with whole room's Cabuna. The guy in the store served us two ice cream ( we, four of us only ordered two ice creams due to the size). The ice cream is great!

        When we finished, the guy asked for 10 CUC! I was shock! The price listed ourside is 5 local peso not CUC! Everyone in the store got one cup water after ice cream but not us. Servena, a UofT polical issue student said we paid all this room's Cabunas' ice cream tonight! 1CUC=25 local peso.

        The worst thing is that the guy helped us to get the seats asked us how many ice creams we paid. We asked him how much CUC supposed to be charged. He said 1CUC each. When we said we paid 10 CUC, he is happy! He went upstair qulickly. I thought he is going to argue with the guy in the store, and I followed him to get the over charged change back. You know what I saw? He was asking for commission!

        Cuba is changing. The current Cuba is not the Cuba two years ago when I first time visited. I tipped less this time because they are cheating friendly visitors who want to help them!

        Servena is worried about the future of Cuba. I, experienced socialism, am wondering that Cuba will be in a dangerous situation in a few years.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Interesting story. 我听说有排队才能买到的ice cream但遗憾没碰到。我也碰到个“热情”的本地人骗我们说去参加party结果就把我们领到一个很普通的本地人的饭店。有西人跟我说,等老卡百年之后,古巴马上就会成为另一个中国。也许这是必然,也是不得不的选择。
    • 你那本宝典叫啥?我正要去古巴,在哪里能找一本?
      • 就叫CUBA,学校书店打折的时候5刀买的,图文并茂的,就是忘了谁写的。不过我觉得旅游书大概都大同小异,好象哈瓦那的每个游客手里都有一本不同版本的“宝典”,你可以找找lonely planet的书和它的网站,应该比较权威。
    • 写得真不错,经历挺好玩。我们考虑了很久还是没敢自己去。
      • 还好还好。一天内仅被“骚扰”了3次,一次是个小混混把我们带到他开的脏兮兮的饭馆,另一个SG要带我们去China Town被我们谢绝了,还有就是被博物馆的中年妇女索要糖果。经验是尽量呆在旅游区和游客们在一起。不过这也常常让我联想到老外在中国的情形,蛮相似的。
    • 在9号街的广场上,有一高达18米的赤色圆柱形大理石纪念碑,这是1931年古巴人民为了表彰华侨在古巴独立战争中建立的功勋而建。在黑色底座上刻着“在古巴的中国人没有一个是逃兵,没有一个是叛徒”的碑文。
    • 呵呵。。很奇怪。我在cuba的感觉就是我们国内80年代初的感觉,除了语言不通是个麻烦以外。对当地人的生活我觉得满适应的。除非你是80后,82~83我们自己的生活和他们是一样的
      • 我也没觉得不适应,虽然对8283年的记忆已经模糊了,但确实觉得和国内很象---吃米饭猪肉;人NICE也很FLEXIBLE;鸡很好吃,估计都是走地的;厕所门口坐着收费的;马路上闲人多,不少坐在小胡同里玩牌...总之是蛮亲切的。
    • 的确写得很有意思。我叫 feisheng, 刚注册,大家好! 请问你住的是哪个旅馆? 怎样换CUC ?
      • 在VARADERO住的是PLAYO ALAMEDA,4.5星的.性价比很好,但是美中不足的是在岛的顶上了,出行稍微远了些.象MELIA VAREDERO, MELIA LAS AMERCIA位置比较正,CUC是在机场和酒店换的.我的感觉是汇率在机场和酒店是差不多的,都是国营的,但每天都会在点上下起伏.
        • 我也觉得差不太多。
    • 下次一定要去海明威故居,我在哈瓦那住了三个星期,觉得那里最能体会当时他居住古巴的感觉。
      • LOL
    • marked, sweet
    • 怎么给小费啊?你带了什么礼物给古巴人民么?在哈瓦那有没有小朋友讨糖吃?
      • 自助餐一般我们给1个CUC,如果是在A la carte 用餐,一般给3-5个CUC.唱歌的一般一人一个CUC.我后悔应该带点万圣节多下来的糖果给小朋友.后来跟我们合影的小朋友也是给了点硬币了事.前些天我还专门写了一个有关小费的文章,你可以自己GOOGLE一下.
      • 古巴人民对小费很期待的。
        Lonely planet的书上说他们的package进帐都是要交给国家的,小费规定也要求交,但是肯定可以做点手脚。我到机场的时候上洗手间出来碰到大妈手指点点桌子要小费,当时一点点零钱都没有,非常尴尬。从机场去宾馆和Seafari上我们都碰到直接要小费,Seafari上那个司仪要求之后,挂着小猪罐一个一个来握手。除了这几个,我们碰到的都表现得挺好的。清理房间的maid因为我们留了小费,给我们留过两张纸条表示感谢。
        • 9494.不过我相信他们跟中国人一样,有不少灰色收入,小费应该是很重要的一部分了.我觉得大部分服务行业的从业人员基本上在小费面前不卑不亢,穷得很有尊严.
          • 嗯,大部分人挺好的,不给也不会给脸色。收到小费的时候会很appreciate。我这边也觉得挺高兴的。
    • 你提到的阅兵广场是哪个?parade square ,arms square,( 他们是同一个广场么?)还是revolution square?
      • 我不是自己也丢了旅游指南书迷路了吗?真不敢瞎指点,你还是问问有经验的大虾们吧。