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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛好久没清理信箱了,今天发现这份EMAIL,发信人像中国人哩,

From : Mrs Qinghua Wang <qinwa58@hotmail.com>
Reply-To : qinw202@30gigs.com
Sent : Friday, September 29, 2006 6:54 PM
Subject : Pls update me

| | | Inbox

Dear Trustee,

It is my great pleasure to contact a reliable person and having gotten your contact through email directory,I have decided to send you this letter because of the need to open discussions with you for this business.

My aim of contacting you is to crave your indulgence to assist me in securing some funds abroad for safe keeping.If it is okay with you,I ask for your full co-operation.

My name is Mrs.Qinghua Wang. A Senior Financial Consultant of Yukos Oil Corporation Eurasia. Aged 56 years Old.

I had lived all my life in the business and concerns for making money and I never really cared about other values in life but now,I have found a new desire to donate money for humanitarian needs and help orphans in Orphanage/Motherless Homes.

The need to contact you arose from the fact that certain unfolding events has made it very necessary for me to seek your assistance.My company is fighting investigations and Bankruptcy due to the Yukos Oil problems in Russia, most of my assets were seized due to this case.

Recently I received a bulk payment for our last contract and I instructed them specifically not to send the Funds to Russia because of the problems, but that the funds should be deposited with a Finance Company on hold. A deposit of US$10,500,000.00 (Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only) was domiciled with the Finance Company to my knowledge only.

Presently,I am undergoing treatment for Oesophagi Cancer.I want you to act as my Trustee to claim and relocate this fund into your personal account to avoid any trace.I want you to assure me that you can handle the amount involved (US$10,500,000.00) comfortably and that I can also trust you with this assets.

For all your good efforts you will receive 30% of the funds and I would be appreciated if you can maintain the confidential nature of this letter and the whole transaction.

Please kindly indicate your interest in this business. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.

Your Sincerely,
Mrs Qinghua Wang更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / ZT 警惕:小心“尼日利亚骗局”变身重来
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛很多人对臭名昭著的 “尼日利亚骗局”并不陌生。该骗局经历二十余年至今不绝,受骗者无计其数,仅美国一地就因此给企业和百姓造成了几十亿美元的经济损失。美国国内税收署破天荒地为此专门开设反“尼日利亚诈骗”网站以警示国人。
    事情起因于吴先生有一套房子要出租,便在一家访问量很大的英文网站发了一个帖子,包括房子的照片也放在网上,没曾想很快就有了回音。一个网友回复他的 EMAIL时说,他在阿尔伯塔一家加拿大石油公司工作,目前被公司派往尼日利亚,但他不喜欢那里。他说公司已经准备让他回来,他在网上看了吴先生的房子觉得很喜欢,想租下来。双方你来我往通了几次EMAIL,彼此渐渐熟络起来。
    据了解,尼日利亚骗局的案发原因与上世纪80年代中期石油价格大跌有关。??? 石油是尼日利亚最大的外汇收入,价格大跌之后对很多从事石油交易的商人打击惨重。于是,那些本来受过高等教育、英语流利的专业人士索性利用自己熟悉国际贸易的特长,改行从事另一种跨国生意,那就是国际诈骗。
    他们设计的“尼日利亚骗局”起初以英、美等西方国家的小型企业主为诈骗对象,骗取了巨额钱财。根据美国境内对抗《419大联盟》活动组织透露,由1985 到1999年14年间,“尼日利亚骗局”从美国骗取的金钱超过50亿美元,而且“尼日利亚骗局”一度成为尼日利亚的第三大“工业”。 2000年9月,? 瑞士联邦警察局发表的公报显示,尼日利亚骗子每年在网上行骗钱财达4000万美元。美国是迄今尼日利亚骗局的最大受害国,据统计大约有1%的收件人上当。 2003年年初,白宫向尼日利亚政府发出最后通牒,如果尼日利亚政府不采取有效措施,美国将实施经济禁运。
    随着网络的普及和欧美国家纷纷向尼日利亚施压,这种骗局目前正向中国等东南亚地区蔓延。传统的邮递信件方式已经改为发放电邮,行骗地波及到亚洲各国以及俄罗斯、新西兰等国。而且这种无本万利的买卖引来许多效仿者,昔日的“尼日利亚骗局”逐渐演变出“津巴布韦骗局”、“塞拉利昂骗局”、“ 象牙海岸骗局”或其他非洲国家的骗局。
    中国人有一句老话,叫害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。很多时候看上去很美的事情,你不得不多问问为什么,提防后面的陷阱。如果真有天上掉馅饼的事,还是让给那些抛洒馅饼的人自己去享用吧。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 收到此类邮件,出于礼貌,俺都尽量回复,信是这样写的:
      Fu** you!
      • 你这样太便宜他们了。要是我有时间的话我至少会先让他们花钱把假支票寄过来再说。以前收到要求输入账号及密码的假银行链接后我一般会按要求输入账号的头几位数,随后的数字及密码全是随机数。没事时让这些骗子们忙一阵子也是好的。
      • 据说这类信最好不要回,因为你一回信他们知道这个EMAIL是ACTIVE的,还会有更多的来.
        • 你才一个e-mail信箱?我一般都有专们的邮箱专们收这些垃圾邮件的。
      • 我这里刚收到一个骗子的版本
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛From: sonfine williem <lottinter-depart@web.de>
        To: sonfinewilliem@hotmail.com
        Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 17:22:58 +0200

        Batch Number: acn223/98/32
        Ref. Number: 561/003/51142
        Email Address:acngroupnl@netscape.net

        We are pleased to inform you of the result of the ACN Lottery International programs held on the 5th August 2006. Your e-mail address attached to ticket 51167550044 with serial number 8831-671 drew lucky numbers 40-50-90-18-41-68 which consequently won in the 2ND category, you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of US$ 2,000,000.00(Two Million United States Dollars)
        Due to mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep your winning
        information confidential until your claims has been processed and your money Remitted to you. T his is part of our security protocol To avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants.
        All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from over 20,000 company and 30,000,000 individual email addresses and names from all over the world we hope with part of your winning you will take part in our next year
        USD50 million international lotto. To fill for your claim, please contact our fiducially approve agent,Mr.HANS DOUGLAS

        Contact Email Address:acngroupnl@netscape.net

        Remember all winning must be claimed not later than 18th of August 2006. After this date, all unclaimed funds will be included in the next stake. Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications please remember to quote your reference number and batch numbers in all correspondence.
        Furthermore, should there be any change of address do inform our agent as soon as possible. Congratulations once more from our members of staff and thank you for
        being part of our promotional program. Note: Anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified.
        Sincerely yours,
        Mr Jose Owen. Lottery Coordinator.
        Email Address:acngroupnl@netscape.net更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我这也有
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛好久没清理信箱了,今天发现这份EMAIL,发信人像中国人哩,

      From : Mrs Qinghua Wang <qinwa58@hotmail.com>
      Reply-To : qinw202@30gigs.com
      Sent : Friday, September 29, 2006 6:54 PM
      Subject : Pls update me

      | | | Inbox

      Dear Trustee,

      It is my great pleasure to contact a reliable person and having gotten your contact through email directory,I have decided to send you this letter because of the need to open discussions with you for this business.

      My aim of contacting you is to crave your indulgence to assist me in securing some funds abroad for safe keeping.If it is okay with you,I ask for your full co-operation.

      My name is Mrs.Qinghua Wang. A Senior Financial Consultant of Yukos Oil Corporation Eurasia. Aged 56 years Old.

      I had lived all my life in the business and concerns for making money and I never really cared about other values in life but now,I have found a new desire to donate money for humanitarian needs and help orphans in Orphanage/Motherless Homes.

      The need to contact you arose from the fact that certain unfolding events has made it very necessary for me to seek your assistance.My company is fighting investigations and Bankruptcy due to the Yukos Oil problems in Russia, most of my assets were seized due to this case.

      Recently I received a bulk payment for our last contract and I instructed them specifically not to send the Funds to Russia because of the problems, but that the funds should be deposited with a Finance Company on hold. A deposit of US$10,500,000.00 (Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only) was domiciled with the Finance Company to my knowledge only.

      Presently,I am undergoing treatment for Oesophagi Cancer.I want you to act as my Trustee to claim and relocate this fund into your personal account to avoid any trace.I want you to assure me that you can handle the amount involved (US$10,500,000.00) comfortably and that I can also trust you with this assets.

      For all your good efforts you will receive 30% of the funds and I would be appreciated if you can maintain the confidential nature of this letter and the whole transaction.

      Please kindly indicate your interest in this business. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.

      Your Sincerely,
      Mrs Qinghua Wang更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 给我的email一般都是, 有人和我名字接近的, 在尼日利亚出了车祸/飞机失事,一比几百万美圆等我和他去平分. 我回信告诉他,"你的同伙已经用同样的信告诉我了同样的故事."有时候逗一下,对方还有