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When you guys talking about Japanese cars, seems Honda and Toyota are the only choices. Why not think about some thing else?

Like Nissan or Mazda. I am not so familiar with cars and the only 2 cars i have ever drive are my own car and the Honda Civic of my driving school. In my opinion, since the popular models of Toyota or Honda are so chased after in the used car marcket, thus they are over priced. I bought a 98 Nissan Altima SE for $14,700 ( including Tax and everything). This car have ABS, CD, air bag, Bose audio system ( which is really good) and power every thing and just about the same price of Honda Civic of the same year. I think the performance and space is much much better than that of Civic.
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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 数字化汽车
    David 本来对汽车是个棒槌,但是到了加拿大后看到各位大虾们开着四个轱辘的东东到处跑,心里也痒痒的。恨不得能早日拥有自己的坐骑,省得整日憨皮癞脸地蹭别人的车。

    虽然 David 对小日本恨之入骨,可是日本的小汽车和我没仇。尽管有人说开 Corolla 或者 Civic 像是师奶,师奶就师奶吧。谁叫 David 既没钱,也没有工作呢。等俺要个性的时候,一定去 Junk Yark 焊一辆相当于咱们中国农村常见的“大铁驴”自行车的大脚怪。

    既然 David 不懂车,怎么选车呢?俺只好用个流行的法子,把汽车“数字化”。

    今天忙了一早晨,把网上能收集到的二手 Civic 和 Corolla 的信息输到 Excel 里。仅就价格而言得到的结果如下。
    出厂年份 平均价格 统计方差
    1998 13893 1497
    1997 11716 1209
    1996 10506 1100
    1995 9233 1012
    出厂年份 平均价格 统计方差
    1998 15305 1871
    1997 13736 1637
    1996 10914 1818
    1995 9596 1294

    剩下的 David 又不会了。俺没学过数据管理,当年学统计的时候也不过刚刚及格。我这个 C 等生怎么能明白这些数字呢?

    • Did you get standard diviation from your information source or you calculated them?
    • Try 'Comsumer Report'. There is detailed statistics of reliability, performance, resale value for each model in each year.
    • Buy a JP cheaper car made in or after 1995 is good for your driving in 3 years.
    • CAA 说,用尽量多的钱,买性能价格比最好的车,综合花费可能最小。
      • It's nonsense! Sorry, I say this word to CAA. The point is which are best-value-price-rate cars and how to judge them!! One hundred people have one hundred and one answers.
    • What is your hypothesis?
      Sounds like you want to do some statistical test. What is your hypothesis?
      In same year, Civic is more expensive than Corolla or
      1997's Civic is more expensive than 1996's Civic (Fei Huan!).

      As a new immigrant without stable income, 4-6 years old Civic and Corolla are good choices. You may also consider the following:
      Milage, safety, resale value.
      • Thanks. Your suggestion is right. Those data are not enough to conduct detail research. I will follow WJiang's suggestion, go to library, and read Consumer Report
        • 还有:LEMON AID
    • honda is a little better than toyota
      日本车中honda比totota好;我在上两个星期刮大风时开过acura 1.7和corolla ve上高速,结果corolla在90公里就摆得厉害,acura要120公里才有同样的感觉.当然,如果在平时风速不大时,就没多少区别.总体性能来说accord>camry,civic>corolla.但是维修费用toyota要比honda便宜很多.
      • A Honda fun always saying in this way. How much does an Acura cost? Why Camry is the best selling car in NA 4 years in a row?
        • Talking about build quality, I think the T company is the best, but, their product just lack that thing called character, when compare to Hondas.
        • Don't believe in the figure, try the cars by yourself
          统计数字并不说明什麽,ford说 taurus是best selling car in NA, civic也自称是best selling sedan in NA,camry也是这麽说,连dodge也说它的caravan是销量最好的.实际上这些只是不同厂家在不同的角度公布的数据,不能完全代表车的好坏.我觉得最好你将ford,honda,toyota的同档次车都租来开开,上高速跑跑长途,你就会比较出性能的不同.同档次同配置的车(abs,automatic)在价钱上(一次性付款):toyota>honda>ford. 如果美国车和日本车相撞,肯定是日本车吃大亏.但是论发动机性能honda的vtec技术肯定比toyota的要好.
          我开过ford taurus,ford focus, honda odessey,honda accord,honda acura el,toyota camry,toyota corolla,其中taurus,odessey,accord,acura,camry在中档车里比较好,corolla实在太轻了,没有特别的长处.
          • Sorry,I'm only familiar with compact size sedans. I don't think a normal civic before 2001 model equiped with any VTEC engine(a SI perhaps has, but check the price), but 2000 corolla has VVTI(another name of valve timing technology)
            and 105 hp vs. 125 hp(a 20% difference) and corolla has more torque . Yes, I don't like the shape of corolla neither.

            BTW, why people have to judge a car only by its performance on highway?( even though I don't think corolla is worse than civic at this point) how many chances you drive on highway for a long distance day to day?
            • So, how about Echo?
              • forget about echo,It is a toy for children,not a car
                • I am not sure Egglinton would agree with you.
                • Try it if you got a chance.
              • It is really funny riding a echo
            • hi, egg, corolla is a car good for ladies,if you are really a man, you would like a more powerful car
              • You said it! But the problem is money. If I had more money, I would have gone with BMW/Lexus/Benze
                • But as I heard of you salary in IBM, you can afford to Camry or Ford taurus. They are only 3000-5000$ more than corolla. They feels more comfortable for a man.
                  • I bough the tiny corolla right after I got my job in last may. At that time, I didn't know whether I could keep the job, and I felt a corolla was much better than my Santana in china, supposed it would be enough for me. Time passes and my mind changes.
                  • And, an acceptable Camry will cost me at least 29,000, and my corolla was 21,000, $8000 was a big money for me at that time(now it's still a big money, isn't it?)
        • a toyota fan
      • acura 1.7 is heavier than corolla ve, that is not a reason
      • When you guys talking about Japanese cars, seems Honda and Toyota are the only choices. Why not think about some thing else?
        Like Nissan or Mazda. I am not so familiar with cars and the only 2 cars i have ever drive are my own car and the Honda Civic of my driving school. In my opinion, since the popular models of Toyota or Honda are so chased after in the used car marcket, thus they are over priced. I bought a 98 Nissan Altima SE for $14,700 ( including Tax and everything). This car have ABS, CD, air bag, Bose audio system ( which is really good) and power every thing and just about the same price of Honda Civic of the same year. I think the performance and space is much much better than that of Civic.
        • Oridinarily, Nissan is more expensive than Honda and Toyota. You are lucky on buying your car. And I heard someone said that Mazda's qua lity is not good.
          • David, if you look at the trader web site, you will find the the prices of comparative model of Nissan ( Sentra Vs Corolla and Civic or Altima Vs 4 cylinder Accord or Camary ) are significantly lower ( about 1000 -2000).
            • Bill, Throw your Nissan into a junk yard. A Queen's MBA should drive a BMW instead. David, forget your Civid forever, an Ivey MBA should drive a BENTZ.
              • Mercedez might be OK. I don't think David would prefer Benz.
                • Yeap. I prefer tricycle or bicycle.
              • jiang, are u waiting in the junk yard now?
            • If I could choose again, I might buy a Nissan Sentra 2001. It's really good!
              • egg's problem is can not think something big
                • Yeah, being a poor( or say not-rich) man, I can only think in this way...5555....
            • If you want to buy a used car, don't consider toyota and honda. Opporsitely, you don't need to consider nissan or mazda when you want to buy a brand-new Japan car
              When buying new car,nissan,toyota and honda have similar price,so nissan isn't a good choice.If you buy a used car,nissan will be cheaper than H or T.And you can also find out when buy a new nissan,you will lost more value than T and H after several years.
    • All these Jap's product Fans!!!!!
      • Tell us what you like. Jaguar, Romeo, Bentley?