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UTS入学专题(一):Stage I Exam, Stage II Exam & Interview

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛UTS is an independent Grade 7 to 12 school associated with the University of Toronto. Academic standards at UTS are high, and students are only accepted into the school by merit. That is, all students entering the school at Grade 7 have been successful in the testing process.

如果你希望你的孩子从Grade7开始进入UTS, 那就必须在Grade 6 那一年的12月1日之前报名(具体截止日期以UTS正式通知为准).每年有数百名Grade 6 的学生报名参加考试.能被录取的学生必须通过下列几个过程:
(1) Stage I Entrance Examinations
Stage I Exam在每年的12月上旬举行,是个2.5小时的笔试,测试四部分内容:Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Analogies, Math. 在此后的两三周内,你会收到考试结果,并知道是否有资格进入第二轮考试.

(2) Stage II Entrance Examinations
在Stage I Exam考试中进入前100名的男生和前100的女生参加通常在新年的1月下旬举行的Stage II Exam. 形式是笔试加Interview:
   A 30-minute short-answer math and problem solving test
A 20-minute writing sample
A 20-minute interview.

(3) Interview
Interview 与Stage II Exam 笔试是同一天进行.For the interview, candidates are asked to bring one thing (only) that is important to them. Example might be: a metal, award, certificate, school project or craft. For the first 3-5 minutes of the interview, your child will be asked to share and discuss why they have brought this particular item.

最后,UTS 择取通过Stage II Exam 的55名男生和55名女生.通常在3月中旬发出录取通知.另外,会有几名男生和几名女生在waiting list 上.每年总有几个学生考上后不入学的.因此,名列waiting list 前几名的考生还是希望很大的.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / Sorry. 取消"有关UTS入学讲座"通知,改为:
    因有网友联系我,反映讲座地点离得太远,下班晚饭后不及赶到.为此考虑取消原定7月26日晚在EDWARDS GARDENS举办的现场讲座.但我会陆续将讲座内容简要发布在该论坛上,以便让更多想了解信息的网友能读到.
    • UTS入学专题(一):Stage I Exam, Stage II Exam & Interview
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛UTS is an independent Grade 7 to 12 school associated with the University of Toronto. Academic standards at UTS are high, and students are only accepted into the school by merit. That is, all students entering the school at Grade 7 have been successful in the testing process.

      如果你希望你的孩子从Grade7开始进入UTS, 那就必须在Grade 6 那一年的12月1日之前报名(具体截止日期以UTS正式通知为准).每年有数百名Grade 6 的学生报名参加考试.能被录取的学生必须通过下列几个过程:
      (1) Stage I Entrance Examinations
      Stage I Exam在每年的12月上旬举行,是个2.5小时的笔试,测试四部分内容:Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Analogies, Math. 在此后的两三周内,你会收到考试结果,并知道是否有资格进入第二轮考试.

      (2) Stage II Entrance Examinations
      在Stage I Exam考试中进入前100名的男生和前100的女生参加通常在新年的1月下旬举行的Stage II Exam. 形式是笔试加Interview:
         A 30-minute short-answer math and problem solving test
      A 20-minute writing sample
      A 20-minute interview.

      (3) Interview
      Interview 与Stage II Exam 笔试是同一天进行.For the interview, candidates are asked to bring one thing (only) that is important to them. Example might be: a metal, award, certificate, school project or craft. For the first 3-5 minutes of the interview, your child will be asked to share and discuss why they have brought this particular item.

      最后,UTS 择取通过Stage II Exam 的55名男生和55名女生.通常在3月中旬发出录取通知.另外,会有几名男生和几名女生在waiting list 上.每年总有几个学生考上后不入学的.因此,名列waiting list 前几名的考生还是希望很大的.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 内容详实全面。好文章。
    • UTS入学专题(二):如何准备UTS入学考试
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛对UTS有兴趣的家长,不要错过每年10月下旬的UTS open house. 届时,除了参观之外,你的孩子可以有机会参加一个pre-exam. 另外,从UTS 网站上,可以download一些sample test. 这些对Stage I Exam 会有帮助.

      UTS有其自成一体的择生标准.从其Interview可见一斑.UTS似并不欢迎书虫(nerd), 老师会从各个方面询问学生以获得学业以外的表现及能力.

      如果你的孩子通过了Stage I Exam, UTS会要求你孩子提供Grade5全年和Grade6第一学期的Report Card以及personal profile. 因此,学校的各项project, learning skills , leadership, 老师的评语以及校内外的各种activities, 都是准备UTS 入学的基础.




      如有需要进一步帮助的,请联系我.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Excellent reference!
    • MARK留以后用。谢谢
    • UTS入学专题(三):Scholarship and Financial Assistance
      UTS 在每年的新生入学时,提供"The John and Margaret Withrow Entrance Scholarship”.两轮考试后,学校在录取的55男生和55女生中各取前10名( the top 10 boys and 10 girls, as defined by UTS Admissions Committee) 给予资格申请,最优秀的前2名男生和2名女生获此奖.

      每个候选人须写一篇essay并提供两份推荐信,然后UTS通过审议决出获奖者.The selection is based on personal profile reference information consisting of the following criteria - leadership, character, and compassion.

      UTS的financial assistance申请过程与其他私立学校相似,相当标准化. 所有申请人填写一表格, 然后交与一第三方机构评审计点.最后由学校决定.

      至于第一年的奖学金及资助的数额.这完全由学校决定.且每年不同, 因资金来源于历届校友/家长/朋友的捐赠.你不妨参考本地其他私立中学或大学的类似情形.

      • 好文章! 请阅读我给您的PM.