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Potato - green tubers and sprouts
Overview Symptoms Treatment
Poisoning caused by consumption of green tubers and/or new sprouts of the potato plant.
Alternative Names:
Solanum tuberosum
Poisonous Ingredient:
solanine (very toxic even in small quantities)

Where Found:
The toxin is found throughout the plant but especially in green potatoes and in the new sprouts. Never eat potatoes that are spoiled or green below the skin. Always throw away the sprouts.

Potatoes that are not green and have had any sprouts removed are safe to eat.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / 土豆长了芽就不能吃了吗?
    • 要把芽挖掉,然后就可以了.
      • 不行吧。。。土豆还是有毒素的。。。
        • 把牙子连根挖掉就可以了。 放心好了
          • 晚了。。。我都扔了一包。。。没吃几个。。。我给忘了,后来一看,发了好多小芽。。。
            • 关键是看着特恶心,冒芽,仍扔扔。
              • 木啥说的, 把地址都告诉我, 我去拣土豆, 实现1050大业
                • 1050大业在加拿大东部好像很难实现吧?
            • 发芽好呀, 把那袋种在地里, 来年收10袋新鲜土豆呀.
              • 我是想问,这图豆发芽,除了下地还能派什么用场。
    • 挖掉后还要将土豆放在清水里泡一阵才行,最好勤换水。不过这么麻烦,还是扔了 吧^_^
      • 这里的士豆怎么这么容易发芽啊,应该放在哪里比较容易冬眠呢?还有大祘,洋葱!
        • 放冰箱或cool room
    • 拿去喂松鼠。
      • 我被松鼠咬过, 而且没有打针。 常常想?十年后会不会恐水而死。
        • 去家庭医生那要求打免疫破伤风针.免费的.
    • 反正我知道变青的是绝对吃不得的. 长芽的可能更毒了吧?
      • 真的啊?我都吃了呀!
      • /agree. 常识。
    • 熊猫吃竹子的,怎么该吃土豆了?
      • 地球那个污染啊,变种啦!
    • Cancer
    • 千万不要吃!!
    • 土豆长芽了把芽挖掉,只要没有变绿,是可以吃的...芽子不能吃,绿色的土豆坚决不能吃,土豆秧也不能吃.
      Potato - green tubers and sprouts
      Overview Symptoms Treatment
      Poisoning caused by consumption of green tubers and/or new sprouts of the potato plant.
      Alternative Names:
      Solanum tuberosum
      Poisonous Ingredient:
      solanine (very toxic even in small quantities)

      Where Found:
      The toxin is found throughout the plant but especially in green potatoes and in the new sprouts. Never eat potatoes that are spoiled or green below the skin. Always throw away the sprouts.

      Potatoes that are not green and have had any sprouts removed are safe to eat.