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Very easy!

1. Clean it up using tooth brush.
2. Turn it up side down (not necessary).
3. Your right hand, access from back, your four fingers on its belly, your thumb under its cover (between cover and legs). In this position, its four legs are in the middle of your thumb and index finger.
4. Your left hand, holding the sharp corner of the same side where your right hand is, force it open. Now, your left hand holds the cover, and your right hand holds the body.
5. It will take 10 seconds to get one done.

I should post a picture to make it more clear but please imagine it.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / 请教,怎么把活蟹掰开剁块呀?超市买的蓝蟹,人家不给剁呀。谢谢
    • 先给它冻晕,然后再剁。
      • 冻了的蟹不就不好吃了吗
    • 往蟹嘴巴里灌点料酒, 过一会儿,它就不大动了
      • 关键是,我右手拿着料酒瓶子,左手怎么抓着螃蟹而不被夹到?
        • 左手捏住它的屁股, 螃蟹钳子是夹不到你的
          • 哦,谢谢,掰开螃蟹从哪个方向掰省力呢?头?尾?
    • boil it directly.
    • 螃蟹肚子朝上,用手捏住肚脐中间位置。剁开: 1。剥去肚脐盖。 2。 再剥去螃蟹盖,3。从中间剁开。
      • 我家都是先把钳子剪了,然后开始收拾,不过想想好残忍,活着就给大卸八块*_* ,因此一般情况下我只管吃.
    • cut from centre
    • 海鲜,海鲜,一个“鲜”字,整只的,只加盐的清蒸应该是最好的烹饪方法。
      • 赞成。味道又好,剥肉又容易。其他炒、炸做出来的,肉紧不好剥,弄得两手油糍麻糊的还费时间。
    • 我是动物保护协会地, 这么吃太残忍啦
    • 我试过把蓝蟹洗干净之后放冰箱里冻20-30分钟之后再蒸. 味道上没任何差别.
    • 最近的小蟹蟹还有黄吗?好象又涨价了?
    • 好残忍阿我宁愿不吃
    • 我老公是这样做的,用餐刀把盖子揭开,然后把内脏和鳃之类的清理干净。
    • 干嘛剁开?,整个煮,慢慢吃吗。
    • Very easy!
      1. Clean it up using tooth brush.
      2. Turn it up side down (not necessary).
      3. Your right hand, access from back, your four fingers on its belly, your thumb under its cover (between cover and legs). In this position, its four legs are in the middle of your thumb and index finger.
      4. Your left hand, holding the sharp corner of the same side where your right hand is, force it open. Now, your left hand holds the cover, and your right hand holds the body.
      5. It will take 10 seconds to get one done.

      I should post a picture to make it more clear but please imagine it.
    • 用手抓住螃蟹的下面,注意钳子,用筷子从螃蟹的嘴巴开口处捅进去,左右各捅一次,基本上螃蟹就死了。然后剥壳剁块。。。