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爱儿系列-3 儿子入新校第一周

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛今年我们决定儿子上French Immersion 的SK.

开学了, 我从以前他换环境的经历得出, 不需要担心太多。 因此我们照常上班,把他交给了幼儿园去接送。那天老公还是建议早些下班, 早些接他回家减轻他的压力. 见到他, 很正常的样子, 跟我们大讲他学到的法语, 我也跟着学了几个单词.

第二次是下雨天, 我是粗心的妈妈,从来没有想到要给他雨伞. 觉得把他交给幼儿园就一了百了了. 下班接他时他还是正常的样子, 又教了我一些新单词. 我非常高兴在学校的选择上做了正确的决定. 不但他学法语, 我也能顺便学一点点, 一举两得了.

一周无话, 这周二天气不错, 我在花园浇花时儿子跟我一起玩, 爬到我肩膀上,跟我有一搭没一搭的聊着. 突然他的话题引起了我的注意, 他说到” 妈妈, 那天下雨, 我坐班车到学校后, 走到一个门, 门关着, 找到另一个门, 门关着, 另一个门, 关着, 找到前门, 门是开的. 我头都湿透了.”

我很责怪我的大意, 以前没有问他这些细节. 于是仔细问他是怎么回事, 这次他从头到尾说了起来. 原来那天下雨, 只有他和另一个上小学的小女孩在幼儿园提供的班车上.这是他上学的第二天, 不知情况, 还是找第一次的SK的旁门. 可是除了正门开着外, 其他所有门都因为下雨关闭了. 平时应该是有老师在外面迎接的, 那天由于下雨, 无人在外面. 可以想象小孩子当时的焦急和苦恼.

吃饭时, 我让他又跟老公复述了一下. 老公听完后, 当时就说, 我要给老师写信, 就上楼去办公室了. 同时, 我把儿子大大表扬了一下, 表扬他在这种情况下独自面对问题的勇气.(经过这些烦恼, 我知道他需要妈妈的表扬和拥抱.) 等我把儿子照顾睡觉后, 信就写好了, 是这样的:

Dear Madame A (French teacher); B (C Daycare);

We have been speaking with Chris regarding his activities at XX Public School. Most of his experiences are positive and we are delighted that our concerns on how he would integrate seem to have been groundless.

In talking with him about the procedure when he is dropped off at school by the C Daycare bus we have found a reason for concern. From what he has told us the bus isn’t greeted by an older student or staff member as at his previous school. He is dropped off at the school without supervision, leaving him to his own devices. We have learned that last Thursday no one met the bus, and no one was outside as it was raining. The driver dropped off Chris and a little girl anyway. The kids had difficulty getting into the school as all but the front doors were locked. As luck would have it they tried the side and back doors first and were soaked by the time they got in. Chris said he didn’t meet anyone until he found his own way to the classroom and he was the first student in the room.

This is a definite concern to us. The reason we decided to pay for the daycare bus to take him directly from the daycare to his school was to ensure his safety from end to end. This is especially true in these first few weeks when he has not yet learned the routine or the layout of the school. It’s easy for a five year old to get confused and end up lost.

We are wondering what the process is for the junior kindergarten kids who are even younger. If there is a way to ensure Chris is met and supervised when he arrives to ensure his safekeeping we would be very appreciative.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to facilitate this change. We can be contacted at the numbers and email addresses below or Chris could carry a letter in his backpack upon his return home.

Best Regards,

cc: Madame A (XXPublic School)
B at C Daycare
Our records.

昨天让儿子把信交给了老师, 而我把幼儿园的信塞进园长的信箱. 他们的反映让我很满意. 我刚进办公室, 就收到园长的留言电话. 下午又收到学校校长的电话. 她们都表示以后会密切注意Chris 上下班车, 而且校长说他们也正在考虑一些program让高年级学生接送低年纪学生上下车…

至今为止, 我对这个新学校还是正面印象较多, 他们接电话礼貌周到, communication做得好, 老师的课堂节目有意思. 老师也年轻些, 打扮是我喜欢的类型, 活泼中带稳重.

欲知Chris 以后如何, 请听下回分解…更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 爱儿系列-3 儿子入新校第一周
    • JK, SK应该有bus buddy.
    • 梅子,你儿子是多大开始学写字的,比如ABC,123我女儿今年上JK了,好象不教写字,我想教教她,她坐不住,不爱学呀。
      • 我去年(他四岁半时时)教过他一段, 教中文带写字. 他兴趣可高了, 每个周末的早上都要起来写字, 写好了就敲我们的门, 把我叫醒让我看.
        后来我写一些字贴到他墙上, 他就会自己依样画葫芦了, 连很复杂的字都能画下来. 只是我懒, 加上今年家里事多, 没有趁热打铁...

        哎, 象我这种懒妈妈, 就随他自己了...
      • 你女儿多大了. 如果她坐不住, 不要太勉强. 我觉得兴趣最重要, 我儿子是很喜欢显摆的, 所以一般我一夸他, 他就更卖力了.
        • 到一元店买类似国内描红(这里是虚线)的字母和数字练习本,我女儿三岁半,很喜欢写。
        • 8月份生日整4岁了。(祝你平安); 说的描红我要试试,她女儿三岁半就能写,我真惭愧呀,女儿4岁写个1,要拉一张纸那么长。
      • 我女儿2.5岁的时候就会写自己的名字了。现在3岁,会算简单的加减法。没怎么教她,只是儿子学的时候,她旁听。