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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Mercedes-Benz M-Class ESP

It is almost like driving on rails:
view the ESP graph

In the old days, you had to manually correct your steering in a tricky situation.

Today there is ESP.

ESP stands for Electronic Stability Program. The name says it all - ESP stabilizes

the car. Should your car threaten to go into a spin, the system jumps into action

almost as if an invisible hand took over to put your car back on track safe and sound.

Like the Antilock Braking System (ABS) ESP helps to stabilize a car even in extreme situations.

ESP's secret is an intelligent on-board computer that constantly extends its "feelers" or

sensors. Whenever the danger of a spin is detected, it reacts by selectively braking

the front and/or rear wheels and reducing or increasing engine torque. In a split second,

much faster than a professional race-car driver could react, ESP keeps the M-Class on course.

The Electronic Stability Program provides an additional element of safety in crucial

situations and significantly reduces the danger of skidding in turns.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 汽车系列之 试开MB ML350小记
    • auto大灯I30也有啊,现在的3w+的新款车大部分都有啊,看来技术发展很快,10年前5万多的J30配置也没法和现在的3w+的新款车比了。
      • 呵呵,看来我是老土啦。不过ML的配备的Xenon大灯还是很亮的,如果连雾灯一起开,晚上视野很宽阔 ---- 有没有可能把这两个Xenon拆下来安到J30上面去?
      • I would say every GM model has this feature
        • Even cavalier?
    • Good!
    • 很好的评论文章,顶一下。俺很喜欢德系车遥控器/车钥匙一体的结构,很省地方,特别是开车时遥控器不会挡到右膝盖。
    • 可能是你仅仅试车, 开的时间太短, 也不熟悉MB的性能. 我开这车4年多了, 开了13万公里, 有很多不同的体会.
      • 呵呵,批评的极是。感觉是:开惯4缸小车的去开ML感觉应该加速挺猛;但开惯后驱V6的去开ML感觉有点肉。。。BTW: 4年前是ML320吧,发动机比ML350差一点。
        • 至少, 所有MB的车的油门的作用距离都比一般的车长一点, 为的是车启动稳定, 如过你想要不"肉", 重点踩就是了.
        • 我也开过很长时间的BMW330, 也是V6的后驱, 完全是2种不同的车, 不同的驾车方法, 不同的享受, 根本无法比较
    • 有个问题问问
      • 但我也就是开这么几天啊,其余时间还是得开我自己的破车。。。
        • 11, 你还想开多长时间呀. 呵呵. 不错了,关键老能换不同的车开
    • 先顶。作为经济型的SUV,<60K的价格,应该算物有所值。至少比X3的内室,形象要好。传统女士首选,用不着500。
      • MB的SUV最便宜落地, 也在68K以上, 因为很多OPTION是你不得不加的 :)
        • 是是。
    • 不错,鼓励一下。另外是人走进的时候自动开锁,不是自动开门吧?否则车门上还得有动力"挺杆"?
      • 赫赫,笔误,的确是自动开锁。
    • ESP的按钮不是为恶劣天气准备的,而是为负重上坡准备的。启动的时候,车子换档的转速统统提高x千转。
      • 不是吧?我听搞销售的说,ESP的作用,比如在雪天,几个轮胎摩擦系数不一样的时候,可以如此如此。。。摘抄一段话
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Mercedes-Benz M-Class ESP

        It is almost like driving on rails:
        view the ESP graph

        In the old days, you had to manually correct your steering in a tricky situation.

        Today there is ESP.

        ESP stands for Electronic Stability Program. The name says it all - ESP stabilizes

        the car. Should your car threaten to go into a spin, the system jumps into action

        almost as if an invisible hand took over to put your car back on track safe and sound.

        Like the Antilock Braking System (ABS) ESP helps to stabilize a car even in extreme situations.

        ESP's secret is an intelligent on-board computer that constantly extends its "feelers" or

        sensors. Whenever the danger of a spin is detected, it reacts by selectively braking

        the front and/or rear wheels and reducing or increasing engine torque. In a split second,

        much faster than a professional race-car driver could react, ESP keeps the M-Class on course.

        The Electronic Stability Program provides an additional element of safety in crucial

        situations and significantly reduces the danger of skidding in turns.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 我试过在开关ESP的情况下, 好天气没有差别, 在雪地里特别明显, 有ESP绝不会有偏差,.
          • MB的要求是一直让ESP开着, 不建议你关掉. 一开车Default 是ON的状态
        • 不管sales说得多悬,好好研究一下esp就知道了。就是把本来应该3000转换档,改成4000转。提高车的扭矩。如果负重上坡就会明显感觉有劲。如果平时用,会发现加速好了很多。说白了,和手动档高速换档一个道理。
          • 你去试下就知道这ESP有何用? 怎么用? 这里纸上谈兵的人太多了. 这么争论也没啥意思.
        • 老饭对的。ESP是挺高档的功能,名称各异,如TOYOTA叫VSC, 但大部分日美车都没有。
          Germany is a pioneer in the field of road safety: 55% of all new cars are already equipped with ESP&reg;. Other countries lag behind: In France, only 35% of cars are equipped with ESP&reg;. In Spain, the figure is 25%, in Britain 20% and in Italy 14%.

          approximately six percent of U.S. vehicles are equipped with ESP today. In Europe, where the systems have received greater publicity and fitments by car manufacturers, the percentage of new vehicles with the technology is much greater
        • a list of Model Year 2005 vehicles with Electronic Stability Control (ESC) as available equipment – either Standard or Optional
      • 那不叫ESP,那是和D 挡 相对应的S 挡.上坡的时候晏迟换档时间是因为有hill sensor. ESP是电子控制程序,控制ABS,EBD,电子油门等其它电子设备,实现急刹车不跑偏,快速过弯不摔尾等等