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I am a wine maker and want to defend home made ice wine here. See inside message.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Ice Wines in LCBO are made from frozen grapes and they are fairly expensive not because a lot of people love it, but because of the high cost of producing it (low yield and labor, I mean those frozen grapes have to be pick under minus 8 by hand!) . Some body here has mentioned "late harvest", which is less sweet and lacking aromas in comparing to ice wines. Strictly speaking, "Late Harvest" is not ice wine either, and they are sold at around $20 in LCBO. Ice Wine made frozen grapes are garanteed high quality? Not true.
Ice Wine made in wine shops are always low quality? Not true again. Ice Wine made in wine shops are from regular grapes. Wine makers have to use special brewing techniques to emulate those made from frozen grapes. If you handle it well, you could make wonderful ice wines. The problem is there is a wide variance in quality among wine shops. We call ice wine made in wine shops as "ice wine style". There is no "real and bogus" ice wine here. There is nothing shameful to give your friends a bottle of "ice wine style". I have tasted "real" ice wine priced from $30 to $50 in LCBO. I could confidently tell you "ice wine style" can represent bueatiful features of Canadian ice wine. You might not believe this, here is my challenge: buy two bottles of ice wine in LCBO and make one batch of ice wine in my shop and we do a blind tasting. If you can tell what is what, that batch of ice wine is my gift.
Now, what I don't understand is why should you spend $30 to $50 dollars to buy one bottle of ice wine instead of making a batch of good ice wine. Ice wine in LCBO is more "real" in your perception? Then take my challenge. Let's find out what you have said is true. ^_^

Here is my contact information:

Eric Wang
Wine Kitz
895 Lawrence Ave. E. (Don Mills and Lawrence)
Tell: 416-3831284
Cell: 416-3129126更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / 冰酒到底应该怎么喝才不会沦为............甜酒?? 伤心啊, 大老远带回去被人说是............甜酒! 还好没说是果汁
    • Its taste and volume both like '果汁'.
    • 冰酒不是佐餐酒,边吃鸡鸭鱼肉边喝甜丝丝的冰酒,酒菜两样味道都会差。冰酒一般是餐后吃甜品时喝。
      用巧克力和柠檬类混合成的甜品,辅佐以冰酒,特别是加气冰酒sparkling icewines,是一种比较经典的搭配。而单纯巧克力口味的甜品,搭配法国西南部Banyuls酒是最佳。

      冰酒本身又分别由Vidal, Riesling, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon等酿出不同口味,多数人可能觉得Riesling比较好喝,配上桔子类酸甜的果盘沙拉或糕点最好。可是这个名字和早年国内红火一时的雷司令同名,虽然不是一类,但听起来也许会令人不爽。不如买Candian Club,搭配传统中餐,也算带加拿大特产回乡了 ;-EE
      • 有用有用。 谢谢
        • 这正是我想知道的,谢谢!
      • hi M.K! Riesling难道不就是雷司令吗? 还有一种说法是冰酒配奶酪
        • 以前国内的雷司令是Riesling wine,这里是指Riesling icewine。配奶酪的酒很多,多数葡萄酒都可以。开冷餐会或酒会,除了各式生菜沾酱,少不了的就是多种chese块。
          • 雷司令这个名字好耳熟,记得小时候听说过.
      • Partially right
        As far as I know, nobody is using Chardonnay (white grape) and Cabernet Sauvignon (red grape) making ice wine. Given the characters of both grapes, I don't think they are suitable for making ice wine.
    • 说句实话,平常酿酒铺里做的所谓“冰酒“ 其实和果汁差不多。原厂产的冰酒还是不错的。
      • Agree, those are just sweet water, but don't understand why so many Chinese immigrants like to bring such cheap fake stuff when they go back to China, do they just want to save money but don't care losing face?
        • 国内现在也有冰酒卖了,两百多人民币一瓶,要不是后面有中文标签,真想在国内再买几瓶冒充带回去的。:D
          • 这边卖的好象也不便宜,最可恨的是背了回去,都说不好喝,以后再也不带了.
            • 这个也是我现在的问题, 不带又不知道还有什么值得带的, 带又觉得不太值. 看LCBO里的冰酒从20到50的都有, 到底哪种适合啊?
              • 个人认为,酒厂卖的Late Harvest 比较合算。 十多块一瓶,价格合理,没有冰酒那么甜,但是已经有冰酒的香味了。
                • Late Harvest is not ice wine. Late Harvest is made from grapes picked in late fall, not from frozen grapes picked in winter.
                  • Late Harvest 确实不是冰酒,不过比酒铺里酿的那种甜水已经好很多了。Late harvest 用的葡萄只是温度还没有低要做冰酒所需的温度酒摘下来的,不一定是深秋,也可能是暖冬吧
                    • Late Harvest lacks rich characters of Ice wine exactly because it is not as sweet as ice wine (and lower in acidity that provide crucial freshness and crispness).
                      And It tastes pale and loses vibrancy in the company of disserts.
              • 可以试试Smoked Salmon,(我的至爱)。如果是pacific的,好像20块左右,如果是wild的,要25左右。
                • 这是真空包装的吗? PACIFIC 和WILD是指什么, 牌子还是产地啊?
                  • 是真空包裝的。我上個帖子說錯了,我本意是說如果三文魚是放養的就便宜些,野生的就貴些。
        • I am a wine maker and want to defend home made ice wine here. See inside message.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Ice Wines in LCBO are made from frozen grapes and they are fairly expensive not because a lot of people love it, but because of the high cost of producing it (low yield and labor, I mean those frozen grapes have to be pick under minus 8 by hand!) . Some body here has mentioned "late harvest", which is less sweet and lacking aromas in comparing to ice wines. Strictly speaking, "Late Harvest" is not ice wine either, and they are sold at around $20 in LCBO. Ice Wine made frozen grapes are garanteed high quality? Not true.
          Ice Wine made in wine shops are always low quality? Not true again. Ice Wine made in wine shops are from regular grapes. Wine makers have to use special brewing techniques to emulate those made from frozen grapes. If you handle it well, you could make wonderful ice wines. The problem is there is a wide variance in quality among wine shops. We call ice wine made in wine shops as "ice wine style". There is no "real and bogus" ice wine here. There is nothing shameful to give your friends a bottle of "ice wine style". I have tasted "real" ice wine priced from $30 to $50 in LCBO. I could confidently tell you "ice wine style" can represent bueatiful features of Canadian ice wine. You might not believe this, here is my challenge: buy two bottles of ice wine in LCBO and make one batch of ice wine in my shop and we do a blind tasting. If you can tell what is what, that batch of ice wine is my gift.
          Now, what I don't understand is why should you spend $30 to $50 dollars to buy one bottle of ice wine instead of making a batch of good ice wine. Ice wine in LCBO is more "real" in your perception? Then take my challenge. Let's find out what you have said is true. ^_^

          Here is my contact information:

          Eric Wang
          Wine Kitz
          895 Lawrence Ave. E. (Don Mills and Lawrence)
          Tell: 416-3831284
          Cell: 416-3129126更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • It is one of dissert wine. HAS TO be sweet enough to go with disserts. If you don't like sweet wine, then don't buy ice wine.
    • 我的建议是根本不要买什么冰酒。出境的时候,在Duty Free,买一些白兰地,伏特加,既便宜又好看,而且比较符合国人的口味。