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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛主要资助方为Health Canada’s Community Action Program for Children (CAPC) 的一个北约克地区的社区机构。

针对家庭:the families of children from pre-birth to age of six, who are considered “at risk” due to difficult life experience. These families usually lack access to family support services due to barriers such as culture, ethnicity, language, low income, family violence, parents’ health and education challenges, and single parent or teenage parent problems. We also serve families, in which either a parent or a child is developmentally delayed, medically challenged, experiencing emotional and behavioral problems.

-Prenatal Program is designed for pregnant women and partners.
-Early Parenting Group offers ongoing help for babies under one year and their parents.
-Parenting Toddlers focus on parents with children 1-2 1/2 years.
-Lay Home Visiting by Trained Community Parents includes Peer Breastfeeding Support for parents and children from pre-birth to 6 years.
-Preschool Literacy Program provides preschool children literacy education.
-Children’s Caravan Mobile Toy Lending Resource plus Parenting Support Services is open to parents and children 0-6 years at community or other places.
-Family Resource Program makes infants and preschool children accessible to resources they need.
-Parenting workshops teach parents new skills to help them with common parenting issues.

地址:100 ravel road, north york, m2h 1s9 (leslie/finch)
电话:416-499-3377更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 原来参加BBN PROGRAM的要低收入才行,我因工签的问题,把收入报大了,可能不能参加免费的班.好郁闷哦.
    • 嗯,要家庭年收入6万以下的,但这个纯粹看个人诚信度了。你要是报大了而实际并非达到这个线,pm我。
    • what is BBN PROGRAM?
      • 不知道是不是这个,也好奇
        • 楼主说的是这个:#1959480。因为是不大的一个npo机构,所以没有网站。
          • 唉. 我真是被这个BBN 气坏了. 当初找产前班时, 找过他们. 每个人的拒绝的借口都不一样的. 我被他们踢来踢去,结果什么班也没上成.
            • 原则上是按照报名顺序排的,但是如果有空缺的时候有人排的较后、但马上就快到预产期了,会往前提一点的;或者是那种高危的,
              • 打了N次电话.
                首先是市正府的. 给了我一堆的号码. 打过去问大多都说已满了,给你一个电话吧.----市府的电话. 只说BBN 了. 留了N次言. 不知搁了多久有人回电了.问我一些基本情况包括地址. 末了问我有没有工作,先生有没有工作(没问收入). 我答有. 对方就说那你是STABLE 的,我们要保留SPACE给更有需要的人. 过了些日子, 又有人CALL. 同样问了这些问提. 最后说我们不COVER 你住的地区. (我当时住SCAR.). 这两个人是一个中心的(DON MILLS)
                • 她还问我自从有了后,有没有担心BB吃不饱,我在想什么都要保证BB能饱啊,怎么会不饱.
                  • 中国人是这样的,但是也有很贫困又是teenage的妈妈,真的不是很注意呢。BTW,一般作intake的时候不会问这个呀,只是轮到你的时候要填一个政府统一发的调查表,里面确实很多类似的傻瓜问题。。。
                • 问得都不够全面呢,首先是区域,他们只收北约克的;其次是收入,家庭年收入要在6万以下的"at risk" family,比如语言不好、来加不久、收入低、有健康问题、单亲家庭等等。
                  每周会有人收集留言,然后进行第一次联络,了解以上大致情况是否符合,如果符合则放在合适地点的班级waiting list上,在班级出现空位的时候,再按照waiting list的先后,通知上课。
                  • 我问的是:1年龄,2收入,3居住地,4生产期,5月收入,6来加多久,7月租房费,8第几胎,9有了后,有没有担心BB吃不饱.问完后,就说可能不行,她要问一问上司.
                    • 哈哈,还问月租?基本上就是问问做什么工作就心中有数了呀。最多大无畏的问一句家庭年收入有多少。。。是不是年轻女孩子讲很快英文的呀?有时候会有seneca的co-op学生帮忙
                      • 是SCARBOROUGH的Ming Li. 416-284-8131
                        • hoho,你搞混了,那不是BBN的。只是类似于BBN的另一个机构。这样大大小小的机构在本市有无数家。。。
                          • 原来如此,多谢指教.
    • 各位前辈,本人是刚到的新移民,请给介绍一下BBN PROGRAM
      • hope it helps---
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛主要资助方为Health Canada’s Community Action Program for Children (CAPC) 的一个北约克地区的社区机构。

        针对家庭:the families of children from pre-birth to age of six, who are considered “at risk” due to difficult life experience. These families usually lack access to family support services due to barriers such as culture, ethnicity, language, low income, family violence, parents’ health and education challenges, and single parent or teenage parent problems. We also serve families, in which either a parent or a child is developmentally delayed, medically challenged, experiencing emotional and behavioral problems.

        -Prenatal Program is designed for pregnant women and partners.
        -Early Parenting Group offers ongoing help for babies under one year and their parents.
        -Parenting Toddlers focus on parents with children 1-2 1/2 years.
        -Lay Home Visiting by Trained Community Parents includes Peer Breastfeeding Support for parents and children from pre-birth to 6 years.
        -Preschool Literacy Program provides preschool children literacy education.
        -Children’s Caravan Mobile Toy Lending Resource plus Parenting Support Services is open to parents and children 0-6 years at community or other places.
        -Family Resource Program makes infants and preschool children accessible to resources they need.
        -Parenting workshops teach parents new skills to help them with common parenting issues.

        地址:100 ravel road, north york, m2h 1s9 (leslie/finch)
        电话:416-499-3377更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net