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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛有些词我还不知道呢,尽管我对他写的有些摸不着头脑(用的but 太多),还是很高兴。小孩的接受能力大人真的没法比,我们一起来了两年多(儿子4岁半来的,现在7岁,2年级),我的英文还是很臭,孩子却从一句英文不会到现在能读会写,说就更溜了。所以要学东西,还是要趁早啊。

Secret Passage

Chapter 1
Once in a deep cave a boy named Eric came to discover. He was a young boy when he discovered. He had a map that could travel wherever he goes. He had a father in Korea and his mother in Taiwan. The story began in Egypt. He found a cave in a bridge they use to build with. He built it with his cousins Simon, Ivan. They were famous on video.
“We’re good,” said Eric.
They weared watches so they could know who is who. They took a 10-day airplane to fly to Africa.

Chapter 2
Then they found Gamma’s team in their way. Gamma’s team had an eye of light. But they stopped the light.
They said “We’ll face you in a battle!”
So Eric said “Ya, of course we will battle!”
But they got there just in time, until a big stadium started from the ground. The sign on the big stadium said Nya Semi Stadium. There was lava roasting from top to bottom.

Chapter 3
After the big battle they went to Africa. But a rattlesnake was spotted. It came out of its pot that it was in.
“I am sure its lighting head is dangerous.” Said Eric.
But the rattlesnake escaped from us, it did have a lighting head, it has a poison silk. The wood is used to put things. Someone said, “I will give you this snake.”

未完待续更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 儿子的story,要求我typing出来,原文还配有插图,非常interesting,
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛有些词我还不知道呢,尽管我对他写的有些摸不着头脑(用的but 太多),还是很高兴。小孩的接受能力大人真的没法比,我们一起来了两年多(儿子4岁半来的,现在7岁,2年级),我的英文还是很臭,孩子却从一句英文不会到现在能读会写,说就更溜了。所以要学东西,还是要趁早啊。

    Secret Passage

    Chapter 1
    Once in a deep cave a boy named Eric came to discover. He was a young boy when he discovered. He had a map that could travel wherever he goes. He had a father in Korea and his mother in Taiwan. The story began in Egypt. He found a cave in a bridge they use to build with. He built it with his cousins Simon, Ivan. They were famous on video.
    “We’re good,” said Eric.
    They weared watches so they could know who is who. They took a 10-day airplane to fly to Africa.

    Chapter 2
    Then they found Gamma’s team in their way. Gamma’s team had an eye of light. But they stopped the light.
    They said “We’ll face you in a battle!”
    So Eric said “Ya, of course we will battle!”
    But they got there just in time, until a big stadium started from the ground. The sign on the big stadium said Nya Semi Stadium. There was lava roasting from top to bottom.

    Chapter 3
    After the big battle they went to Africa. But a rattlesnake was spotted. It came out of its pot that it was in.
    “I am sure its lighting head is dangerous.” Said Eric.
    But the rattlesnake escaped from us, it did have a lighting head, it has a poison silk. The wood is used to put things. Someone said, “I will give you this snake.”

    未完待续更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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