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ZT 我是这样办加快出生证的

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Q: 如何最快办好小孩出生证?

A: by sw2000 (sw) at 2002.11.13 14:24

想趁休产假回国, passport(10 working days天), visa(2-3天) 都好办. 但出生证一般要三个月. Unlike passport and visa offices, which have express service as long as you wish to pay extra, there is no clear definition of express service for birth certificate. How to get it quickly?

办出生证最关键是信息录入了省府电脑. 只要电脑中有, 你可去所谓 same-day office 办理. My experience here is actually how to shorten the time to input my data into the database.

There are two levels of government you have to contact here. First, it's the municipal level. If you are in a hurry, go to any minicipal government office in person, like North York Center, Toronto Townhall Center and Scarbourogh Civic Center. Bring the documents you got when you left the hospital along with:
1. A letter to explain your reason(this will be sent to Thunder Bay, Provincial)
2. A Courier Envelope (快寄信封-inside Canada, to Thunder Bay)
3. Filled Application Form for Long and Short form of Birth Certificate (better to use Credit Card to pay the fees)
Talk to the minicipal official, and ask him/her to help you register in minicipal level quickly . The minicipal official will help you to send your request to Thunder Bay's Registrar General using your Courier Envelope. The provincial government will issue the birth certificate for your baby.


Good luck!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 9月初寄走的孩子出生时医院给的表格,还没收到registration no.打算直接填申请表申请出生证,请问:1. 不知多长时间可以收到?打算明年5月回国,要加急吗?2. 来加不到两年,担保人一栏该如何出理?多谢?
    • up
      • 真巧,今天刚帮人问过。registration number ,申请后3个月,如还没收到,可以直接去申请birth certificate ,
      • 2.找你的区议员办公室,可以免费替你签
        • 谢谢!可以不找担保人吗?自己写一信解释一下.
          • 这我不知道, 但找区议员很容易的。 你不妨试试先
            • 如果来加时间超过两年, 但找不到认识两年以上的担保人, 可以找议员吗? 表上要具体填认识多少年, 议员会给签吗? 谢谢!
              • Go to Chinatown for help,Chinese,lawyer,$45
    • 9月寄出的,那还早着呢。
    • 我10天就收到register number!
      我10月28日用快递寄的申请材料,昨天已经收到register number.但是我寄的另外一个快递信封被退了回来,说是不合格。还说出生证马上寄给我。我不知道是否我马上就能得到?是否还要再寄一个合格的信封。那位有经验给我指点一下。月底就要回国,急!
    • ZT 我是这样办加快出生证的
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Q: 如何最快办好小孩出生证?

      A: by sw2000 (sw) at 2002.11.13 14:24

      想趁休产假回国, passport(10 working days天), visa(2-3天) 都好办. 但出生证一般要三个月. Unlike passport and visa offices, which have express service as long as you wish to pay extra, there is no clear definition of express service for birth certificate. How to get it quickly?

      办出生证最关键是信息录入了省府电脑. 只要电脑中有, 你可去所谓 same-day office 办理. My experience here is actually how to shorten the time to input my data into the database.

      There are two levels of government you have to contact here. First, it's the municipal level. If you are in a hurry, go to any minicipal government office in person, like North York Center, Toronto Townhall Center and Scarbourogh Civic Center. Bring the documents you got when you left the hospital along with:
      1. A letter to explain your reason(this will be sent to Thunder Bay, Provincial)
      2. A Courier Envelope (快寄信封-inside Canada, to Thunder Bay)
      3. Filled Application Form for Long and Short form of Birth Certificate (better to use Credit Card to pay the fees)
      Talk to the minicipal official, and ask him/her to help you register in minicipal level quickly . The minicipal official will help you to send your request to Thunder Bay's Registrar General using your Courier Envelope. The provincial government will issue the birth certificate for your baby.


      Good luck!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • yuyuma,我想问一下: REGISTER NUMBER 是不是2004开头的?后面有6位数字啊?我去SCARBOROUGH CIVIC CENTER问了。他给我这个号码。那我可以去申请出生证吗?
        • You should call thunder bay 1-800-461-2156 for details.
      • yuyuma,想再问你一个问题,我发现我的信用卡被REGISTAR OFFICE已经扣了。是不是出生证快来了?可他没收我加急的费用(扣了60元)
        • wanbaolu你是自己送到bay900号去的吗?我想12月28日回国,现在只有REGISTRATION NO。不知道还来得及吗?
          • 没有。我是给他们发传真的,说我这个月底要回去。12月份要回公司上班。给他们发了我公司的信。后来有个女的给我打电话了,叫我把表格传真过去。就这样。不知道什么时候能收到。你BB几个月了?
            • 宝宝2个月了
          • Please call 1-800-461-2156 if you want to get certificate as soon as possible.
            • 还想问一下,我没有GUARANTOR的签字怎么办,能不能写个说明给他们呢?
              • 真奇怪,前面一直在告诉大家,到区议员办公室可以免费签。为什么不去呢?
                • 我不知道他们在哪里啊。我在伦敦到哪里去找他们呢?
                  • 上网。找london市政府的网页,找你所住地区的市议员。。。。
                    • 哦,谢谢了。
        • 加急费是在city hall交的
    • 我昨天收到出生证,从申请到拿到,也就两个多礼拜。
      • 能联系你吗?
        • 刚贴错一次,再贴:如何加快申请出生证
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Q: 如何最快办好小孩出生证?

          A: by sw2000 (sw) at 2002.11.13 14:24

          想趁休产假回国, passport(10 working days天), visa(2-3天) 都好办. 但出生证一般要三个月. Unlike passport and visa offices, which have express service as long as you wish to pay extra, there is no clear definition of express service for birth certificate. How to get it quickly? [ 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum ]

          办出生证最关键是信息录入了省府电脑. 只要电脑中有, 你可去所谓 same-day office 办理. My experience here is actually how to shorten the time to input my data into the database.

          There are two levels of government you have to contact here. First, it's the municipal level. If you are in a hurry, go to any minicipal government office in person, like North York Center, Toronto Townhall Center and Scarbourogh Civic Center. Bring the documents you got when you left the hospital along with:
          1. A letter to explain your reason(this will be sent to Thunder Bay, Provincial) < r o l i a. n e t >
          2. A Courier Envelope (快寄信封-inside Canada, to Thunder Bay)
          3. Filled Application Form for Long and Short form of Birth Certificate (better to use Credit Card to pay the fees)
          Talk to the minicipal official, and ask him/her to help you register in minicipal level quickly . The minicipal official will help you to send your request to Thunder Bay's Registrar General using your Courier Envelope. The provincial government will issue the birth certificate for your baby.

          我在两周内收到了出生证. { 枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum }

          Good luck!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 有问题请讲,我会回答的
          • 我去问了我们这里议员没有这个服务,没地方签字了,能不能写个情况说明呢?
            • 找担保人,两个办法:
              1 去多伦多唐人街有华人律师做,我是在那里做的,$45;2 据说是到city hall领表的地方要另一个附加表,适用于没有两年担保人的申请人,然后找律师签字即可,这是一个老外律师告诉我的。
            • pingping(萍萍),请看这里:如果你愿意,把你的电话告诉我,我打给你方便些: c2x1984@yahoo.com