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TORONTO -- A bacteria outbreak at a Toronto hospital has infected at least 10 newborns and hospital officials were trying to contact 400 women Wednesday who gave birth at the facility over the past month.

TORONTO -- A bacteria outbreak at a Toronto hospital has infected at least 10 newborns and hospital officials were trying to contact 400 women Wednesday who gave birth at the facility over the past month.

"They will be tested to see whether they could have been exposed," said Dr. Kevin Katz, spokesman for North York General Hospital.

Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus, an antibiotic-resistant bug which causes pus blisters, was found at the hospital's maternity ward.

Katz said three infected babies were in hospital Wednesday morning.

He believes someone visiting the hospital unknowingly brought the bacteria into the facility on their hands.

All babies born at the hospital in the past month will be tested to see whether they've been exposed.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 新妈妈听说了吗?昨天的新闻说,一个月内在north york general hospital出生的bb, 要和医院联系,一个无比缺德的visitor, 染了一种菌到医院,已经查出40个bb给感染了
    • TORONTO -- A bacteria outbreak at a Toronto hospital has infected at least 10 newborns and hospital officials were trying to contact 400 women Wednesday who gave birth at the facility over the past month.
      TORONTO -- A bacteria outbreak at a Toronto hospital has infected at least 10 newborns and hospital officials were trying to contact 400 women Wednesday who gave birth at the facility over the past month.

      "They will be tested to see whether they could have been exposed," said Dr. Kevin Katz, spokesman for North York General Hospital.

      Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus, an antibiotic-resistant bug which causes pus blisters, was found at the hospital's maternity ward.

      Katz said three infected babies were in hospital Wednesday morning.

      He believes someone visiting the hospital unknowingly brought the bacteria into the facility on their hands.

      All babies born at the hospital in the past month will be tested to see whether they've been exposed.
    • 有时真是很难理解有些人是怎么想的。
    • 我的宝宝十月十九日在North York General Hospital 出生,被感染了MRSA, 哎,真倒霉.
      the letter from hospital said, less than 5% of the baby was affected.
      • 真可怜,严重么?这种病毒好治么?我们为你祷告
        • 是细菌,但对抗生素有抗药性。
          • 知道MRSA的中文名吗?我不晓得。
            • 是金黄葡萄球菌,好像在国内很普通的一种。
              • Thanks!
        • 多谢!我宝宝现在状态不错,在家隔离。在医院时尝试打点滴,戳了十几针,最终也没成功,真是心疼。
          • 不会吧,以前我们医院规定三针不能到位的话,护士要去培训的.以前我们医院的小儿科的护士基本一针准.加拿大的护士操作水平太臭了.
            • But he only one month.
              • She is only four days when they first try the IV on her. There are 5 batch of tries altogether, in each try they will give 2-4 needles. wuuuuuuu
            • 我儿子也被扎了好几下还不成,最后我们不治了,自己也好了
            • 偶在FAIRVIEW图书馆边上的LAB里面也被一小伙子戳了两针抽血没抽到,只好叫了个东欧大妈来帮忙,一针准!这加拿大的护士,啥水平.
    • 此菌的宿主很有可能没症状.
    • 我宝宝正好还有两周出生。听到这个消息非常担心。请问:能不能要求换家医院?
      • 别担心 既然医院已经发现问题了 防范措施当然会跟上了 放心吧