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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Help! A crying soul is crying for help!

I have been together with my husband for 18 years and have 3 daughters. I put all my love and efforts in the family all the time. Because his family are trying whatever they can to have a boy. His parent hope him to divorce me because I declare I am not going to have more children for them. He always claims he loves me the most and wants to live with me happily and will love 3 daughters forever. However, I don't believe him anymore. First, when my 3rd daughter was born, he took one week off, but he didn't take care of me and the baby at all. All he did was sticking in the internet all day long until mid-night. Second, I find he always lies to me about everything but he never admits it. Third, he always seems forgetful if I ask him to do something or if we have family events such as my daughter's school interview and open house; however, he always remembers to mind his own business.

How much love does he really have to me and my daughters? Is there any merit to keep this marriage?

Help me! I am lost.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / Help! A crying soul is crying for help!
    I have been together with my husband for 18 years and have 3 daughters. I put all my love and efforts in the family all the time. Because his family are trying whatever they can to have a boy. His parent hope him to divorce me because I declare I am not going to have more children for them. He always claims he loves me the most and wants to live with me happily and will love 3 daughters forever. However, I don't believe him anymore. First, when my 3rd daughter was born, he took one week off, but he didn't take care of me and the baby at all. All he did was sticking in the internet all day long until mid-night. Second, I find he always lies to me about everything but he never admits it. Third, he always seems forgetful if I ask him to do something or if we have family events such as my daughter's school interview and open house; however, he always remembers to mind his own business.

    How much love does he really have to me and my daughters? Is there any merit to keep this marriage?

    Help me! I am lost.
    • I see. Maybe it is the time to say goodbye.
      and if you can type in chinese, more people will give you help
    • 很同情你! 但是不能够帮你出主意.
    • 同情, 离开他不知道行不行?
    • 哎,都18年了.早干嘛了?一个女人有几个18年呀.还是白头到老吧.
      • 发现rolia的MM多是拆合的,GG都是圆合。古训怎么说,宁咋咋的,不拆一门亲。哀....JJ们 ...
    • 女人啥时候也不应该把全部爱和精力都倾注在孩子和家庭上。留点心意给自己,从现在开始也不晚的。你老公可能也没撒谎,只是他已经习惯了做抄手先生了。
      • totally agree. 人都挺贱的,你往往对他越好,他就越不当回事。and vice versa.
        • 太赞同不可了! 他一个人在国内, 我带两孩在这, 牢骚多的还是他. 我有苦向他说还得不到同情.
          • 干嘛啊, 立马买机票带孩子回国去.
          • cryingsoul(Crying sole) < === > lifeissotiring(我活得好累)
            • not the same person, but seems in the same boat. Deepest sympathy for me and her.
          • 为啥不回国啊你?
        • 何止贱, 简直没有心肝,自私自利。
    • 你老公好象也没干什么对不起你的事情啊.
    • 你们在一起太久了,而且还有三个孩子,你有能力独自养活她们么?
    • 怀疑你老公是重男轻女,不信给他生3个男孩试试。