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It is possible to train up your baby to follow the schedule. My baby is about 3 weeks and he eats every 3.5 - 4 hour.

Don't feed your baby too often. Otherwise he will only eat a little each time. The hinder milk is more nutritious.

I read a book about how to feed a baby in schedule. Parents need to set up a schedule from the first day and follow the schedule consistently. Baby will soon adapt to the schedule.

It is normal to let baby cry about 30 minutes. It will not hurt it. Sometimes my baby gets fussy and desn't eat milk and cries. I will let him cry for a while and then cuddle him. He will soon become quiet and willing to eat.

When baby is crying, he might have some other uncomfortable things, such as wet diaper, gas, sick, etc. Hungry is the last reason. Don't feed the baby everytime he cries.

good luck

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 孩子3周大.不知道怎样让她每2~3小时吃一次奶?要不就哭. 哭个个把小时会不会把嗓子哭哑?
    • 你真狠心,让那么小的孩子哭上个把小时?孩子哭上十分钟就像要把我心揪出来一样,别让她哭,想吃就给她吃呐。
    • 会哭哑, 会得疝气。。。。
    • 这么小的宝宝最好按需喂养,而不是按时喂养。
    • 我是怕她吃多,又没有规律.
      • 没必要这样, 等你把他训出来的时候, 他一般也不需要吃奶了, 想吃就吃, 很快就大了.
      • 而且3w也训练不出规律来。就和会吸奶一样,小孩子天生知道什么时饿什么时饱。还要吃就是没有饱
        • 那为啥书上说8~12次BREAST FEEDING呢?
          • 书上没有说不能超过12次或少于8次吧?那应该是一般情况,不是限制次数。书上说每次喂奶15分钟,我家当时从来都是断断续续一个小时。孩子吃饱为要
      • 怎么总有这么多怕这怕那,就不怕把孩子饿坏、哭哑、心灵受创伤
        • 嘁,包子没当过爸妈吧?第一次当爸妈允许犯错误,而且这个不是什么原则错误:3week的心灵小了点,想创伤也不容易。问题不大。
          • 我没当过父母?新警察了吧
          • 心灵小了点?我姑娘今天19天,滑头的很了
          • 4242,指责之前想想你我当年的手足无措(除非你有高人指点/天生会养孩子)。
    • 这么小的宝宝饿了就要吃,没有什么规律可寻,千万别让宝宝哭那么长时间,多可怜啊.
    • 那有时几小时睡觉, 有时一小时一吃, 是正常的吗?另, 每天睡几小时是OKAY的呀?
      • 吃和睡是有联系的,吃不饱睡的就短。这本“书”是我们两口子当年必读。
      • 想吃就吃,想睡就睡,这就是婴儿的规律,你这父母要学习啊。
    • 笑死我了,这也太经典了吧。典型的第一个小孩照书养。这么小的小孩,想吃就喂,想睡就睡,哪儿这么多统计数字啊?才3周大,时差都还没倒过来,就要找规律立规矩?怎么也要等小孩开始懂事吧。
      • 我原来还幻想:她出来了, 饿了去MADONALD, 想干什么我给车钥匙就行了. 没想到吃饭的事就难住了我.
        • 你这人,明明JUNK FOOD,你还往那里领,起码要去康翠酒楼啊。
    • 我家那个也是,在孩子一个月不到的时候,就要做规矩。哭了不让抱,还发脾气。这还是他姐和他妈教他的。每次打电话,就说不能宠孩子。
      • Give me a break. You won't spoil a baby!
      • 下回你饿他三天,就说不能崇大人。
      • 举半只手支持你家那口子:不能绝对不抱,但是能不抱就不抱,特别是别养成条件反射:一哭妈妈就会抱,那样有你累的。可以用抚摸,拥抱,KISS代替。我当时也对老人家发PQ。我就是孩子从小只给HUG,没有PICKUP(也不绝对)
        • Yes. Don't pick up the baby every time he cries. Otherwise, you will for sure get a fussy baby.
    • if the baby asks for feeding every other hour, that means you don;t make him full enough. a baby can sleep three or more hours, but not let him more than four hours. wake him up, feed him, he needs food.
      • 我的宝宝24天,小屁股上有些小籽籽,是不是尿布疹,该咋办?
        • 可以试试每次换diaper擦olive oil (据说香油也可以),然后稍微晾一会再穿新的diaper。你家小人比俺闺女大4天
          • 谢谢!我们买了凡士林好吗?刚跟宝宝洗澡发现小脖子后有小籽籽(头发很多)觉得试试趴着睡,有人试过吗?你们家小宝宝的头睡好了吗?我们家的宝宝老是歪着头睡。
            • 我也买了凡士林,最初用医院给的凡士林就出了diaper rash,就没用自己买的,换了Aveeno diaper rash cream,好多了,后来医生建议olive oil,发现更实用
            • 脖子那里是要重点注意的地方,一定要每天擦,保持干爽。趴着睡觉小孩睡得安稳,但是SID的概率高。我也不知道宝宝头睡得怎么样,只是看着脸没有以前看着那么大了
    • It is possible to train up your baby to follow the schedule. My baby is about 3 weeks and he eats every 3.5 - 4 hour.
      Don't feed your baby too often. Otherwise he will only eat a little each time. The hinder milk is more nutritious.

      I read a book about how to feed a baby in schedule. Parents need to set up a schedule from the first day and follow the schedule consistently. Baby will soon adapt to the schedule.

      It is normal to let baby cry about 30 minutes. It will not hurt it. Sometimes my baby gets fussy and desn't eat milk and cries. I will let him cry for a while and then cuddle him. He will soon become quiet and willing to eat.

      When baby is crying, he might have some other uncomfortable things, such as wet diaper, gas, sick, etc. Hungry is the last reason. Don't feed the baby everytime he cries.

      good luck