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Can somebody help me out?

My former girl friend and me had a baby three months ago, but now she want me to go out with the baby. I did something wrong when she was pregnant and apologized for my wrong doings several times. I don't have any idea regarding how to clear the relationship with her. What kind of documents should I get before I leave? Does she have some responsibility about the baby because I know Canadian Laws are on the woman side. I have no relative here and I have to work daytime to earn some money. She has her own house and has been here many years.
Could someone give me some suggestion?
Thanks a lot

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  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / Can somebody help me out?
    My former girl friend and me had a baby three months ago, but now she want me to go out with the baby. I did something wrong when she was pregnant and apologized for my wrong doings several times. I don't have any idea regarding how to clear the relationship with her. What kind of documents should I get before I leave? Does she have some responsibility about the baby because I know Canadian Laws are on the woman side. I have no relative here and I have to work daytime to earn some money. She has her own house and has been here many years.
    Could someone give me some suggestion?
    Thanks a lot
    • What do you mean by 'go out with the baby'? You want to say 'move out with the baby'? So you are now living in your girl friend's house?
      What you have done must hurt her very much, otherwise she would not give up her own baby - from a woman's viewpoint. Go and find and talk to a lawyer, and see what else you can do. No mather what happen, be good to the baby, he/she is innocent.