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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

First of all, congratuations for making right decision! There is some way out:

1. Find a living-in-Nanny. Cost around 1200$per month. the good thing is the time is really flexible.
2. find a walk-in-Nanny. cost around 800 p/m. the bad thing is when you need, she is not there yet.
3. send kids to daycare. I don't recommend this one. it is really costy. I quoted 1 month ago, around 2000 per month 10%discount for twins already applied. but at least, it is a option.

All of the numbers are came from my colleagues who are using nanny right now. I believe them. but decision is up to you. Good luck with twins.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 不惜千辛万苦,最后还是决定把双胞胎儿子放在身边带了,他们十个月了,操练得我很辛苦!!!哪个好心人介绍个保姆给我,怎么我在报纸上广告登了半天没人应征得呢!!现在是不是保姆紧缺呀?!!
    • 重赏之下必有勇夫
      • 来个勇夫,人家也不敢要啊
        • 不一定,男保姆力气大些,一般体力活都能搞定。
    • 据说请一个NANNY白天(正常工作时间)到家照顾孩子大概是2000/月/孩子,两个可以适当便宜一些。不知道你广告的价格是不是达到了正常价格
    • 如果你在士嘉堡就多得很,在mississauga 就很少。
      • 可否提供info, 我住士嘉堡. 是否有保姆愿意照顾4个月大的BB呢? 我可能要请保姆在BB4个月大时.
        • 去年我也是在星岛日报上登的广告,很快来了好多电话,很好找的。
    • 可以送到Daycare, 一些大一点的Daycare Center收半岁以上的Baby.
    • 一个人带两个一样大的孩子非常不容易。最好是请人帮忙。
    • First of all, congratuations for making right decision! There is some way out:
      1. Find a living-in-Nanny. Cost around 1200$per month. the good thing is the time is really flexible.
      2. find a walk-in-Nanny. cost around 800 p/m. the bad thing is when you need, she is not there yet.
      3. send kids to daycare. I don't recommend this one. it is really costy. I quoted 1 month ago, around 2000 per month 10%discount for twins already applied. but at least, it is a option.

      All of the numbers are came from my colleagues who are using nanny right now. I believe them. but decision is up to you. Good luck with twins.
    • 在星岛看到有个保姆公司的广告,电话4164267128,网www.nanny4u.org,我也要找但还没联系,你可以先查询
      • 你好!不知道你住在什么地方,我父母来探亲,很有空,如果住得比较近,你可以发邮件到TINATO138@HOTMAIL.COM