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免费BUFFET--Mandarin Jul 1--For Canadian Only (K!)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Free Buffet For Canada Day!
Thursday, July 1, 2004 At Mandarin, we’re making fireworks of our own for Canada Day, by offering a COMPLIMENTARY ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT BUFFET to all Canadian citizens. We wanted to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for welcoming us into this great country. At each one of our fifteen locations, you’ll enjoy amazing Chinese food alongside tried-and-true Canadian dishes, absolutely free. This starts from the moment our doors open until our last seating at 8:30 pm, on a first-come, first-served basis. Make your Canada Day a smash hit by joining the party!

We ask your co-operation in respecting the following conditions:
- Buffet meals are free for all Canadians, with one of the following proof(s) of citizenship: Canadian birth certificate, Canadian passport, Canadian citizenship card.
- No reservations will be accepted for this day.
- Customers are not permitted to hold the line for more than four people in total.
- Dress code in effect.
- This offer applies to buffet meals, soft drinks, coffee, and tea. It does not apply to: other beverages, take-out or delivery meals, or any gratuity.
- À la carte will not be served on July 1st, but we will continue serving take-out & delivery for the usual prices.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / 免费BUFFET--Mandarin Jul 1--For Canadian Only (K!)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Free Buffet For Canada Day!
    Thursday, July 1, 2004 At Mandarin, we’re making fireworks of our own for Canada Day, by offering a COMPLIMENTARY ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT BUFFET to all Canadian citizens. We wanted to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for welcoming us into this great country. At each one of our fifteen locations, you’ll enjoy amazing Chinese food alongside tried-and-true Canadian dishes, absolutely free. This starts from the moment our doors open until our last seating at 8:30 pm, on a first-come, first-served basis. Make your Canada Day a smash hit by joining the party!

    We ask your co-operation in respecting the following conditions:
    - Buffet meals are free for all Canadians, with one of the following proof(s) of citizenship: Canadian birth certificate, Canadian passport, Canadian citizenship card.
    - No reservations will be accepted for this day.
    - Customers are not permitted to hold the line for more than four people in total.
    - Dress code in effect.
    - This offer applies to buffet meals, soft drinks, coffee, and tea. It does not apply to: other beverages, take-out or delivery meals, or any gratuity.
    - À la carte will not be served on July 1st, but we will continue serving take-out & delivery for the usual prices.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 歧视移民,打倒这餐馆
      • 再也不去mandarin了!
    • 我儿子现在2个月,没拿到出生证,怎么证明?他也是小公民啊!
      • what will you let your 2 month baby eat in Mandarin?
      • 2个月?, 长没长牙呀?怎么吃?
    • 我11, 人神共愤啊.
    • 我靠,古人宁愿饿死不吃嗟来之食.楼上几位不乏ROLIA的老脸,居然会死乞白咧为不够资格吃嗟来之食掙臂高呼抵制抗议愤愤不已???我昏倒.楼上几位老大是开玩笑吧?
      • 把加拿大公民与非公民区别对待实在不应该,难道国庆日的时候,公民可以放假,而非公民还要上班吗?
        • 思路混乱,逻辑不清,满脑瓜子自以为是的"主人翁"思想.先订住,以后再批.
          • As a Canadian citizen, why 我不能有主人翁思想?你才满脑瓜子自以为是。最看不上恨人有、笑人无的人了。
        • 老太太脑子糊涂了, 天下没有免费的午餐. 人家FREE给你吃, 什么样的附带条件当然人家说了算, 其实这条件也不算苛刻, 就是利用身份来SHOW一下东主的爱国心, 只是苦了那些没入籍的, 督促他们赶快入籍贯.
          • I got Canadia Citizenship already. I just dont like the way they do. A free buffet is not a bid deal though.
            • You are probably right, business is business, this action involved too much patriot showed off, we might call it traditional Chinese business style in Canada, people just feel uncomfortable.
              • Make sence.
      • 不能高興, 當然只能氣憤啦.:-P
      • 关你底事???
        • 是是是,不关我底事,您老教训得真痛快.给您添堵了.
          • 你楼上豆腐吃噎着了, 还不给他送碗馄炖汤?
      • 我靠!据我的经验,我预测,说这话的人,通常天不亮就跑去排队等吃了。
        • 错了
        • agree
        • 上午十点钟去晚不晚,估计9点钟得去。
          • Ppl gona line up and wait at least 2 hrs for getting in!
        • Most likely, ;-D
      • 我带帐篷去,哈哈哈
        • 排队吃了午饭, 换个地方排队再吃晚饭...
        • 只许吃蛋
        • 我带上午饭, 晚饭排队.
        • I'll bring BBQ stove and 麻将.
    • Send them email to protest
      Tell them you will boycott the restaurant because of their discrimination. Email address is: info@mandarinbuffet.com
    • 在Canada这样一个大量移民的国家如此方式区分公民和非公民的确有歧视嫌疑,这家餐馆的确不是东西,难怪上周去吃完拉肚子,TNND。:(
    • 我一定去吃顿午饭,可惜晚上不能去
    • 我是去不了解啦,不过我有一大堆同事呢, 都是精壮的小伙子.