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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Double check with your doctor

I had the same issue as you did. My family doctor told me that I did not need to do the amnio test unless my blood test was positive, but when I registered for the hospital, the nurse said that all women over 35 need to do the amniocentesis test. This is because 1) women over 35 are at more risk of Down syndrome or other chromosomal problems; 2) the result of the blood test is based on estimates and only amnio test can diagnose such abnormalities. I talked to my family doctor again and this time he said what the nurse said was true and the reason why he did not request me to do the amnio test was because he thought that I was 34! So double check with your doctor. It is possible he messes up your age just like what my doctor did.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 请教各位有经验的: 不是说孕妇超过35岁都要做羊水穿刺检查吗? 我都超过36岁了, 而且头胎, 为什么大夫说要看验血结果才决定需不需要做, 怎么跟在国内听到的不一样啊?!
    • 我没到30都做了啊,但是是在验血后做的
    • 血清检查成阴性就不用抽羊水了。阳性才作。
    • Double check with your doctor
      I had the same issue as you did. My family doctor told me that I did not need to do the amnio test unless my blood test was positive, but when I registered for the hospital, the nurse said that all women over 35 need to do the amniocentesis test. This is because 1) women over 35 are at more risk of Down syndrome or other chromosomal problems; 2) the result of the blood test is based on estimates and only amnio test can diagnose such abnormalities. I talked to my family doctor again and this time he said what the nurse said was true and the reason why he did not request me to do the amnio test was because he thought that I was 34! So double check with your doctor. It is possible he messes up your age just like what my doctor did.
      • 我清楚地告诉家庭医生我已经36周岁多几个月了, 他不会混淆的. 但他仍坚持要等第16周验血报告后再决定. 我再找他一次.
    • 35岁以上的孕妇做羊水穿刺检查不是必须做的,因为有一定的危险性,不过比例很低的。一般医生会根据你的情况先做血液检查,如有需要,就建议你做羊水穿刺。这一点应该相信医生。我当时就没有做。
      • I agree. You have to balance the risk of doing it or not to doing it. After all, you don't want to take the risk of miscarriage if everything is fine with you.
      • 家庭医生也说有风险, 他说我个人要是坚持他到时也会让我去做, 但我要自己签字承担风险.我在犹豫.
        • Have you done the blood tests and the ultra-sound screen? The two results will let you know whether you need a amnio test or not.
    • 医生要等B超和验血结果综合起来,计算出一个risk,如果risk高,孕妇才会被要求作羊水穿刺。跟年龄没有必然的关系。
    • 羊水穿刺,有4%的流产率,年纪越大发生率越高.
      • 是0.5%的流产率.没你说得那么高.
        • 不好意思,又看了一遍文章,是说"羊水穿刺诱发羊水溢出、出血或流产的比未施行该项手术的孕妇多2.5-3%,胎死腹中者高达4%。"