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老外不分河鱼海鱼,更不吃游水鱼,北美的医生建议Flounder, Haddock, Cod, and Sole是安全的。给你看篇文章吧:关于吃鱼: the what, when, where and how

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛from wholesomebabyfood.com

Fish, specifically shellfish and "boney" fish, are known allergens for an infant. It is often recommended to introduce fish only after a baby has reached 1 year of age. Many sources suggest waiting until after 3 years old. Still, other sources say that introducing fish to a baby at 9-10 months old is perfectly safe. Shellfish should not be introduced to a child who may be allergy prone until around 3 years old or even older. Shellfish such as lobster, oysters et al. can induce deadly allergic reactions. Another reason it is suggested to wait to introduce fish to an infant is due to the levels of mercury that fish may contain. When first introducing fish, it is important to select one of the "white flesh" fish types. Be sure to discuss introducing fish, especially shellfish, with your pediatrician prior to serving it!

Fish are highly nutritional and eating fish 2 times a week is recommended for both adults and children. Fish contain protein, are low in "bad" fats and contain Essential Fatty Acid (EFA's) - Omega-3 fatty acids. The Omega 3 fatty acids that fish have are DHA and EPA. These EFA's are not found in any other protein source, not even in meat or plants.

EFA's found in fish and fish oil products help fight off both physical and mental diseases. It has been suggested and some studies show that fish oil (or other foods that contain Omega 3's) may even help alleviate ADHD or eczema. Getting these EFA's from fish itself is better than consuming fish oil supplements. However, if you are not a fan of fish, fish oil is the next best source available. Adding fish oil to your baby's diet is a possibility and should be thoroughly discussed with your pediatrician!

Flounder, Haddock, Cod, and Sole are the white flesh fish and are considered some of the safest to introduce. They are the most easily digestible and lowest on the allergen list and as such, are best to use when first introducing baby to fish. It is VERY important that you ensure the fish is entirely de-boned!! Be mindful of the fact that some fish contain tiny bones so take great care when de-boning. You may poach, bake or steam the fish and then puree as you would any other meat. Some fish is so tender when cooked that you may be able to simply fork mash it. Don't be afraid to blend it with veggies or even fruits! Remember, your baby is not aware that flounder mixed with pears is really not a nice mix (for adults anyway!)

Mercury levels in fish has been and will remain a large health concern for women who are considering getting pregnant, who are currently pregnant, who are breastfeeding and also for infants and young children. It is very important that those falling into the above groups do not consume fish with high levels of mercury!! It has been found that fish species such as swordfish, king mackerel, shark and tilefish contain the highest amounts of mercury. Mercury can do severe damage to developing nervous systems should consumption of mercury tainted fish be commonplace. Salmon, contrary to popular belief, has lower levels of mercury than one typically thinks as does tuna. Cold water fish have lower levels of mercury and also contain higher levels of Omega 3's.

If you are concerned about fish in your local area, you may contact your state or local fish and game/wildlife department. You may call the US Environmental Protection Agency's hotline at 1 (888) SAFEFOOD or visit the Food and Drug Administration's list of State Public Health Agencies where you will find current Fish advisories for your State.

Fish Dinner Recipe:

1 filet of any fish
1/8 cup 2% or whole milk
1 tablespoon melted butter
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 cup mashed peas
1/8 cup mashed carrots
1/8 cup mashed potatoes

De-bone and Cook fish by steaming, poaching or baking. Shred the cooked fish to ensure all the bones are removed. Put all ingredients in blender and blend or dice and toss ingredients together and serve as a finger food meal! Serve warm. (add noodles or rice to make for a really filling and nutritious meal - may be blended with these additions!)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 请教有经验的妈妈们, 八个月的宝宝可以吃什么鱼, 怎么做给宝宝吃.谢谢!
    • 我宝宝的医生说1岁以前不要吃海鱼。我们平时都在华人超市买游水鲜鱼,清蒸或煮糖给宝宝吃,不加任何调料。因为怕刺,我都是自己用手捻碎再喂的。
      • typo mistake~~~煮汤啦~
        • 我刚在想,糖煮鱼怎么吃啊?
          • 你肯定是BAYGIRL的什么相关人物!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            • 这还用问,非此即彼啦。
              • 否则他不会关心这种问题的:))))))
            • 什么叫BAYGIRL?
              • 是冰淇淋的一种:))))))
              • 更糊涂。吃鱼和冰激凌有啥关系?
                • 没事儿,我们几个人聊点儿黑话,已经从你贴子跑题了。嘿嘿。
      • 不卫生
    • salmon可以吃吗?
      • 我家宝宝六个月就开始吃了,没有过敏.你可以先给宝宝试试(当天不要再尝试新的食物)少点的吃三天,观察如果没有疹子,激烈呕吐,拉肚子,就可以给放心给宝宝吃了.
    • 老外不分河鱼海鱼,更不吃游水鱼,北美的医生建议Flounder, Haddock, Cod, and Sole是安全的。给你看篇文章吧:关于吃鱼: the what, when, where and how
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛from wholesomebabyfood.com

      Fish, specifically shellfish and "boney" fish, are known allergens for an infant. It is often recommended to introduce fish only after a baby has reached 1 year of age. Many sources suggest waiting until after 3 years old. Still, other sources say that introducing fish to a baby at 9-10 months old is perfectly safe. Shellfish should not be introduced to a child who may be allergy prone until around 3 years old or even older. Shellfish such as lobster, oysters et al. can induce deadly allergic reactions. Another reason it is suggested to wait to introduce fish to an infant is due to the levels of mercury that fish may contain. When first introducing fish, it is important to select one of the "white flesh" fish types. Be sure to discuss introducing fish, especially shellfish, with your pediatrician prior to serving it!

      Fish are highly nutritional and eating fish 2 times a week is recommended for both adults and children. Fish contain protein, are low in "bad" fats and contain Essential Fatty Acid (EFA's) - Omega-3 fatty acids. The Omega 3 fatty acids that fish have are DHA and EPA. These EFA's are not found in any other protein source, not even in meat or plants.

      EFA's found in fish and fish oil products help fight off both physical and mental diseases. It has been suggested and some studies show that fish oil (or other foods that contain Omega 3's) may even help alleviate ADHD or eczema. Getting these EFA's from fish itself is better than consuming fish oil supplements. However, if you are not a fan of fish, fish oil is the next best source available. Adding fish oil to your baby's diet is a possibility and should be thoroughly discussed with your pediatrician!

      Flounder, Haddock, Cod, and Sole are the white flesh fish and are considered some of the safest to introduce. They are the most easily digestible and lowest on the allergen list and as such, are best to use when first introducing baby to fish. It is VERY important that you ensure the fish is entirely de-boned!! Be mindful of the fact that some fish contain tiny bones so take great care when de-boning. You may poach, bake or steam the fish and then puree as you would any other meat. Some fish is so tender when cooked that you may be able to simply fork mash it. Don't be afraid to blend it with veggies or even fruits! Remember, your baby is not aware that flounder mixed with pears is really not a nice mix (for adults anyway!)

      Mercury levels in fish has been and will remain a large health concern for women who are considering getting pregnant, who are currently pregnant, who are breastfeeding and also for infants and young children. It is very important that those falling into the above groups do not consume fish with high levels of mercury!! It has been found that fish species such as swordfish, king mackerel, shark and tilefish contain the highest amounts of mercury. Mercury can do severe damage to developing nervous systems should consumption of mercury tainted fish be commonplace. Salmon, contrary to popular belief, has lower levels of mercury than one typically thinks as does tuna. Cold water fish have lower levels of mercury and also contain higher levels of Omega 3's.

      If you are concerned about fish in your local area, you may contact your state or local fish and game/wildlife department. You may call the US Environmental Protection Agency's hotline at 1 (888) SAFEFOOD or visit the Food and Drug Administration's list of State Public Health Agencies where you will find current Fish advisories for your State.

      Fish Dinner Recipe:

      1 filet of any fish
      1/8 cup 2% or whole milk
      1 tablespoon melted butter
      1/2 teaspoon salt
      1/8 cup mashed peas
      1/8 cup mashed carrots
      1/8 cup mashed potatoes

      De-bone and Cook fish by steaming, poaching or baking. Shred the cooked fish to ensure all the bones are removed. Put all ingredients in blender and blend or dice and toss ingredients together and serve as a finger food meal! Serve warm. (add noodles or rice to make for a really filling and nutritious meal - may be blended with these additions!)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 谢谢各位!