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依照安省政府的“Employment Standards”,想请教关于产假和父母假问题:
Pregnancy Leave and Parental Leave
Birth mothers are entitled to take 17 weeks of pregnancy leave and 35 weeks of job-protected parental leave. All other new parents can take up to 37 weeks of leave. As a result, if each parent of a newborn child elects to take the maximum allowable job protected leave at separate times, the child could have a parent at home for up to 89 weeks.

(Note: Maternity and parental benefits are employment insurance payments from the federal Employment I nsurance program. The rules about these benefits are different than the rules about pregnancy and parental leave under the ESA. For information about these benefits, please call the nearest Human Resources Development Canada office in the Blue Pages of your telephone book.)



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 关于安省政府关于员工产假和父母假的相关内容
    依照安省政府的“Employment Standards”,想请教关于产假和父母假问题:
    Pregnancy Leave and Parental Leave
    Birth mothers are entitled to take 17 weeks of pregnancy leave and 35 weeks of job-protected parental leave. All other new parents can take up to 37 weeks of leave. As a result, if each parent of a newborn child elects to take the maximum allowable job protected leave at separate times, the child could have a parent at home for up to 89 weeks.

    (Note: Maternity and parental benefits are employment insurance payments from the federal Employment I nsurance program. The rules about these benefits are different than the rules about pregnancy and parental leave under the ESA. For information about these benefits, please call the nearest Human Resources Development Canada office in the Blue Pages of your telephone book.)


    • 关于这点 我去HR问过 只适合怀孕时生病而不能上班的人
      • 我们就是这种情况,医生开了病假条,但是。。。
        • up
          • 失望,没有人知道吗?
          • 我1是想知道能否现在休病假,2是想知道休病假后产假和父母假的benefit是根据我上班时的收入计算还是只以病假的收入来计算。
            • 别担心:1可以;2根据上班收入计算算. 互相不影响.