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Take a multivitamin with 400 micrograms of folic acid every day before pregnancy and during early pregnancy, as part of a healthy diet.

What you can do:
Take a multivitamin with 400 micrograms of folic acid every day before pregnancy and during early pregnancy, as part of a healthy diet.

Eat a healthy diet that includes foods that contain folate, the natural form of the vitamin. Such foods include fortified breakfast cereals, beans, leafy green vegetables and orange juice.

If you have already had a pregnancy affected by a birth defect of the brain or spinal cord, take 4 milligrams (4,000 micrograms) of folic acid daily. Begin taking this amount one month before you start trying to get pregnant and continue through the first three months of pregnancy.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 如果在怀孕之前开始服用materna,提前多久好?一个月?两个月?。。。
    • 3 个月
      • 谢谢!要是开始服用materna,是不是就不用吃其它的保健药了?我平时吃补钙的保健药。
        • 不用!
          • 一天中,什么时候服用materna好?
            • 吃饭之间,主要是空腹
              • 我听说不能空腹吃,怕铅中毒什么的. 吃materna,就不用再补充钙,叶酸这类了吗?我都在吃呢,因为叶酸是一定要补充的,这样会不会太多了呀.
                • materna中含的叶酸足够了, 再多人体也吸收不了.
                  • 你说的不准确,我查了一下,materna一粒只含1毫克,但孕妇每天需要4毫克,所以,量应该是不够的,而一粒里的钙对孕妇来说也不足.
                    • Take a multivitamin with 400 micrograms of folic acid every day before pregnancy and during early pregnancy, as part of a healthy diet.
                      What you can do:
                      Take a multivitamin with 400 micrograms of folic acid every day before pregnancy and during early pregnancy, as part of a healthy diet.

                      Eat a healthy diet that includes foods that contain folate, the natural form of the vitamin. Such foods include fortified breakfast cereals, beans, leafy green vegetables and orange juice.

                      If you have already had a pregnancy affected by a birth defect of the brain or spinal cord, take 4 milligrams (4,000 micrograms) of folic acid daily. Begin taking this amount one month before you start trying to get pregnant and continue through the first three months of pregnancy.
    • My doctor suggested that just take prenatal folic acid before pregnancy,and materna after becoming pregnant
    • materna绝对不能在怀孕之前吃。你买药时,药剂师会告诉你。
      • 要是这样,怀孕之前补充些什么呢?谢谢!
        • Folic Acid only. Folic acid is for Nao Gan. Nao Gan grows some time at very initial time of a preganency. It grows before you might not have known your preganency. That's why you take it when you are trying.
    • 谢谢大家的回复。Folic acid有没有种类、品牌区分呀?那种合适怀孕前后吃?
      • 叶酸孕前吃太多的话,有生多胞胎的可能.一般豆荚类的蔬菜,花菜的叶酸含量都挺高.多吃些天然的,少吃点药片.
        • 人体所需要的叶酸量是固定的,多余的会排掉,不会有副作用,从食物中摄取没错,但剂量很难保证,需要额外补充。不知你说的“多吃天然的”是多“多”?“少吃药片”是多“少”?
          • 具体的我不知道,我的一个同学,在法国读PHD,两年前她的毕业的课题就是这个,还说以前那里一般建议使用叶酸至少三个月后才怀孕,现在营养师已经不这么做了,这是两年前的事.
            • 你的小孩多大?我女儿现在才4个月多几天,我准备到女儿6-12个月要第二个,虽然现在的一个女儿已经让我累个半死,但一次累完得了,可以早点出去工作、学习!
              • 问我吗?宝宝两岁七个月了.本来坚定得只想生一个,现在越来越想生老二了,我现在后悔没有早点打算好.我觉得孩子断奶后,自己养两个月后怀孕就好,两个相差不要超过两岁.可以咱晚了.
                • 我主要是怕耽误时间,反正想要两个,趁早完事!呵呵
          • 上MATERNA 的网站查了,前3个月服用MATERNA没有问题。我的家庭医生也是这么说的。