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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

To working single parents in toronto/Mississauga:

As a full time working single parent, everyday I struggle to arrange a normal life with my kid between daycare/school, company, home and playground, I'm a optimist and spiritual strong person but sometimes I'm confused on how to lift up kid. I don't have much spare time but I do want my kid have a healthy heart, knows how to love others besides knowing how to accept other's love. I'm sure you have same concern. Do you have interest to find some single families with same interest and life attitude to organize a Solo Family Group? We can share some experience and plan some activities together, such as make a trip, camping, potluck and so on, kids can find some friends to play with... Life could be more beautiful. If you think it's a good idea, please feel free to email me at solo_family_toronto@yahoo.ca. Welcome all good suggestions. Thanks.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / To working single parents in toronto/Mississauga:
    As a full time working single parent, everyday I struggle to arrange a normal life with my kid between daycare/school, company, home and playground, I'm a optimist and spiritual strong person but sometimes I'm confused on how to lift up kid. I don't have much spare time but I do want my kid have a healthy heart, knows how to love others besides knowing how to accept other's love. I'm sure you have same concern. Do you have interest to find some single families with same interest and life attitude to organize a Solo Family Group? We can share some experience and plan some activities together, such as make a trip, camping, potluck and so on, kids can find some friends to play with... Life could be more beautiful. If you think it's a good idea, please feel free to email me at solo_family_toronto@yahoo.ca. Welcome all good suggestions. Thanks.
    • Up!
      • SOLOFAMILYGROUP定于本周六中午组织会员活动,具体时间地点请各位会员查看邮箱或打电话(416)292-2723咨询,报名截止时间明天(4月30日)中午12:00。 放松一下心情,带上孩子来吧,让我们交个朋友,让孩子找到玩伴儿!
    • You are not alone.
      I don't have any good suggestion. Just want to let you know that you are not alone. I hope to bring the family together in a couple of years. It's not easy.
      • I appreciate!
    • 我也是个单亲妈妈,平日里既要忙生存又要照顾孩子,确实感到生活的压力很大,但我觉得真正的苦还在于心理上的孤独和无助,还有无法给孩子一个完整的家庭的那份无奈。。。。。。
      • 谢谢朋友们的理解.大人扛着一身疲惫的同时,还想竭尽全力保证孩子的心理健康.我相信每个单亲家庭里都会遇到累似的尴尬.感谢每一个和我联络的朋友.你们的回应就是对我莫大的支持.我相信会有越来越多的朋友加入我们的Group.
    • Could you count me in. I feel myself very lucky to have such an understanding kid...
      And he is growing up very healthy ... physically and mentally. But I always have to keep some babysitter backups in my list in case someone is unavailable when needed.
      • Sure. Please contact me at solo_family_toronto@yahoo.ca
        • 这是个不错的主意,其它地方的可以和你们联系吗?如SCARBOROUGH,NORTH YORK?
          • 欢迎! 我们目前就有住在SCARBOROUGH的朋友.
    • 谢谢版主把我们的贴子放进导读. 目前Solo Family Group已经初具规模.非常感谢每一位朋友的热情回应, 我们让彼此感觉到我们不是孤立无援的.
      • Solo Family Group没有把单亲爸爸们拒之门外噢!
        • Help! Single Daddies, we need more handy and strong hands when go for a trip or camping.
    • Try some Big Brother or Big Sister...
      • ????
    • 我在想, 单亲妈妈和单亲爸爸是不是可以在一起..............
      • 可以呀,我们的成员里就有单身爸爸,其实年龄、性别不是沟通的障碍。我们已经是个十分壮大的集体了,真的很开心!谢谢ROLIA,谢谢BELIEVE!
      • 这句话具有二义性. :D
    • To all friends who contacted me already but didn't receive my response, please make sure your message is virus-free, and contact me again. Thanks!