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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Many parents believe the major culprit to be thimerosal, a preservative used in vaccines and other medications. Thimerosal is 50% mercury by weight. In October 1998, the FDA banned the use of thimerosal in over the counter medications. Since July, 1999, the FDA has "encouraged" manufacturers to remove thimerosal from vaccines. Some have done it; others have not. Today, most vaccines that are being manufactured do not contain thimerosal, or they only contain a "trace." But we do not know how many of the old thimerosal products are still on the shelf.

Each vaccine containing thimerosal exceeds the EPA's safety guidelines of 0.1 mcg/kg/day. Since multiple vaccines are often given on the same day, the amount of mercury injected into a typical infant is many times over the "safe" limit. Before the FDA ban, mercury had been added to eye drops, contact lens preparations, nasal sprays, contraceptive creams, hemmhoroid creams, lubricating gels, allergy injections, and antiseptics such as Mercurochrome® and merthiolate.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 可能又有人说我耸人听闻了。我倒是觉得无知者无畏。这两天看资料,居然发现原来给孩子们打得防疫针里面汞含量超标,有可能一些十分严重的湿疹是汞中毒的症状,好可怕啊!:((
    • 真的吗?哪里看到的?怎么知道预防针的成分?汞中毒会长湿疹么?
      • 我也是因为贡中毒和孤独症的症状很相似才找到的。说得很可怕,我去那个邮件组看了,湿疹才只是一个最小的问题,问题大了还会遏制生长。我贴出来,你看看吧!
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I know a young girl who was damaged by her vaccinations.

        She was really moody and very easily upset, coming unglued over little things

        She was allergic to many, many foods.

        She got a case of eczema that covered most all of her face and much of her body
        with large red, cracked, bleeding, painful sores.

        Doctors said eczema could not be healed but could be treated with steroids that
        would stunt her growth and further weaken her immune system. And it would only
        be a partial fix at best.

        She was switched by her parents to a Naturopathic doctor who gave her a
        homeopathic remedy that made all the bleeding eczema all over her face turn a
        light pink overnight - and be completely gone within 3 days.

        Every now and again the eczema will try to creep up on her around her mouth.
        But it is mostly just a bad memory now and the homeopathic remedy fixes it
        right up.

        At three years old, she finally learned to call her parents Mommy and Daddy,
        but she mixed them up a lot at first.

        At four, she still couldn't understand much of what was said to her. She spoke
        in simple two or three word sentences.

        At six, she still couldn't comprehend the concept of the words "today" and
        "tomorrow" and didn't understand numbers at all other than to count to about 12
        by memory.

        She couldn't understand "long" and "short", "big, small, smallest", or other
        such comparisons.

        She cleared her throat every few seconds all the time.

        Her ears were too sensitive and she was easily upset by loud noises.

        After eating certain foods, she would get wild and uncontrolable.

        She had an almost constant twitch on her face and her whole body would tremor
        spontaneosly, frequently throughout the day.

        This child was an absolute mess and even at 6 years old, she was about
        equivalent mentally and ability-wise to a two year old. Her parents were told
        she was somewhere in the autism spectrum.

        I know all of this because this little girl is my own daughter, Michelle.

        After much research, we discovered that all her symptoms were symptoms of
        mercury poisoning. Mercury is found in most childhood vaccinations and in the
        silver fillings in our teeth.

        There is enough mercury in one filling or one shot, that if the same amount
        were put into a small pond, the pond might be condemned by the government as
        unsafe for humans.

        I had 12 fillings in my mouth when I was pregnant with Michelle. And she was
        up to date with all her shots when we began to see that something was very
        different with this child.

        I noticed when I checked back on my own shot records that we only got around 5
        shots when we were children. Now our children are getting 30 some shots!

        I researched further and found that mercury stays in your brain and organs and
        accumulates there to continue doing damage to your nervous system. Some
        children are much more visably effected by this poisoning than others. But
        there were a few ways that it could be removed and the damage reversed.

        There was a nutritional approach we could do that only required vitamins you
        could get at any drug store. We began the program less than a year ago.

        The very next morning, we noticed that the facial twitch and the full body
        tremors were completely gone! And Michelle was talking her head off and being
        thoughtful and curious about all kinds of things around her.

        Michelle began to comprehend ideas and do most all the things normal 6 years
        olds can do. A child that was previously unable to learn much, was learning
        things like crazy!

        She's seven now and she has learned to tell time. She learned how a calendar
        works. She learned how to add and subtract three digit numbers! She learned
        how to read!!!

        She has accomplished all of this in less than a 1 year period. Although she is
        not quite up to her age level in everything yet, she is well on her way.


        I learned most all I know from a Yahoo group concerning mercury poisoning and

        Send a blank email to this address to join the free discussion group:
        Autism-Mercury-subscribe@yahoogroups.com . There are over 3000 people there
        who are learning how to help themselves and/or family members or friends with
        this technique. They also share their experiences and questions with each other
        on this forum.

        After joining...........

        To get only one or two emails per day from the group in digest form, send a
        blank email to:


        To get no mail at all and just read from the site, send a blank email to:

        There is a great deal of information in the "files" section that will help
        answer most of your questions so you can get started.

        They discuss three main protocols you can choose from to chelate (detoxify)
        your child. I chose "ALA-only"(Alpha Lipoic Acid) because there was no
        requirement for a doctor and I could get everything I needed easily at my local
        drug store and start right away.

        ALA detoxifies mercury out of both the brain AND the body.

        What I am doing personally....

        We are giving ALA 25mcg per dose (45-50 pound child) every 3 hours day/ every 4
        hours night (3 days per week) and adding in several nutritional supplements
        that help it work:

        *Acidophilus capsule to improve digestion 1x a day

        *Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) 2x a day

        *Multi-vitamins 4x a day (split proper dosage into 4

        *Vitamin C 1000mg 4x a day,

        *Giving free access to whole uncooked foods - fruits, veggies,
        nuts, berries, etc - improves diet, their weak immune system, and keeps them
        too full of good food to eat much bad food.

        *Cut down on allergens, usually milk, wheat, corn, sugar, etc.

        *Use distilled water during the treatments, and also avoid fish and tuna as
        they have mercury in them too.

        *Flaxseed oil - great on salad! Very good for the brain and
        helpful in eliminating the mercury.

        *Selenium - 100 mcg per day split up - we cut the pill in pieces
        and give small doses. There is usually some selenium in the Multi-vitamins too,
        so give it at times of the day you are not giving those.

        *Zinc - once a day.

        *Give "natural" vitamin E 4x a day. Natural costs more but makes all the

        *Antioxidant capsules 2x a day.

        Yes, you are giving plenty of anti-oxidants. They are very
        important in helping the ALA to do it's job and they need to be
        in the system all day.

        I give the various supplements during the day-time doses, and just the ALA at
        night when you have to wake the child up to eat a
        pill. I give the ALA crushed on a spoonfull of crunchy peanut butter at night
        so it is quick and easy. She doesn't even wake up and thinks she is just
        chewing nuts in that bite of peanut butter.

        But she eats all her pills one at a time in chewed up bites of
        banana during waking hours. She chews the banana up then puts the
        pill in the middle of it and swallows. :)

        Do this routine for 3 days/2 nights and then just give
        supplements for 4 days WITHOUT the ALA. You have to take breaks
        that are at least as long as the ALA "on" period was. No need to
        take any of the supplements at night during the "off" periods.

        Enjoy some sleep. :)

        Then repeat the cycle until problem symptoms are gone and no more improvement
        is seen for a while. It can be 6 months or a few years, depending on your
        child's toxicity level.

        If you notice bad effects on the childs moods or regression, reduce the dosage
        of ALA or stop and take a break for a few days and start again at a lower
        dosage. But *DO NOT* give ALA less frequently than every 3-4 hours.

        You will WORSEN the bad effects by spreading out the dosage longer than every
        3-4 hours. The ALA gets the mercury out of the brain and carries it through the
        body and out.

        Stopping the ALA will cause the mercury to be deposited in the
        body in an organ somewhere. The next dose of ALA carries it on out of the body.
        So you may notice the child being more cranky or
        regressing on the first "off" day each round or if your ALA doses are too far

        But "off" (no ALA) days are necessary to re-build the needed minerals that were
        being depleted by the ALA. Copper, zinc, etc.

        NEVER, EVER give ALA to a person who has silver fillings. The mercury in your
        fillings will detox INTO your brain. The fillings must be removed and replaced
        by a specially trained dentist who knows how to do it safely. The group can
        help you find a good dentist. Your regular dentist will not be co-operative in
        this and will deny that the mercury in your fillings is harmful to you.

        NEVER detox a person who is or could be pregnant or breastfeeding. The poisons
        will detox INTO the baby.

        Never treat a child who has recently had a shot (in the last 3 months).

        But other than ALA, the rest of the supplements mentioned can help you with any
        symptoms you experience if you do have fillings or a recent shot. I noticed
        good differences in how I feel after the first day on them myself. I simply
        can't afford to get 12 fillings removed. But thankfully, my daughter didn't
        have any fillings so we were free to detox her.

        Children under 6 year old usually show positive changes right away with this
        treatment if mercury poisoning is what is causing their symptoms. Older
        children and adults will show improvement much more slowly - sometimes 3 months
        to see a change.

        The earlier in a person's life you start the treatment, the more
        beneficial it seems to be.

        I am only telling you my personal experiences with this and how well it has
        done for our child. I'm definantly not qualified to give you medical advice.
        As far as exact doses for your child, testing, questions, using other methods,
        etc., please ask the people on this group, many of whom are MUCH more
        knowledgable and experienced on the specifics than I and can answer your
        questions better.

        The group is not there to sell you anything. All the help is free. They are
        there to HELP because they are people who have been where you are.

        A member of the group who has a Ph. D. in chemistry and a B.S. in Physics has
        done extensive research and written a book on the topic and you can choose to
        get that if you like. I didn't personally. I learned all I needed by reading
        the teachings on the group.

        By the way, I just found out that a family member has been repeatedly raped by
        three different men in her life including her 76 year old GRANDPA, a
        babysitter, and a neighbor - from the time she was 9 years old! And another
        family member has been raped from the time she was five by her FATHER.

        They don't tell out of fear that THEY will be in trouble or guilt that the man
        (who is usually a family member or a friend of the family) will get in trouble.

        She never acted like ANYTHING was wrong and was even HAPPY to see these people
        because they were so nice to her when they were NOT busy raping her.

        Please tell your little girls what to do if any man touches them - I mean as
        far as that it isn't THEIR fault (like they always think) , and they won't get
        in trouble for what happened (like they often think) , and that they MUST tell
        you - so that it doesn't happen to them for years on end before they finally
        come out with it.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 预防针中有一种防腐剂叫做thimerosal,据说美国在99年开始鼓励疫苗厂商不要用这种防腐剂,但是不保证这种东西现在不再使用。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Many parents believe the major culprit to be thimerosal, a preservative used in vaccines and other medications. Thimerosal is 50% mercury by weight. In October 1998, the FDA banned the use of thimerosal in over the counter medications. Since July, 1999, the FDA has "encouraged" manufacturers to remove thimerosal from vaccines. Some have done it; others have not. Today, most vaccines that are being manufactured do not contain thimerosal, or they only contain a "trace." But we do not know how many of the old thimerosal products are still on the shelf.

        Each vaccine containing thimerosal exceeds the EPA's safety guidelines of 0.1 mcg/kg/day. Since multiple vaccines are often given on the same day, the amount of mercury injected into a typical infant is many times over the "safe" limit. Before the FDA ban, mercury had been added to eye drops, contact lens preparations, nasal sprays, contraceptive creams, hemmhoroid creams, lubricating gels, allergy injections, and antiseptics such as Mercurochrome® and merthiolate.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 好象我也在哪里看到小孩有湿疹最好等一段时间再打预防针.不知道是不是真的。
      • 严重湿疹的时候不能打预防针,一直是这样的。
    • 所有的预防针还是某种预防针某一个时期的才有?请给个你消息来源的Original连接。
      • 对不起,我没有orginal的链接。不过你可以去参加我上面那篇文章中所说的yahoo的邮件组,那里面有一些人是专家。
        • 那到底该不该打预防针啊?还以为能打的都打上比较安全呢
    • 记得去年我在电视里看过一个专题片,说的是怀疑儿童预防针和自闭症之间有联系,但目前的科学界尚未确认这是不是偶然,一群同样遭遇的父母还结成了一个组织。