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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Cecilia: My wishes with a genie


Toronto police today released two pieces of schoolwork handwritten by missing Toronto schoolgirl Cecilia Zhang.
Here are the texts:


My wishes with a genie.

The wishes stated below are some wishes I have chosen.

My first wish is to make my ideal classroom appear in my room.

I also wish that I have all the animals in the world to be my friends and all of my friends could visit them.

My other wish is that meat can be produced without the killing of animals but the world won't be overfilling with animals.

I also wish for all my dreamlands to come true.

My other wish is that there are no more wars in the world and that equality is everywhere.

Well those were some of my wishes. Hope you enjoyed it.

By Cecilia Zhang.


I love exploring and extreme stuff.

My favourite place is nature.

I also love animals of all kinds.

I like art, the kind that has music, painting, yoga.

My dream is to be a vet, librarian, singer, carver or nothing.

Seneca Hill (where Cecilia attends) is my favourite school.

Pets are popular at my home.

Parents are most important to me.

Sometimes when I get a book I'm interested in I can't do anything but read.

Every culture (especially native) is fun to me.

Mystery stuff is really cool to me.

Fruits are my favourite type of food.

Who am I?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 据说,Cecilia Zhang的尸体今天上午在密市被发现了,消息属实吗?
    • 我看警察现场报道, 没有说明年龄和性别啊, 不过很可能是啊。
      • young female
    • 感觉加拿大丢人真容易,这孩子即使活着能在哪呢?说是弄出加拿大了,怎么9岁也是不小的一个孩子了,怎么那么容易就出境,要弄回中国还得坐飞机呢,哪那么容易呢?
    • 已经证实是她了,人间惨剧
      • sigh..............
      • Let's pray for her to have a happier life in heaven...
      • 哪里证实的啊?没看新闻,好象STAR上还说没能确认啊
    • :'(
    • 让我们对凶手给予最最恶毒的诅咒!!
    • 张东悦的诗:有一句说,“我盼望,肉的生产可以不通过屠杀动物来实现……”。真是催人泪下,愿她在西方极乐世界获得永恒的安宁。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Cecilia: My wishes with a genie


      Toronto police today released two pieces of schoolwork handwritten by missing Toronto schoolgirl Cecilia Zhang.
      Here are the texts:


      My wishes with a genie.

      The wishes stated below are some wishes I have chosen.

      My first wish is to make my ideal classroom appear in my room.

      I also wish that I have all the animals in the world to be my friends and all of my friends could visit them.

      My other wish is that meat can be produced without the killing of animals but the world won't be overfilling with animals.

      I also wish for all my dreamlands to come true.

      My other wish is that there are no more wars in the world and that equality is everywhere.

      Well those were some of my wishes. Hope you enjoyed it.

      By Cecilia Zhang.


      I love exploring and extreme stuff.

      My favourite place is nature.

      I also love animals of all kinds.

      I like art, the kind that has music, painting, yoga.

      My dream is to be a vet, librarian, singer, carver or nothing.

      Seneca Hill (where Cecilia attends) is my favourite school.

      Pets are popular at my home.

      Parents are most important to me.

      Sometimes when I get a book I'm interested in I can't do anything but read.

      Every culture (especially native) is fun to me.

      Mystery stuff is really cool to me.

      Fruits are my favourite type of food.

      Who am I?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • ................