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在老公启程上班前5分钟将车打着,这样空调才会在预定的温度。上车前一定要再一次检查领带是否打好,西服上是否有异物,灰尘等。然后kiss goodbye。



还有,每年要计划两次休假。那些个travel package要几个月之前就开始计划的。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 我的老公
    我是一个感情丰富的人, 虽然我的朋友都说我是一个非常理智的人. 我喜欢问我的老公愚蠢的问题. 例如你喜不喜欢我之类.

    我的老公是一个事业型的人. 他永远认为人有的吃有的穿. 再加上有钱. 还会有什么烦恼. 他非常努力的赚钱. 我们来加拿大包5年. 在他和我的努力之下. 我们的经济可以说真的不错. 我以他为骄傲.

    但是, 有时却有 " 我穷得只剩下钱了" 的感觉.
    • 烧包!
      • 一针见雪
    • 这正是我追求的目标: 穷的只剩下钱了。 看来暖饱真的要思淫欲了。
      • 淫欲 is always not the choice for me. But I think when people struggle everyday for the money after they immigrate to Canada. I think we should think something to improve our life quality. Thanks anyway.
      • 淫欲 is the only way out, I agree with you.
    • 新警察吧?
    • 除了问些“愚蠢的问题”外,你又为提高生活质量做过些什么
      • I think this is the problem. Do you have any suggestion on how to improve life qualify. Of course, I need positive suggestion.
    • 多跟他交流交流,告诉他你想要些什么。男人很多时候不懂女人的。
    • 这问题太好解决了:让国内的朋友捎个“步步高”复读机过来,你老公上班前对着机器录好“我爱你”“我喜欢你”whatever you want,然后你不断地放一整天就行了。
      • That is a very good idea. Why I did not think of this before. Very good. Did you do that before.
        • 不过是玩笑之辞。其实你提出了一个值得考虑的问题,我相信谁到了这一步都会有这样的疑问,只不过众大虾中目前能达到你这般境界的为数尚且不多,更多的人还在为找到一份养家糊口的工作而努力。
          • I know you are joking. And I always try to persuade myself I should be happy since we are better than a lot of people. Sometimes help sometimes not.
            • girl, you might be richer then some people, but you are not better than anyone.
    • 要个孩子吧,你的生活就会充实很多了,就没时候想现在这个问题了。
      • yeah, then her own life will be gone, and then she will live for her children, and then she will have no time to think about this problem.
        • I have already had enough children. And they almost use up all my energy. Maybe this is one of the reason I feel tired. And hope my husband can be sweet.
        • 为什么有了孩子你的LIFE就会GONE了,你有孩子吗?有资格说这话吗?如果你有孩子,我想你不是个有爱心的家长。
          • you are talking about me
      • 呵呵,然后就变成“有钱,有孩子”,多了一“有”,还敢不知足嘛?
        • 知足, 知足. For some point I really thanks god.
    • once again, the only meaning for so called 事业型 man is make money make money make money. nothing wrong with making money, but if this is the only purpose for his career, sigh...
      • 你在暗示她老公不应该仅仅make money,还要share some money with all of us?
      • Just curious, how many "sigh" you make everyday?
        • wrong question, u'd better ask me about how many Mammia mia everyday, plus this one, how many @_@ I made everyday, once again, @_@
          • Yes, I know you watched "mammia mia", you wear glasses, you like sigh, you are proud of these trademarks and thus I know you are cantonese.
            • kidding, no offense.
    • No money, no funny, 怎么有了money还是no funny? 难道又有money又有funny就是鱼和熊掌吗?
    • 试着交一些共同的朋友,也许会把钱看得淡些,多交流。
      • I think this is a good suggestion. I do spend too many time with my family. And have no room for myself. This made me stress. Everyday what I do after work is to take care the kids.
        And try to make seniors happy. I will try this.
    • ..什么好都让你得到? 不太可能阿..
    • 多么理想的老公啊。你一定要象照顾CEO一样对待老公。作为好老公的LD有太多的方方面面要照顾到。

      在老公启程上班前5分钟将车打着,这样空调才会在预定的温度。上车前一定要再一次检查领带是否打好,西服上是否有异物,灰尘等。然后kiss goodbye。



      还有,每年要计划两次休假。那些个travel package要几个月之前就开始计划的。

      • 要有人这么照顾我,我塞,我一天干2天的活也没怨言:))
        • 没说到点子上。LD也是要关心疼爱的,一天做两天的工还那有时间陪LD。老公不能超负荷,尤其不能超时间地工作。身体要紧哪。钱是挣得越多越好,要讲求工作效率。
    • 不好意思说一句,每个男人都会有女人激起他的浪漫的一面,如果你不能,也许不是他的问题?就象有的女人一样,老公是养家的,不过并不能引起她的激情,问题是有人能--不中听当我没说
      • You made me touched. This is always I feel. Actually I made money almost as same as he made.
        And I take care the kids and even try to do my best for the seniors. And I have never received any present for Christmas, Valentine or my birthday. I think I have problem at my side. But I don't know what is that.
        • Sorry to hear that, I did not expect that is your situation. But the reality is so unsympathetic: I drew this conclusion from my friends' experiences. But
          you still have chance to improve, I could not say that very specifically, sometimes something just happens, and the relationship can be improved.
          • No sorry at all. Maybe I just think too negative. Maybe he just too busy to make money and give me a bad feeling. And maybe I just feel too stress and have a very bad mood today. Tomorrow should be OK.
            • That is good, this should be the most common situation.
              • You are right. Life is like this. If you can not change it. You need to accept this. Although it is not the perfect solution. But still it is the best solution.
    • 没关系, 穷得只剩下钱了" 的感觉可不是每个人都能有的, 应该觉得很自豪才对, 再说也只是有时而已, 又不是天天。 有钱好办事, 没钱寸步难,继续努力。