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Some reports and pundits suggested Harris "lacked specifics" and stuck to her script during the NABJ interview.

ABC's Selina Wang said Harris "did not directly answer the question or offer any policy specifics," referring to a question about the Israel-Hamas war.

"There were multiple times, though, during this interview where Vice President Harris did not offer a specific answer. Instead, she pivoted and returned to her talking points that she wanted to hit," Wang continued.

CNN's Abby Phillip played a clip of Harris responding to a question about whether voters were better off than they were four years ago.


Phillip argued that Harris should have something "quick" and "understandable" ready in response to a question about whether voters were better off four years ago, adding, "and that wasn't really it."

CNN political commentator Scott Jennings argued Harris should just "answer the question," and pointed to some of Harris' answers during the debate.

Phillip argued that Harris should have something "quick" and "understandable" ready in response to a question about whether voters were better off four years ago, adding, "and that wasn't really it."

CNN political commentator Scott Jennings argued Harris should just "answer the question," and pointed to some of Harris' answers during the debate.

"Every single policy question she got at the debate, she totally ignored and never answered. Why is it that she believes she does not have to answer to journalists who are asking pretty basic questions of a presidential candidate?" he said.

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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 哈里斯是否在访谈中文不对题,顾左右而言他,让人不知所云,媒体做出了评论。即便是为她辩护的人,也只是声称她不需要直接而有针对性地解答自己的政策,并没有否认她回避问题: +1
    Following multiple recent interviews, pundits and columnists are calling out Vice President Kamala Harris for lacking specifics and dodging questions.
    • 没有人质疑贺锦丽的口才。只有没脑子的人才会在媒体面前大放厥词,胡说八道。对贺锦丽来说,不说错话便能躺赢
      • 你的评论很有贺锦丽的风格。和原帖里的链接风马牛不相及 +4
        • 是位女教授。好多人是因為「加拿大教育好」,為了移到了加拿大,結果學校里老師一樣你說東他說南,也就這個水平 +2
        • 评论比较公正,一方要求她应该像专家一样more specific,一方说(你是总统,不是幕僚)恰如其分,不管哪方,都不认为答非所问,离题万里,胡说八道。你现在的说话方式(也许思维方式)越来越像trump,如果选不上一定做弊,即使39个lawsuits全部驳回,还是有人作弊
          • 你确信你读了链接?“avoiding specifics and dodging questions”,“rehearsed answers and stump speeches ”,等等,在你那里有与共同接受的理解不同的解说? +2
            • 看看是fox的评论也就可以理解了。我说的公正不是指fox的评论,是指fox引用的别人说的话,也就是带“”的内容
              • 我说你根本就没有读链接还真不是冤枉你,看看链接中引述的评论的出处吧: +2
                • 你要是真有能力何不拿出访谈原话出来,总是狐假虎威躲在后面摇旗呐喊,我想听力和理解不应该是你的hurdle吧 +1
                  • 我的听力和理解本来就有很多“hurdle”,遇上哈里斯这🍝hurdle 墙,就更不灵了。 +2
                    • 那我们争论的依据是什么,是biased评论,还是访谈原话 +1
                      • 我不知道你想要争论什么。哈里斯说话了,职业记者和政治人物们评论了,我转播了。仅此
                        • 没错,你为什么不转贺锦丽的访谈记录呢,很困难吗
                  • 至于访谈原话,这里有逐段点评: +1

                    Some reports and pundits suggested Harris "lacked specifics" and stuck to her script during the NABJ interview.

                    ABC's Selina Wang said Harris "did not directly answer the question or offer any policy specifics," referring to a question about the Israel-Hamas war.

                    "There were multiple times, though, during this interview where Vice President Harris did not offer a specific answer. Instead, she pivoted and returned to her talking points that she wanted to hit," Wang continued.

                    CNN's Abby Phillip played a clip of Harris responding to a question about whether voters were better off than they were four years ago.


                    Phillip argued that Harris should have something "quick" and "understandable" ready in response to a question about whether voters were better off four years ago, adding, "and that wasn't really it."

                    CNN political commentator Scott Jennings argued Harris should just "answer the question," and pointed to some of Harris' answers during the debate.

                    Phillip argued that Harris should have something "quick" and "understandable" ready in response to a question about whether voters were better off four years ago, adding, "and that wasn't really it."

                    CNN political commentator Scott Jennings argued Harris should just "answer the question," and pointed to some of Harris' answers during the debate.

                    "Every single policy question she got at the debate, she totally ignored and never answered. Why is it that she believes she does not have to answer to journalists who are asking pretty basic questions of a presidential candidate?" he said.

                    • 哈哈哈,还是评论,太难了 +1
                      • 你觉得你对访谈的领会比别人深刻?那天uuontario 君转了访谈链接,我和你都看过了,也发表了评论。我并没有觉得你对访谈的领会有特别之处 +1
                        • an apples to apples的对比有那么难 +1
          • 现在大部分人都觉得她答非所问,说的话总是那几句,不相关的问题,她回答一样的说辞,也许她就这水平,也许她太怕说错话,没准备的话不敢说,也许她就是对这些领域不了解 +2
            • 首先我并不认为贺锦丽现在展现超人的能力和魅力,将来不好说,时势造英雄吗,再有为什么不拿出访谈原话逐句逐段进行讨论,说了半天话就是不根据原话评论,全是评论的评论。
              • 有呀,这里有人贴过她在ABC,Oprah 和另一个三个非裔记者的访谈,太明显了,你要是都没看过这些访谈,建议你看看 +1
                • 你知道trump对相同问题的回答是什么吗
                  • 我从来没说川多好,但他还是不会所有问题答非所问
    • 太明显了,显得低能,民主党在换下拜时,应该搞个像样点的上去,又给赖皮老川很大机会再赢