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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛小孩子此时协调性不好,当他们靠着抽水马桶时非常容易失去平衡,如果他们头向下摔进去,就会被仅有1英寸深的水淹死。

Author: SandyPandy Mar 2, 2004, 6:04 PM (PST)

LONDON, Kentucky (AP) -- A 10-month-old girl drowned after falling into a toilet in her family's home, police said.

Brianna Morgan, who had just begun learning to crawl and walk, got into the bathroom, then pulled herself on top of her mother's jewelry box which was on the floor, police said. She apparently leaned over and fell headfirst into the toilet, which held six inches (15 centimeters) of water.

Brianna's 10-year-old brother discovered her and pulled her out of the toilet as another brother dialed 911, WLEX-TV reported. Their mother, who had been in the basement, tried CPR but couldn't revive her daughter.

Police said Brianna, who was a twin, might have been in the water as long as three minutes.

This is a horrible story, but a wake up call. I didn't think it was necessary, but now I know better. I just hope that DH will remember to put the seat down!

Author: smilingfrog Mar 2, 2004, 6:47 PM (PST)

I'm glad you started this thread. The same thing happened to my brother when he was around the same age. My dad was watching us three kids b/c my mom was really sick. Anyway, he lost track of my brother for just a minute and in that short amount of time my brother crawled down the hall and into the bathroom. Thank God my dad found him in time to do CPR and save him. DD is only 6 months old and I already have locks on the outside of our bathroom doors. I'm also gonna get the locks for the toilets. It's so scary how these things can happen in a matter of minutes.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 提醒有小宝宝的妈妈,当宝宝刚会爬会走以后家里的抽水马桶一定要盖上盖子,盥洗室也要安锁。。。美国肯塔基州一名十个月女婴掉进家里的toilet后淹死。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛小孩子此时协调性不好,当他们靠着抽水马桶时非常容易失去平衡,如果他们头向下摔进去,就会被仅有1英寸深的水淹死。

    Author: SandyPandy Mar 2, 2004, 6:04 PM (PST)

    LONDON, Kentucky (AP) -- A 10-month-old girl drowned after falling into a toilet in her family's home, police said.

    Brianna Morgan, who had just begun learning to crawl and walk, got into the bathroom, then pulled herself on top of her mother's jewelry box which was on the floor, police said. She apparently leaned over and fell headfirst into the toilet, which held six inches (15 centimeters) of water.

    Brianna's 10-year-old brother discovered her and pulled her out of the toilet as another brother dialed 911, WLEX-TV reported. Their mother, who had been in the basement, tried CPR but couldn't revive her daughter.

    Police said Brianna, who was a twin, might have been in the water as long as three minutes.

    This is a horrible story, but a wake up call. I didn't think it was necessary, but now I know better. I just hope that DH will remember to put the seat down!

    Author: smilingfrog Mar 2, 2004, 6:47 PM (PST)

    I'm glad you started this thread. The same thing happened to my brother when he was around the same age. My dad was watching us three kids b/c my mom was really sick. Anyway, he lost track of my brother for just a minute and in that short amount of time my brother crawled down the hall and into the bathroom. Thank God my dad found him in time to do CPR and save him. DD is only 6 months old and I already have locks on the outside of our bathroom doors. I'm also gonna get the locks for the toilets. It's so scary how these things can happen in a matter of minutes.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 虽然不基里,还是要up让更多人看到。
    • 小宝宝会爬了后,隐患很多,有的是我们想不到的。up一下!
      • 是啊,你宝宝大概多大会爬的?我那个小坏蛋7个月还不会呢!
        • 我家宝宝是六个多月会爬的,刚开始的时候爬的姿势很可爱,象个笨重的小肥猪,后来就爬得很溜了。但也有缺点,就是不肯学走路,一着地就爬。:((
          • :-))
          • 好可爱啊!本来我很不希望我家宝宝太早爬(累人嘛),现在看来小老人家很有可能跳过爬行的阶段直接走路了!都怪我们抱他太多,现在把他一放到床上就坐起来,我们用手一拉他就站起来,根本对爬没兴趣 :(
            • 哈哈,那他说不定十个月就会走了。哎,小朋友都有自己的脾气,根本不按我们的意思行事,没办法呀。:))
              • 都说不会爬的孩子将来会协调性不好,不聪明,郁闷.
                • 我也担心过, 我们儿子还是有专家指导的呢, 可他就是不爬, 十个月会走, 会走后突然有一天又爬了起来, 而且爬得很好, 很协调. 两岁了没会用勺倒先会用筷子, 比一般洋人用得还好. 所以,任其自然吧.
                  • 宽心很多,谢谢你。
        • If your 宝 can not crawl, how to '坏'???